MGR MySQL Router构建读写分离集群

本文介绍如何在MGR集群前端部署MySQL Router以实现读写分离、读负载均衡,以及故障自动转移。

MySQL Router是一个轻量级的中间件,它采用多端口的方案实现读写分离以及读负载均衡,而且同时支持mysql和mysql x协议。

建议把MySQL Router部署在应用服务器上,每个应用服务器都部署一套,这样应用程序可以直接连接本机IP,连接的效率更高,而且后端数据库发生变化时,程序端也无需修改IP配置。

1. 部署MySQL Router

MySQL Router第一次启动时要先初始化

参数解释参数 :

--bootstrap 表示开始初始化参数

GreatSQL@ 是MGR服务专用账号

--user=mysqlrouter 是运行mysqlrouter进程的系统用户名

  1. $ mysqlrouter --bootstrap GreatSQL@ --user=mysqlrouter
  2. Please enter MySQL password for GreatSQL: <-- 输入密码
  3. # 然后mysqlrouter开始自动进行初始化
  4. # 它会自动读取MGR的元数据信息,自动生成配置文件
  5. Please enter MySQL password for GreatSQL:
  6. # Bootstrapping system MySQL Router instance...
  7. - Creating account(s) (only those that are needed, if any)
  8. - Using existing certificates from the '/var/lib/mysqlrouter' directory
  9. - Verifying account (using it to run SQL queries that would be run by Router)
  10. - Storing account in keyring
  11. - Adjusting permissions of generated files
  12. - Creating configuration /etc/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf
  13. # MySQL Router configured for the InnoDB Cluster 'MGR1'
  14. After this MySQL Router has been started with the generated configuration
  15. $ /etc/init.d/mysqlrouter restart
  16. or
  17. $ systemctl start mysqlrouter
  18. or
  19. $ mysqlrouter -c /etc/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf
  20. the cluster 'MGR1' can be reached by connecting to:
  21. ## MySQL Classic protocol <-- MySQL协议的两个端口
  22. - Read/Write Connections: localhost:6446
  23. - Read/Only Connections: localhost:6447
  24. ## MySQL X protocol <-- MySQL X协议的两个端口
  25. - Read/Write Connections: localhost:6448
  26. - Read/Only Connections: localhost:6449

如果想自定义名字和目录,还可以在初始化时自行指定 --name--directory 选项,这样可以实现在同一个服务器上部署多个Router实例,参考这篇文章:MySQL Router可以在同一个系统环境下跑多实例吗MGR MySQL Router构建读写分离集群 - 图1 (opens new window)

2. 启动mysqlrouter服务

这就初始化完毕了,按照上面的提示,直接启动 mysqlrouter 服务即可:

  1. $ systemctl start mysqlrouter
  2. $ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep mysqlrouter
  3. mysqlro+ 6026 1 5 09:28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/mysqlrouter
  4. $ netstat -lntp | grep mysqlrouter
  5. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6026/mysqlrouter
  6. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6026/mysqlrouter
  7. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6026/mysqlrouter
  8. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6026/mysqlrouter
  9. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6026/mysqlrouter

可以看到 mysqlrouter 服务正常启动了。

mysqlrouter 初始化时自动生成的配置文件是 /etc/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf,主要是关于R/W、RO不同端口的配置,例如:

  1. [routing:greatsqlMGR_rw]
  2. bind_address=
  3. bind_port=6446
  4. destinations=metadata-cache://greatsqlMGR/?role=PRIMARY
  5. routing_strategy=first-available
  6. protocol=classic

可以根据需要自行修改绑定的IP地址和端口,也可以在初始化时指定 --conf-base-port 选项自定义初始端口号。

3. 确认读写分离效果


  1. $ mysql -h172.16.16.10 -u GreatSQL -p -P6446
  2. Enter password:
  3. ...
  4. #记住下面几个 MEMBER_ID
  5. greatsql> select MEMBER_ID,MEMBER_ROLE from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
  6. +--------------------------------------+-------------+
  8. +--------------------------------------+-------------+
  9. | 4ebd3504-11d9-11ec-8f92-70b5e873a570 | PRIMARY |
  10. | 549b92bf-11d9-11ec-88e1-70b5e873a570 | SECONDARY |
  11. | 5596116c-11d9-11ec-8624-70b5e873a570 | SECONDARY |
  12. +--------------------------------------+-------------+
  13. greatsql> select @@server_uuid;
  14. +--------------------------------------+
  15. | @@server_uuid |
  16. +--------------------------------------+
  17. | 4ebd3504-11d9-11ec-8f92-70b5e873a570 |
  18. +--------------------------------------+
  19. # 确实是连接的PRIMARY节点


  1. $ mysql -h172.16.16.10 -u GreatSQL -p -P6447
  2. Enter password:
  3. ...
  4. greatsql> select @@server_uuid;
  5. +--------------------------------------+
  6. | @@server_uuid |
  7. +--------------------------------------+
  8. | 549b92bf-11d9-11ec-88e1-70b5e873a570 |
  9. +--------------------------------------+
  10. # 确实是连接的SECONDARY节点

4. 确认只读负载均衡效果

MySQL Router连接读写节点(Primary节点)默认的策略是 first-available,即只连接第一个可用的节点。Router连接只读节点(Secondary节点)默认的策略是 round-robin-with-fallback,会在各个只读节点间轮询。

保持6447端口原有的连接不退出,继续新建到6447端口的连接,查看 server_uuid,这时应该会发现读取到的是其他只读节点的值,因为 mysqlrouter 的读负载均衡机制是在几个只读节点间自动轮询。在默认的 round-robin-with-fallback 策略下,只有当所有只读节点都不可用时,只读请求才会打到PRIMARY节点上。

关于Router的连接策略,可以参考 FAQ文档中的:24. MySQL Router可以配置在MGR主从节点间轮询吗MGR MySQL Router构建读写分离集群 - 图2 (opens new window),或者MySQL Router官方文档:routing_strategy参数/选项MGR MySQL Router构建读写分离集群 - 图3 (opens new window)

5. 确认故障自动转移功能

接下来模拟PRIMARY节点宕机或切换时,mysqlrouter 也能实现自动故障转移。


  1. $ mysqlsh --uri GreatSQL@
  2. ...
  3. MySQL ssl JS > var c=dba.getCluster();
  4. MySQL ssl JS > c.setPrimaryInstance(''); <-- 切换PRIMARY节点
  5. Setting instance '' as the primary instance of cluster 'MGR1'...
  6. Instance '' was switched from PRIMARY to SECONDARY. <-- 切换了,从PRIMARYSECONDARY
  7. Instance '' was switched from SECONDARY to PRIMARY. <-- 切换了,从SECONDARYPRIMARY
  8. Instance '' remains SECONDARY. <-- 保持不变
  9. WARNING: The cluster internal session is not the primary member anymore. For cluster management operations please obtain a fresh cluster handle using dba.getCluster().
  10. The instance '' was successfully elected as primary.

回到前面连接6446端口的那个会话,再次查询 server_uuid,此时会发现连接自动断开了:

  1. greatsql> select @@server_uuid;
  2. ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
  3. greatsql> select @@server_uuid;
  4. ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
  5. No connection. Trying to reconnect...
  6. Connection id: 157990
  7. Current database: *** NONE ***
  8. +--------------------------------------+
  9. | @@server_uuid |
  10. +--------------------------------------+
  11. | 549b92bf-11d9-11ec-88e1-70b5e873a570 | <-- 确认server_uuid变成新的
  12. +--------------------------------------+


至此,利用MySQL Router配合GreatSQL构建一套支持读写分离、读负载均衡以及故障自动转移的MGR集群就部署完毕了。



