Quick Start

Apache Doris is a high-performance, real-time analytic database based on the MPP architecture and is known for its extreme speed and ease of use. It takes only sub-second response times to return query results under massive amounts of data, and can support not only highly concurrent point query scenarios, but also high-throughput complex analytic scenarios. This brief guide will show you how to download the latest stable version of Doris, install and run it on a single node, including creating databases, data tables, importing data and queries.

Download Doris

Doris runs on a Linux environment, CentOS 7.x or Ubuntu 16.04 or higher is recommended, and you need to have a Java runtime environment installed (the exact JDK version required is 8). You can run the following command to verify the installed version of Java.

  1. java -version

Next, download the latest binary version of Doris and unzip it.

  1. tar xf apache-doris-x.x.x.tar.xz

Configure Doris

Configure FE

Go to the apache-doris-x.x.x/fe directory

  1. cd apache-doris-x.x.x/fe

Modify the FE configuration file conf/fe.conf, here we mainly modify two parameters: priority_networks and meta_dir, if you need more optimized configuration, please refer to FE parameter configuration for instructions on how to adjust them.

  1. add the priority_networks parameter
  1. priority_networks=


This parameter we have to configure during installation, especially when a machine has multiple IP addresses, we have to specify a unique IP address for FE.

  1. Adding a metadata directory
  1. meta_dir=/path/your/doris-meta


Here you can leave it unconfigured, the default is doris-meta in your Doris FE installation directory.

To configure the metadata directory separately, you need to create the directory you specify in advance

Start FE

Execute the following command in the FE installation directory to complete the FE startup.

  1. ./bin/start_fe.sh --daemon

View FE operational status

Check if Doris started successfully with the following command.

  1. curl

Here the IP and port are the IP and http_port of FE (default 8030), if you are executing in FE node, just run the above command directly.

If the return result has the word "msg": "success", then the startup was successful.

You can also check this through the web UI provided by Doris FE by entering the address in your browser

http:// fe_ip:8030

You can see the following screen, which indicates that the FE has started successfully



  1. Here we use the Doris built-in default user, root, to log in with an empty password.
  2. This is an administrative interface for Doris, and only users with administrative privileges can log in.

Connect FE

We will connect to Doris FE via MySQL client below, download the installation-free MySQL client

Unzip the MySQL client you just downloaded. You can find the mysql command line tool in the bin/ directory. Execute the following command to connect to Doris.

  1. mysql -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1


  1. The root user used here is the default user built into doris, and is also the super administrator user, see Rights Management
  2. -P: Here is our query port to connect to Doris, the default port is 9030, which corresponds to query_port in fe.conf
  3. -h: Here is the IP address of the FE we are connecting to, if your client and FE are installed on the same node you can use

Execute the following command to view the FE running status.

  1. show frontends\G;

You can then see a result similar to the following.

  1. mysql> show frontends\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. Name:
  4. IP:
  5. EditLogPort: 9010
  6. HttpPort: 8030
  7. QueryPort: 9030
  8. RpcPort: 9020
  9. ArrowFlightSqlPort: 9040
  10. Role: FOLLOWER
  11. IsMaster: true
  12. ClusterId: 1685821635
  13. Join: true
  14. Alive: true
  15. ReplayedJournalId: 49292
  16. LastHeartbeat: 2022-08-17 13:00:45
  17. IsHelper: true
  18. ErrMsg:
  19. Version: 1.1.2-rc03-ca55ac2
  20. CurrentConnected: Yes
  21. 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
  1. If the IsMaster, Join and Alive columns are true, the node is running normally.

Communicate with the server over an encrypted connection

Doris supports SSL-based encrypted connections. It currently supports TLS1.2 and TLS1.3 protocols. Doris’ SSL mode can be enabled through the following configuration: Modify the FE configuration file conf/fe.conf and add enable_ssl = true.

Next, connect to Doris through mysql client, mysql supports five SSL modes:

  1. mysql -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1 is the same as mysql --ssl-mode=PREFERRED -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1, both try to establish an SSL encrypted connection at the beginning, if it fails , a normal connection is attempted.

  2. mysql --ssl-mode=DISABLE -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1, do not use SSL encrypted connection, use normal connection directly.

  3. mysql --ssl-mode=REQUIRED -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1, force the use of SSL encrypted connections.

4.mysql --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA --ssl-ca=ca.pem -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1, force the use of SSL encrypted connection and verify the validity of the server’s identity by specifying the CA certificate.

5.mysql --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA --ssl-ca=ca.pem --ssl-cert=client-cert.pem --ssl-key=client-key.pem -uroot -P9030 -h127.0.0.1, force the use of SSL encrypted connection, two-way ssl.

Note: --ssl-mode parameter is introduced by mysql5.7.11 version, please refer to here for mysql client version lower than this version.

Doris needs a key certificate file to verify the SSL encrypted connection. The default key certificate file is located at Doris/fe/mysql_ssl_default_certificate/. For the generation of the key certificate file, please refer to Key Certificate Configuration.

Stop FE

The Doris FE can be stopped with the following command

  1. ./bin/stop_fe.sh

Configure BE

Go to the apache-doris-x.x.x/be directory

  1. cd apache-doris-x.x.x/be

Modify the BE configuration file conf/be.conf, here we mainly modify two parameters: priority_networks' and storage_root, if you need more optimized configuration, please refer to BE parameter configuration instructions to make adjustments.

  1. Add the priority_networks parameter
  1. priority_networks=


This parameter we have to configure during installation, especially when a machine has multiple IP addresses, we have to assign a unique IP address to the BE.

  1. Configure the BE data storage directory
  1. storage_root_path=/path/your/data_dir


  1. The default directory is the storage directory of the BE installation directory
  2. The storage directory specified in the BE configuration must first be created manually
  1. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable

    SinceVersion 1.2.0Java UDF are supported since version 1.2, so BE are dependent on the Java environment. It is necessary to set the `JAVA_HOME` environment variable before starting. You can also add `export JAVA_HOME=your_java_home_path` to the first line of the `start_be.sh` startup script to set the variable.

  2. Install Java UDF functions

    SinceVersion 1.2.0Install Java UDF functionsBecause Java UDF functions are supported from version 1.2, you need to download the JAR package of Java UDF functions from the official website and put them in the lib directory of BE, otherwise it may fail to start.

Start BE

Execute the following command in the BE installation directory to complete the BE startup.

  1. ./bin/start_be.sh --daemon

Adding a BE node to a cluster

Connect to FE via MySQL client and execute the following SQL to add the BE to the cluster

  1. ALTER SYSTEM ADD BACKEND "be_host_ip:heartbeat_service_port";
  1. be_host_ip: Here is the IP address of your BE, match with priority_networks in be.conf.
  2. heartbeat_service_port: This is the heartbeat upload port of your BE, match with heartbeat_service_port in be.conf, default is 9050.

View BE operational status

You can check the running status of BE by executing the following command at the MySQL command line.


Example output:

  1. mysql> SHOW BACKENDS\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. BackendId: 10003
  4. Cluster: default_cluster
  5. IP:
  6. HeartbeatPort: 9050
  7. BePort: 9060
  8. HttpPort: 8040
  9. BrpcPort: 8060
  10. LastStartTime: 2022-08-16 15:31:37
  11. LastHeartbeat: 2022-08-17 13:33:17
  12. Alive: true
  13. SystemDecommissioned: false
  14. ClusterDecommissioned: false
  15. TabletNum: 170
  16. DataUsedCapacity: 985.787 KB
  17. AvailCapacity: 782.729 GB
  18. TotalCapacity: 984.180 GB
  19. UsedPct: 20.47 %
  20. MaxDiskUsedPct: 20.47 %
  21. Tag: {"location" : "default"}
  22. ErrMsg:
  23. Version: 1.1.2-rc03-ca55ac2
  24. Status: {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"2022-08-17 13:33:05","lastStreamLoadTime":-1,"isQueryDisabled":false,"isLoadDisabled":false}
  25. 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  1. If Alive is set to true the node is running normally.

Stop BE

The Doris BE can be stopped with the following command

  1. ./bin/stop_be.sh

Create table

  1. Create database
  1. create database demo;
  1. Create table
  1. use demo;
  2. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo.example_tbl
  3. (
  4. `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "user id",
  5. `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "",
  6. `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "",
  7. `age` SMALLINT COMMENT "",
  8. `sex` TINYINT COMMENT "",
  9. `last_visit_date` DATETIME REPLACE DEFAULT "1970-01-01 00:00:00" COMMENT "",
  10. `cost` BIGINT SUM DEFAULT "0" COMMENT "",
  11. `max_dwell_time` INT MAX DEFAULT "0" COMMENT "",
  12. `min_dwell_time` INT MIN DEFAULT "99999" COMMENT ""
  13. )
  14. AGGREGATE KEY(`user_id`, `date`, `city`, `age`, `sex`)
  17. "replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1"
  18. );
  1. Example data
  1. 10000,2017-10-01,beijing,20,0,2017-10-01 06:00:00,20,10,10
  2. 10006,2017-10-01,beijing,20,0,2017-10-01 07:00:00,15,2,2
  3. 10001,2017-10-01,beijing,30,1,2017-10-01 17:05:45,2,22,22
  4. 10002,2017-10-02,shanghai,20,1,2017-10-02 12:59:12,200,5,5
  5. 10003,2017-10-02,guangzhou,32,0,2017-10-02 11:20:00,30,11,11
  6. 10004,2017-10-01,shenzhen,35,0,2017-10-01 10:00:15,100,3,3
  7. 10004,2017-10-03,shenzhen,35,0,2017-10-03 10:20:22,11,6,6

Save the above data into test.csv file.

  1. Import data

Here we import the data saved to the file above into the table we just created via Stream load.

  1. curl --location-trusted -u root: -T test.csv -H "column_separator:,"
  • -T test.csv : This is the data file we just saved, if the path is different, please specify the full path
  • -u root: Here is the user name and password, we use the default user root, the password is empty
  • : is the ip and http_port of fe, respectively

After successful execution we can see the following return message

  1. {
  2. "TxnId": 30303,
  3. "Label": "8690a5c7-a493-48fc-b274-1bb7cd656f25",
  4. "TwoPhaseCommit": "false",
  5. "Status": "Success",
  6. "Message": "OK",
  7. "NumberTotalRows": 7,
  8. "NumberLoadedRows": 7,
  9. "NumberFilteredRows": 0,
  10. "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
  11. "LoadBytes": 399,
  12. "LoadTimeMs": 381,
  13. "BeginTxnTimeMs": 3,
  14. "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 5,
  15. "ReadDataTimeMs": 0,
  16. "WriteDataTimeMs": 191,
  17. "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 175
  18. }
  1. NumberLoadedRows indicates the number of data records that have been imported

  2. NumberTotalRows indicates the total amount of data to be imported

  3. Status value Success means the import was successful

Here we have finished importing the data, and we can now query and analyze the data according to our own needs.

Query data

We have finished building tables and importing data above, so we can experience Doris’ ability to quickly query and analyze data.

  1. mysql> select * from example_tbl;
  2. +---------+------------+-----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  3. | user_id | date | city | age | sex | last_visit_date | cost | max_dwell_time | min_dwell_time |
  4. +---------+------------+-----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  5. | 10000 | 2017-10-01 | beijing | 20 | 0 | 2017-10-01 06:00:00 | 20 | 10 | 10 |
  6. | 10001 | 2017-10-01 | beijing | 30 | 1 | 2017-10-01 17:05:45 | 2 | 22 | 22 |
  7. | 10002 | 2017-10-02 | shanghai | 20 | 1 | 2017-10-02 12:59:12 | 200 | 5 | 5 |
  8. | 10003 | 2017-10-02 | guangzhou | 32 | 0 | 2017-10-02 11:20:00 | 30 | 11 | 11 |
  9. | 10004 | 2017-10-01 | shenzhen | 35 | 0 | 2017-10-01 10:00:15 | 100 | 3 | 3 |
  10. | 10004 | 2017-10-03 | shenzhen | 35 | 0 | 2017-10-03 10:20:22 | 11 | 6 | 6 |
  11. | 10006 | 2017-10-01 | beijing | 20 | 0 | 2017-10-01 07:00:00 | 15 | 2 | 2 |
  12. +---------+------------+-----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  13. 7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  14. mysql> select * from example_tbl where city='shanghai';
  15. +---------+------------+----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  16. | user_id | date | city | age | sex | last_visit_date | cost | max_dwell_time | min_dwell_time |
  17. +---------+------------+----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  18. | 10002 | 2017-10-02 | shanghai | 20 | 1 | 2017-10-02 12:59:12 | 200 | 5 | 5 |
  19. +---------+------------+----------+------+------+---------------------+------+----------------+----------------+
  20. 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  21. mysql> select city, sum(cost) as total_cost from example_tbl group by city;
  22. +-----------+------------+
  23. | city | total_cost |
  24. +-----------+------------+
  25. | beijing | 37 |
  26. | shenzhen | 111 |
  27. | guangzhou | 30 |
  28. | shanghai | 200 |
  29. +-----------+------------+
  30. 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


This is the end of the quick start. We have experienced the complete Doris operation process from Doris installation and deployment, start/stop, creation of library tables, data import and query. Let us start our Doris usage journey.