
GreptimeDB 支持下列数据类型:

tinyint-128 ~ 127Int81 Byte
smallint-32768 ~ 32767Int162 Bytes
int-2147483648 ~ 2147483647Int324 Bytes
bigint-9223372036854775808 ~ 9223372036854775807Int648 Bytes
varcharUTF-8 encoded stringsText
/ Char
The length of the strings
float32-bit IEEE754 floating point valuesFloat324 Bytes
doubleDouble precision IEEE 754 floating point valuesFloat648 Bytes
booleanbool valuesBoolean1 Byte
varbinaryVariable length binary valuesBinaryThe length of the data + 2 bytes
date32-bit date values represent the days since UNIX EpochDate4 Bytes
datetime64-bit datetime values represent the milliseconds since UNIX EpochDateTime8 Bytes
timestamp[(0/3/6/9)]64-bit timestamp values with optional precision.
For example, timestamp(0) represents timestamp type with seconds precision, timestamp(3) represents milliseconds precision, timestamp(6) for microseonds and timestamp(9) for nanoseconds. If no precision is given, the timestamp is in milliseconds precision by default.
8 Bytes

整数类型的 Unsigned 版本

int / tinyint / smallint / bigint 有 unsigned 版本,相应的值范围如下:

  • int unsigned / UInt8 : 0 ~ 4294967295
  • tinyint unsigned / UInt16 : 0 ~ 255
  • smallint unsigned / UInt32 : 0 ~ 65535
  • bigint unsigned / UInt64 : 0 ~ 18446744073709551615

Variable-sized 类型的限制

variable-sized 类型的最大容量, 例如 stringvarbinary,取决于它们的编码和存储引擎处理它们的方式。

例如,string 值被编码为 UTF-8。如果所有字符都是 3 字节长度,则该字段可以存储 715827882 个字符。对于 varbinary 类型,最多可以存储 2147483647 字节。

Timestamp 类型别名

timestamp 类型带有各种别名,建议使用 TimestampSecondTimestampMillisecondTimestampMicrosecondTimestampNanosecond。下表列出了对应的别名。

Type nameAlias
TimestampSecondTimestamp_s, Timestamp_sec , Timestamp(0)
TimestampMillisecondTimestamp, Timestamp_ms , Timestamp(3)
TimestampMicrosecondTimestamp_us , Timestamp(6)
TimestampNanosecondTimestamp_ns , Timestamp(9)


Create Table


  1. CREATE TABLE data_types (
  2. s String,
  3. vbi Binary,
  4. b Boolean,
  5. tint Int8,
  6. sint Int16,
  7. i Int32,
  8. bint Int64,
  9. utint UInt8,
  10. usint UInt16,
  11. ui UInt32,
  12. ubint UInt64,
  13. f Float32,
  14. d Float64,
  15. dt Date,
  16. dtt DateTime,
  17. ts0 TimestampSecond,
  18. ts3 TimestampMillisecond,
  19. ts6 TimestampMicrosecond,
  21. PRIMARY KEY(s));

Describe Table


  1. > describe table data_types;
  2. +--------+----------------------+------+------+---------------------+---------------+
  3. | Column | Type | Key | Null | Default | Semantic Type |
  4. +--------+----------------------+------+------+---------------------+---------------+
  5. | s | String | PRI | YES | | TAG |
  6. | vbi | Binary | | YES | | FIELD |
  7. | b | Boolean | | YES | | FIELD |
  8. | tint | Int8 | | YES | | FIELD |
  9. | sint | Int16 | | YES | | FIELD |
  10. | i | Int32 | | YES | | FIELD |
  11. | bint | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  12. | utint | UInt8 | | YES | | FIELD |
  13. | usint | UInt16 | | YES | | FIELD |
  14. | ui | UInt32 | | YES | | FIELD |
  15. | ubint | UInt64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  16. | f | Float32 | | YES | | FIELD |
  17. | d | Float64 | | YES | | FIELD |
  18. | dt | Date | | YES | | FIELD |
  19. | dtt | DateTime | | YES | | FIELD |
  20. | ts0 | TimestampSecond | | YES | | FIELD |
  21. | ts3 | TimestampMillisecond | | YES | | FIELD |
  22. | ts6 | TimestampMicrosecond | | YES | | FIELD |
  23. | ts9 | TimestampNanosecond | PRI | NO | current_timestamp() | TIMESTAMP |
  24. +--------+----------------------+------+------+---------------------+---------------+