HTTP responses

When an HTTP client talks HTTP to a server, the server will respond with an
HTTP response message or curl will consider it an error and returns 52 with
the error message “Empty reply from server”.

Size of an HTTP response

An HTTP response has a certain size and curl needs to figure it out. There are
several different ways to signal the end of an HTTP response but the most
basic way is to use the Content-Length: header in the response and with that
specify the exact number of bytes in the response body.

Some early HTTP server implementations had problems with file sizes greater
than 2GB and wrongly managed to send Content-Length: headers with negative
sizes or otherwise just plain wrong data. curl can be told to ignore the
Content-Length: header completely with --ignore-content-length. Doing so may
have some other negative side-effects but should at least let you get the

HTTP response codes

An HTTP transfer gets a 3 digit response code back in the first response line.
The response code is the server’s way of giving the client a hint about how
the request was handled.

It is important to note that curl does not consider it an error even if the
response code would indicate that the requested document couldn’t be
delivered (or similar). curl considers a successful sending and receiving of
HTTP to be good.

The first digit of the HTTP response code is a kind of “error class”:

  • 1xx: transient response, more is coming
  • 2xx: success
  • 3xx: a redirect
  • 4xx: the client asked for something the server couldn’t/wouldn’t deliver
  • 5xx: there’s problem in the server

Remember that you can use curl’s --write-out option to extract the response
code. See the —write-out section.

CONNECT response codes

Since there can be a HTTP request and a separate CONNECT request in the same
curl transfer, we often separate the CONNECT response (from the proxy) from
the remote server’s HTTP response.

The CONNECT is also an HTTP request so it gets response codes in the same
numeric range and you can use --write-out to extract that code as well.

Chunked transfer encoding

An HTTP 1.1 server can decide to respond with a “chunked” encoded response, a
feature that wasn’t present in HTTP 1.0.

When sending a chunked response, there’s no Content-Length: for the response
to indicate its size. Instead, there’s a Transfer-Encoding: chunked
header that tells curl there’s chunked data coming and then in the response
body, the data comes in a series of “chunks”. Every individual chunk starts
with the size of that particular chunk (in hexadecimal), then a newline and
then the contents of the chunk. This is repeated over and over until the end of the
response, which is signalled with a zero sized chunk. The point of this sort
of response is for the client to be able to figure out when the responses has
ended even though the server didn’t know the full size before it started to
send it. This is usually the case when the response is dynamic and generated
at the point when the request comes.

Clients like curl will, of course, decode the chunks and not show the chunk
sizes to users.

Gzipped transfers

Responses over HTTP can be sent in compressed format. This is most commonly
done by the server when it includes a Content-Encoding: gzip in the response
as a hint to the client. Compressed responses make a lot of sense when either
static resources are sent (that were compressed at a previous moment in time)
or even in run-time when there’s more CPU power available than bandwidth.
Sending a much smaller amount of data is often preferred.

You can ask curl to both ask for compressed content and automatically and
transparently uncompress gzipped data when receiving content encoded gzip (or
in fact any other compression algorithm that curl understands) by using

  1. curl --compressed

Transfer encoding

A less common feature used with transfer encoding is compression.

Compression in itself is common. Over time the dominant and web compatible
way to do compression for HTTP has become to use Content-Encoding as
described in the section above. But HTTP was originally intended and specified
to allow transparent compression as a transfer encoding, and curl supports
this feature.

The client then simply asks the server to do compression transfer encoding and
if acceptable, it will respond with a header indicating that it will and curl
will then transparently uncompress that data on arrival. A user enables asking
for compressed transfer encoding with --tr-encoding:

  1. curl --tr-encoding

It should be noted that not many HTTP servers in the wild support this.

Pass on transfer encoding

In some situations you may want to use curl as some sort of proxy or other in
between software. In those cases, curl’s way to deal with transfer-encoding
headers and then decoding the actual data transparently may not be desired, if
the end receiver also expects to do the same.

You can then ask curl to pass on the received data, without decoding it. That
means passing on the sizes in the chunked encoding format or the compressed
format when compressed transfer encoding is used etc.

  1. curl --raw