9.11. Alternate init systems

This section has been deleted.

9.11.1. Event-based boot with upstart

The upstart event-based boot system is no longer maintained in Debian, so this section has been removed.


This is necessary in order to reserve the directories for use in cross-installation of library packages from other architectures, as part of multiarch.


This is necessary for architecture-dependent headers file to coexist in a multiarch setup.


These directories are used to store translators and as a set of standard names for mount points, respectively.


/lib/lsb/init-functions, which assists in writing LSB-compliant init scripts, may fail if set -e is in effect and echoing status messages to the console fails, for example.


Creating, modifying or removing a file in /usr/lib/mime/packages/ using maintainer scripts will not activate the trigger. In that case, it can be done by calling dpkg-trigger --no-await /usr/lib/mime/packages from the maintainer script after creating, modifying, or removing the file.