Kratos provides a wealth of sample code/projects for reference
Components’ Usage
- config example of using config to parse configuration files
Service Discovery and Registration
- consul example of service registration on the server side and service registration on the client side using the consul plug-in.
- etcd example of service registration on the server side and service registration on the client side using the etcd plug-in.
- kube example of service registration on the server side and service registration on the client side using the kubernetes plug-in.
- gin example of use gin as the router.
- handler example of use basic http handler.
- health example of health check API.
- mux example of use mux as the router.
- static example of static files serving.
- upload example of file upload.
- helloworld example of file upload.
- traces example of use jaeger for tracing.
- ws example of file WebSocket.