S3 storage driver

An implementation of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface which uses Amazon S3 or S3 compatible services for object storage.


accesskeynoYour AWS Access Key. If you use IAM roles, omit to fetch temporary credentials from IAM.
secretkeynoYour AWS Secret Key. If you use IAM roles, omit to fetch temporary credentials from IAM.
regionyesThe AWS region in which your bucket exists.
regionendpointnoEndpoint for S3 compatible storage services (Minio, etc).
forcepathstylenoTo enable path-style addressing when the value is set to true. The default is false.
bucketyesThe bucket name in which you want to store the registry’s data.
encryptnoSpecifies whether the registry stores the image in encrypted format or not. A boolean value. The default is false.
keyidnoOptional KMS key ID to use for encryption (encrypt must be true, or this parameter is ignored). The default is none.
securenoIndicates whether to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. A boolean value. The default is true.
skipverifynoSkips TLS verification when the value is set to true. The default is false.
v4authnoIndicates whether the registry uses Version 4 of AWS’s authentication. The default is true.
chunksizenoThe S3 API requires multipart upload chunks to be at least 5MB. This value should be a number that is larger than 5 1024 1024.
multipartcopychunksizenoDefault chunk size for all but the last S3 Multipart Upload part when copying stored objects.
multipartcopymaxconcurrencynoMax number of concurrent S3 Multipart Upload operations when copying stored objects.
multipartcopythresholdsizenoDefault object size above which S3 Multipart Upload will be used when copying stored objects.
rootdirectorynoThis is a prefix that is applied to all S3 keys to allow you to segment data in your bucket if necessary.
storageclassnoThe S3 storage class applied to each registry file. The default is STANDARD.
useragentnoThe User-Agent header value for S3 API operations.
usedualstacknoUse AWS dual-stack API endpoints.
acceleratenoEnable S3 Transfer Acceleration.
objectaclnoThe S3 Canned ACL for objects. The default value is “private”.
loglevelnoThe log level for the S3 client. The default value is off.

Note You can provide empty strings for your access and secret keys to run the driver on an ec2 instance and handles authentication with the instance’s credentials. If you use IAM roles, omit these keys to fetch temporary credentials from IAM.

region: The name of the aws region in which you would like to store objects (for example us-east-1). For a list of regions, see Regions, Availability Zones, and Local Zones.

regionendpoint: (optional) Endpoint URL for S3 compatible APIs. This should not be provided when using Amazon S3.

forcepathstyle: (optional) Force path style for S3 compatible APIs. Some manufacturers only support force path style, while others only support DNS based bucket routing. Amazon S3 supports both. The value of this parameter applies, regardless of the region settings.

bucket: The name of your S3 bucket where you wish to store objects. The bucket must exist prior to the driver initialization.

encrypt: (optional) Whether you would like your data encrypted on the server side (defaults to false if not specified).

keyid: (optional) Whether you would like your data encrypted with this KMS key ID (defaults to none if not specified, is ignored if encrypt is not true).

secure: (optional) Whether you would like to transfer data to the bucket over ssl or not. Defaults to true (meaning transferring over ssl) if not specified. While setting this to false improves performance, it is not recommended due to security concerns.

v4auth: (optional) Whether you would like to use aws signature version 4 with your requests. This defaults to false if not specified. The eu-central-1 region does not work with version 2 signatures, so the driver errors out if initialized with this region and v4auth set to false.

chunksize: (optional) The default part size for multipart uploads (performed by WriteStream) to S3. The default is 10 MB. Keep in mind that the minimum part size for S3 is 5MB. Depending on the speed of your connection to S3, a larger chunk size may result in better performance; faster connections benefit from larger chunk sizes.

multipartcopychunksize: (optional) The default chunk size for all but the last Upload Part in the S3 Multipart Upload operation when copying stored objects. Default value is set to 32 MB.

multipartcopymaxconcurrency: (optional) The default maximum number of concurrent Upload Part operations in the S3 Multipart Upload when copying stored objects. Default value is set to 100.

multipartcopythresholdsize: (optional) The default S3 object size above which multipart copy will be used when copying the object. Otherwise the object is copied with a single S3 API operation. Default value is set to 32 MB.

rootdirectory: (optional) The root directory tree in which all registry files are stored. Defaults to the empty string (bucket root).

storageclass: (optional) The storage class applied to each registry file. Defaults to STANDARD. Valid options are STANDARD and REDUCED_REDUNDANCY.

useragent: (optional) The User-Agent header value for S3 API operations.

usedualstack: (optional) Use AWS dual-stack API endpoints which support requests to S3 buckets over IPv6 and IPv4.

accelerate: (optional) Enable S3 transfer acceleration for faster transfers of files over long distances.

objectacl: (optional) The canned object ACL to be applied to each registry object. Defaults to private. If you are using a bucket owned by another AWS account, it is recommended that you set this to bucket-owner-full-control so that the bucket owner can access your objects. Other valid options are available in the AWS S3 documentation.

loglevel: (optional) Valid values are: off (default), debug, debugwithsigning, debugwithhttpbody, debugwithrequestretries, debugwithrequesterrors and debugwitheventstreambody. See the AWS SDK for Go API reference for details.

NOTE: Currently the S3 storage driver only supports S3 API compatible storage that allows parts of a multipart upload to vary in size. Cloudflare R2 is not supported.

S3 permission scopes

The following AWS policy is required by the registry for push and pull. Make sure to replace S3_BUCKET_NAME with the name of your bucket.

  1. {
  2. "Version": "2012-10-17",
  3. "Statement": [
  4. {
  5. "Effect": "Allow",
  6. "Action": [
  7. "s3:ListBucket",
  8. "s3:GetBucketLocation",
  9. "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads"
  10. ],
  11. "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::S3_BUCKET_NAME"
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "Effect": "Allow",
  15. "Action": [
  16. "s3:PutObject",
  17. "s3:GetObject",
  18. "s3:DeleteObject",
  19. "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts",
  20. "s3:AbortMultipartUpload"
  21. ],
  22. "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::S3_BUCKET_NAME/*"
  23. }
  24. ]
  25. }

See the S3 policy documentation for more details.

CloudFront as Middleware with S3 backend

Use Case

Adding CloudFront as a middleware for your S3 backed registry can dramatically improve pull times. Your registry can retrieve your images from edge servers, rather than the geographically limited location of your S3 bucket. The farther your registry is from your bucket, the more improvements are possible. See Amazon CloudFront.

An alternative method for CloudFront that requires less configuration and will use the same edge servers is S3 Transfer Acceleration. Please check acceleration Requirements to see whether you need CloudFront or S3 Transfer Acceleration.

Configuring CloudFront for Distribution

If you are unfamiliar with creating a CloudFront distribution, see Getting Started with Cloudfront.

Defaults can be kept in most areas except:


  • The CloudFront distribution must be created such that the Origin Path is set to the directory level of the root “docker” key in S3. If your registry exists on the root of the bucket, this path should be left blank.

  • For private S3 buckets, you must set Restrict Bucket Access to Yes. See the CloudFront documentation.


  • Viewer Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only
  • Cached HTTP Methods: OPTIONS (checked)
  • Restrict Viewer Access (Use Signed URLs or Signed Cookies): Yes
    • Trusted Signers: Self (Can add other accounts as long as you have access to CloudFront Key Pairs for those additional accounts)

Registry configuration

Here the middleware option is used. It is still important to keep the storage option, because CloudFront only handles pull actions; push actions are still directly written to S3.

The following example shows a minimum configuration:

  1. ...
  2. storage:
  3. s3:
  4. region: us-east-1
  5. bucket: docker.myregistry.com
  6. middleware:
  7. storage:
  8. - name: cloudfront
  9. options:
  10. baseurl: https://abcdefghijklmn.cloudfront.net/
  11. privatekey: /etc/docker/cloudfront/pk-ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRST.pem
  13. ...

CloudFront Key-Pair

A CloudFront key-pair is required for all AWS accounts needing access to your CloudFront distribution. You must have access to your AWS account’s root credentials to create the required Cloudfront keypair. For information, see Creating CloudFront Key Pairs.