ManagedOSVersionChannel reference

The ManagedOSVersionChannel resource is responsible of defining OS image channel.

There are several keys that can be configured under a ManagedOSVersionChannel resource spec.


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ManagedOSVersionChannel
  3. metadata:
  4. name: elemental-channel
  5. namespace: fleet-default
  6. spec:
  7. options:
  8. image:
  9. syncInterval: 1h
  10. type: custom

ManagedOSVersionChannelSpec reference

KeyTypeDefault valueDescription
optionsobjectnullDefines the optional informations that can be added in an OS channel
syncIntervalstring1hDefines when to sync the OS channel
typestringemptyDefines the channel type, only custom is supported now
upgradeContainerobjectnullAn upgrade container that can be defined. See reference


This allows to overwrite the default upgrade field of System Upgrade Controller plans (see upgrade compontents) based on this ManagedOSVersion. These keys are translated by the System Upgrade Controller to a Kubernetes container specification. This is the container responsible of running an OS upgrade.