
The file output plugin allows to write the data received through the input plugin to file.

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:

Key Description
Path File path to output. If not set, the filename will be tag name.
Format The format of the file content. See also Format section. Default: out_file.


out_file format

Output time, tag and json records. There is no configuration parameters for out_file.

  1. tag: [time, {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}]

plain format

Output the records as JSON (without additional tag and timestamp attributes). There is no configuration parameters for plain format.

  1. {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}

csv format

Output the records as csv. Csv supports an additional configuration parameter.

Key Description
Delimiter The character to separate each data. Default: ‘,’
  1. time[delimiter]"value1"[delimiter]"value2"[delimiter]"value3"

ltsv format

Output the records as LTSV. LTSV supports an additional configuration parameter.

Key Description
Delimiter The character to separate each pair. Default: ‘\t’(TAB)
Label_Delimiter The character to separate label and the value. Default: ‘:’
  1. field1[label_delimiter]value1[delimiter]field2[label_delimiter]value2\n

Getting Started

You can run the plugin from the command line or through the configuration file:

Command Line

From the command line you can let Fluent Bit count up a data with the following options:

  1. $ fluent-bit -i cpu -o file -p path=output.txt

Configuration File

In your main configuration file append the following Input & Output sections:

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name cpu
  3. Tag cpu
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name file
  6. Match *
  7. Path output.txt