gino.dialects.asyncpg module

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncEnum(\enums, **kw*)


  • async create_async(bind=None, checkfirst=True)

  • async drop_async(bind=None, checkfirst=True)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgCompiler(dialect, statement, column_keys=None, inline=False, \*kwargs*)


  • property bindtemplate

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgCursor(context, cursor)


  • async forward(n, **, timeout=<object object>*)

  • async many(n, **, timeout=<object object>*)

  • async next(**, timeout=<object object>*)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgDBAPI


  • Error = (<class ‘asyncpg.exceptions._base.PostgresError’>, <class ‘asyncpg.exceptions._base.InterfaceError’>)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgDialect(\args, **kwargs*)

基类:sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.PGDialect, gino.dialects.base.AsyncDialectMixin

  • colspecs = {<class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.ARRAY’>: <class ‘sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.array.ARRAY’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Interval’>: <class ‘sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.INTERVAL’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Enum’>: <class ‘gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncEnum’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType’>: <class ‘gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgJSONPathType’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.JSON’>: <class ‘sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.json.JSON’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.ENUM’>: <class ‘gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncEnum’>, <class ‘sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.NullType’>: <class ‘gino.dialects.asyncpg.GinoNullType’>}

  • cursor_cls

    DBAPICursor 的别名

  • dbapi_class

    AsyncpgDBAPI 的别名

  • driver = ‘asyncpg’

  • execution_ctx_cls

    AsyncpgExecutionContext 的别名

  • async get_isolation_level(connection)

    Given an asyncpg connection, return its isolation level.

  • async has_schema(connection, schema)

  • async has_sequence(connection, sequence_name, schema=None)

    Check the existence of a particular sequence in the database.

    Given a _engine.Connection object and a string sequence_name, return True if the given sequence exists in the database, False otherwise.

  • async has_table(connection, table_name, schema=None)

    Check the existence of a particular table in the database.

    Given a _engine.Connection object and a string table_name, return True if the given table (possibly within the specified schema) exists in the database, False otherwise.

  • async has_type(connection, type_name, schema=None)

  • init_kwargs = {‘command_timeout’, ‘connection_class’, ‘database’, ‘host’, ‘init’, ‘loop’, ‘max_cacheable_statement_size’, ‘max_cached_statement_lifetime’, ‘max_inactive_connection_lifetime’, ‘max_queries’, ‘max_size’, ‘min_size’, ‘passfile’, ‘password’, ‘port’, ‘server_settings’, ‘setup’, ‘ssl’, ‘statement_cache_size’, ‘timeout’, ‘user’}

  • async init_pool(url, loop, pool_class=None)

  • on_connect()

    return a callable which sets up a newly created DBAPI connection.

    The callable should accept a single argument “conn” which is the DBAPI connection itself. The inner callable has no return value.


    1. class MyDialect(default.DefaultDialect):
    2. # ...
    3. def on_connect(self):
    4. def do_on_connect(connection):
    5. connection.execute("SET SPECIAL FLAGS etc")
    6. return do_on_connect

    This is used to set dialect-wide per-connection options such as isolation modes, Unicode modes, etc.

    The “do_on_connect” callable is invoked by using the _events.PoolEvents.first_connect() and _events.PoolEvents.connect() event hooks, then unwrapping the DBAPI connection and passing it into the callable. The reason it is invoked for both events is so that any dialect-level initialization that occurs upon first connection, which also makes use of the _events.PoolEvents.first_connect() method, will proceed after this hook has been called. This currently means the hook is in fact called twice for the very first connection in which a dialect creates; and once per connection afterwards.

    If None is returned, no event listener is generated.

    • 返回

      a callable that accepts a single DBAPI connection as an argument, or None.


    Dialect.connect() - allows the DBAPI connect() sequence itself to be controlled.

  • async set_isolation_level(connection, level)

    Given an asyncpg connection, set its isolation level.

  • statement_compiler

    AsyncpgCompiler 的别名

  • supports_native_decimal = True

  • transaction(raw_conn, args, kwargs)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgExecutionContext

基类:gino.dialects.base.ExecutionContextOverride, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.PGExecutionContext

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgIterator(context, iterator)


class gino.dialects.asyncpg.AsyncpgJSONPathType


  • bind_processor(dialect)

    Return a conversion function for processing bind values.

    Returns a callable which will receive a bind parameter value as the sole positional argument and will return a value to send to the DB-API.

    If processing is not necessary, the method should return None.

    • 参数

      dialect — Dialect instance in use.

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.DBAPICursor(dbapi_conn)


  • async async_execute(query, timeout, args, limit=0, many=False)

  • property description

  • get_statusmsg()

  • async prepare(context, clause=None)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.GinoNullType


  • result_processor(dialect, coltype)

    Return a conversion function for processing result row values.

    Returns a callable which will receive a result row column value as the sole positional argument and will return a value to return to the user.

    If processing is not necessary, the method should return None.

    • 参数

      • dialect — Dialect instance in use.

      • coltype — DBAPI coltype argument received in cursor.description.

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.NullPool(url, loop, \*kwargs*)


  • async acquire(**, timeout=None*)

  • async close()

  • property raw_pool

  • async release(conn)

  • repr(color)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.Pool(url, loop, \*kwargs*)


  • async acquire(**, timeout=None*)

  • async close()

  • property raw_pool

  • async release(conn)

  • repr(color)

class gino.dialects.asyncpg.PreparedStatement(prepared, clause=None)


class gino.dialects.asyncpg.Transaction(tx)


  • async begin()

  • async commit()

  • property raw_transaction

  • async rollback()