
The pgsql output plugin allows to send data from Fluent Bit to a PostgreSQL Database Server 9.4 or above. To store the data we use the JSON type so make sure that your PostgreSQL instance supports this type.

Configuration Parameters

Key Description Default
Host Hostname of PostgreSQL instance
Port PostgreSQL port 5432
Database Database name to connect fluentbit
Table Table name where to store data fluentbit
User PostgreSQL username current user
Password Password of PostgreSLQ username
Timestamp_Key Key to store the record timestamp date

Configuration Example

In your main configuration file add the following section:

  1. [OUTPUT]
  2. Name pgsql
  3. Match *
  4. Host
  5. Port 5432
  6. Database fluentbit
  7. Table fluentbit
  8. User postgres
  9. Password YourCrazySecurePassword
  10. Timestamp_Key timestamp