

SinceVersion dev



Table function, generates a temporary table of tasks, which allows you to view the information of tasks generated by jobs in the current Doris cluster.

This function is used in the FROM clause.


tasks("type"="insert"); parameter description

typejob typestringyes

the type supported types

  • insert: insert into type job
  • mv: materilized view type job
Insert tasks

The table schema of tasks("type"="insert"); tvf:

  1. mysql> desc function tasks("type"="insert");
  2. +---------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  3. | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
  4. +---------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  5. | TaskId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  6. | JobId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  7. | Label | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  8. | Status | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  9. | EtlInfo | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  10. | TaskInfo | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  11. | ErrorMsg | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  12. | CreateTimeMs | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  13. | FinishTimeMs | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  14. | TrackingUrl | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  15. | LoadStatistic | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  16. | User | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  17. +---------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  18. 12 rows in set (0.01 sec)
MV Tasks
  1. mysql> desc function tasks("type"="mv");
  2. +-----------------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  3. | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
  4. +-----------------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  5. | TaskId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  6. | JobId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  7. | JobName | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  8. | MvId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  9. | MvName | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  10. | MvDatabaseId | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  11. | MvDatabaseName | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  12. | Status | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  13. | ErrorMsg | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  14. | CreateTime | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  15. | StartTime | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  16. | FinishTime | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  17. | DurationMs | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  18. | TaskContext | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  19. | RefreshMode | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  20. | NeedRefreshPartitions | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  21. | CompletedPartitions | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  22. | Progress | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
  23. +-----------------------+------+------+-------+---------+-------+
  24. 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • TaskId: task id
  • JobId: job id
  • JobName: job Name
  • MvId: Materialized View ID
  • MvName: Materialized View Name
  • MvDatabaseId: DB ID of the materialized view
  • MvDatabaseName: Name of the database to which the materialized view belongs
  • Status: task status
  • ErrorMsg: Task failure information
  • CreateTime: Task creation time
  • StartTime: Task start running time
  • FinishTime: Task End Run Time
  • DurationMs: Task runtime
  • TaskContext: Task running parameters
  • RefreshMode: refresh mode
  • NeedRefreshPartitions: The partition information that needs to be refreshed for this task
  • CompletedPartitions: The partition information that has been refreshed for this task
  • Progress: Task running progress


Insert Tasls

  1. mysql> select * from tasks("type"="insert") limit 1 \G
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. TaskId: 667704038678903
  4. JobId: 10069
  5. Label: 10069_667704038678903
  6. Status: FINISHED
  7. EtlInfo: \N
  8. TaskInfo: cluster:N/A; timeout(s):14400; max_filter_ratio:0.0; priority:NORMAL
  9. ErrorMsg: \N
  10. CreateTimeMs: 2023-12-08 16:46:57
  11. FinishTimeMs: 2023-12-08 16:46:57
  12. TrackingUrl:
  13. LoadStatistic: {"Unfinished backends":{},"ScannedRows":0,"TaskNumber":0,"LoadBytes":0,"All backends":{},"FileNumber":0,"FileSize":0}
  14. User: root
  15. 1 row in set (0.05 sec)

MV Tasks

  1. View tasks for all materialized views
  1. mysql> select * from tasks("type"="mv");
  1. View all tasks with jobName inner_mtmv_75043
  1. mysql> select * from tasks("type"="mv") where JobName="inner_mtmv_75043";


  1. tasks, job, insert, mv, materilized view