Datasource Permissions

Datasource Permissions is only available in Grafana Enterprise. Read more about Grafana Enterprise.

Datasource permissions allows you to restrict access for users to query a datasource. For each datasource there is a permission page that makes it possible to enable permissions and restrict query permissions to specific Users and Teams.

Restricting Access - Enable Permissions

[Datasource - 图1Datasource - 图2


By default, permissions are disabled for datasources and a datasource in an organization can be queried by any user in that organization. For example a user with Viewer role can still issue any possible query to a datasource, not just those queries that exist on dashboards he/she has access to.

When permissions are enabled for a datasource in an organization you will restrict admin and query access for that datasource to admin users in that organization.

To enable permissions for a datasource:

  • Navigate to Configuration / Data Sources.
  • Select the datasource you want to enable permissions for.
  • Select the Permissions tab and click on the Enable button.

Allow users and teams to query a datasource

[Datasource - 图3Datasource - 图4


After you have enabled permissions for a datasource you can assign query permissions to users and teams which will allow access to query the datasource.

Assign query permission to users and teams:

  • Navigate to Configuration / Data Sources.
  • Select the datasource you want to assign query permissions for.
  • Select the Permissions tab.
  • click on the Add Permission button.
  • Select Team/User and find the team/user you want to allow query access and click on the Save button.

Restore Default Access - Disable Permissions

[Datasource - 图5Datasource - 图6


If you have enabled permissions for a datasource and want to return datasource permissions to the default, i.e. datasource can be queried by any user in that organization, you can disable permissions with a click of a button. Note that all existing permissions created for datasource will be deleted.

To disable permissions for a datasource:

  • Navigate to Configuration / Data Sources.
  • Select the datasource you want to disable permissions for.
  • Select the Permissions tab and click on the Disable Permissions button.