2.3-beta.2 版本
发布日期: 2017-08-12
EMQ R2.3-beta.2 版本发布!该版本新增 HTTP 管理 API,支持配置 Keepalive 检测周期,支持配置参数热更新。
- emq-stomp
- emq-coap
- emq-sn
- emq-lwm2m
- emq-retainer
- emq-recon
- emq-web-hook
- emq-auth-jwt
- emq-auth-http
- emq-auth-mongo
- emq-auth-mysql
- emq-auth-pgsql
- emq-auth-redis
- Introduce new HTTP management API.
- Add ClientId parameter for HTTP Publish API.
- Allow configuring keepalive backoff.
- Remove the fullsweep_after option to lower CPU usage.
- Authorize HTTP Publish API with clientId.
emq-sn Plugin (emq-sn#49)
- Support CONNECT message in connected/wait_for_will_topic/wait_for_will_msg states.
- Clean registered topic for a restarted client.
- Bug fix of not clearing buffered PUBLISH messages received during asleep state as those messages are sent to client when client wakes up.
emq-auth-ldap Plugin (emq-auth-ldap#21)
Improve the design LDAP authentication.
emq-coap Plugin (emq-coap#51)
Support CoAP PubSub Specification (https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-02.txt)