Generating random numbers


You want to generate random numbers.


For uniformly distributed (flat) random numbers, use runif(). By default, its range is from 0 to 1.

  1. runif(1)
  2. #> [1] 0.09006613
  3. # Get a vector of 4 numbers
  4. runif(4)
  5. #> [1] 0.6972299 0.9505426 0.8297167 0.9779939
  6. # Get a vector of 3 numbers from 0 to 100
  7. runif(3, min=0, max=100)
  8. #> [1] 83.702278 3.062253 5.388360
  9. # Get 3 integers from 0 to 100
  10. # Use max=101 because it will never actually equal 101
  11. floor(runif(3, min=0, max=101))
  12. #> [1] 11 67 1
  13. # This will do the same thing
  14. sample(1:100, 3, replace=TRUE)
  15. #> [1] 8 63 64
  16. # To generate integers WITHOUT replacement:
  17. sample(1:100, 3, replace=FALSE)
  18. #> [1] 76 25 52

To generate numbers from a normal distribution, use rnorm(). By default the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

  1. rnorm(4)
  2. #> [1] -2.3308287 -0.9073857 -0.7638332 -0.2193786
  3. # Use a different mean and standard deviation
  4. rnorm(4, mean=50, sd=10)
  5. #> [1] 59.20927 40.12440 44.58840 41.97056
  6. # To check that the distribution looks right, make a histogram of the numbers
  7. x <- rnorm(400, mean=50, sd=10)
  8. hist(x)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3


If you want to your sequences of random numbers to be repeatable, see ../Generating repeatable sequences of random numbers.