Get Load State


GET /api/<db>/get_load_state


Returns the status of the load transaction of the specified label Return of JSON format string of the status of specified transaction: Label: The specified label. Status: Success or not of this request. Message: Error messages State: UNKNOWN/PREPARE/COMMITTED/VISIBLE/ABORTED

Path parameters

  • <db>

    Specify database

Query parameters

  • label

    Specify label

Request body



  1. {
  2. "msg": "success",
  3. "code": 0,
  4. "data": "VISIBLE",
  5. "count": 0
  6. }

If label does not exist, return:

  1. {
  2. "msg": "success",
  3. "code": 0,
  4. "data": "UNKNOWN",
  5. "count": 0
  6. }


  1. Get the status of the load transaction of the specified label.

    1. GET /api/example_db/get_load_state?label=my_label
    2. {
    3. "msg": "success",
    4. "code": 0,
    5. "data": "VISIBLE",
    6. "count": 0
    7. }