2.2. Archive areas

2.2.1. The main archive area

The main archive area comprises the Debian distribution. Only the packages in this area are considered part of the distribution. None of the packages in the main archive area require software outside of that area to function. Anyone may use, share, modify and redistribute the packages in this archive area freely 2.

Every package in main must comply with the DFSG (Debian Free Software Guidelines). 3

In addition, the packages in main

  • must not require or recommend a package outside of main for compilation or execution (thus, the package must not declare a Pre-Depends, Depends, Recommends, Build-Depends, Build-Depends-Indep, or Build-Depends-Arch relationship on a non-main package unless that package is only listed as a non-default alternative for a package in main),

  • must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, and

  • must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.

2.2.2. The contrib archive area

The contrib archive area contains supplemental packages intended to work with the Debian distribution, but which require software outside of the distribution to either build or function.

Every package in contrib must comply with the DFSG.

In addition, the packages in contrib

  • must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, and

  • must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual.

Examples of packages which would be included in contrib are:

  • free packages which require contrib, non-free packages or packages which are not in our archive at all for compilation or execution, and

  • wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free programs.

2.2.3. The non-free archive area

The non-free archive area contains supplemental packages intended to work with the Debian distribution that do not comply with the DFSG or have other problems that make their distribution problematic. They may not comply with all of the policy requirements in this manual due to restrictions on modifications or other limitations.

Packages must be placed in non-free if they are not compliant with the DFSG or are encumbered by patents or other legal issues that make their distribution problematic.

In addition, the packages in non-free

  • must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, and

  • must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual that it is possible for them to meet. 4