Server Stuff

How do I reload my application in Gunicorn?

You can gracefully reload by sending HUP signal to gunicorn:

  1. $ kill -HUP masterpid

How might I test a proxy configuration?

The Hey program is a great way to test that your proxy is correctly buffering responses for the synchronous workers:

  1. $ hey -n 10000 -c 100

This runs a benchmark of 10000 requests with 100 running concurrently.

How can I name processes?

If you install the Python package setproctitle Gunicorn will set the process names to something a bit more meaningful. This will affect the output you see in tools like ps and top. This helps for distinguishing the master process as well as between masters when running more than one app on a single machine. See the proc_name setting for more information.

Why is there no HTTP Keep-Alive?

The default Sync workers are designed to run behind Nginx which only uses HTTP/1.0 with its upstream servers. If you want to deploy Gunicorn to handle unbuffered requests (ie, serving requests directly from the internet) you should use one of the async workers.