Audit Logging

Audit Logging is a new feature in Apache Cassandra 4.0 (CASSANDRA-12151). This new feature is safe for production use, with configurable limits to heap memory and disk space to prevent out-of-memory errors. All database activity is logged per-node as file-based records to a specified local filesystem directory. The audit log files are rolled periodically based on a configurable value.

Some of the features of audit logging are:

  • No additional database capacity is needed to store audit logs.

  • No query tool is required to store the audit logs.

  • Latency of database operations is not affected, so there is no performance impact.

  • Heap memory usage is bounded by a weighted queue, with configurable maximum weight sitting in front of logging thread.

  • Disk utilization is bounded by a configurable size, deleting old log segments once the limit is reached.

  • Can be enabled, disabled, or reset (to delete on-disk data) using the JMX tool, nodetool.

  • Can configure the settings in either the cassandra.yaml file or by using nodetool.

Audit logging includes all CQL requests, both successful and failed. It also captures all successful and failed authentication and authorization events, such as login attempts. The difference between Full Query Logging (FQL) and audit logging is that FQL captures only successful CQL requests, which allow replay or comparison of logs. Audit logs are useful for compliance and debugging, while FQL is useful for debugging, performance benchmarking, testing and auditing CQL queries.

Audit information logged

The audit log contains:

  • all events in the configured keyspaces to include

  • all events in the configured categories to include

  • all events executed by the configured users to include

The audit log does not contain:

  • configuration changes made in cassandra.yaml file

  • nodetool commands

  • Passwords mentioned as part of DCL statements: Passwords will be obfuscated as *\**\**\*\*.

    • Statements that fail to parse will have everything after the appearance of the word password obfuscated as *\**\**\*\*.

    • Statements with a mistyped word ‘password’ will be logged without obfuscation. Please make sure to use a different password on retries.

The audit log is a series of log entries. An audit log entry contains:

  • keyspace (String) - Keyspace on which request is made

  • operation (String) - Database operation such as CQL command

  • user (String) - User name

  • scope (String) - Scope of request such as Table/Function/Aggregate name

  • type (AuditLogEntryType) - Type of request

    • CQL Audit Log Entry Type

    • Common Audit Log Entry Type

  • source (InetAddressAndPort) - Source IP Address from which request originated

  • timestamp (long ) - Timestamp of the request

  • batch (UUID) - Batch of request

  • options (QueryOptions) - CQL Query options

  • state (QueryState) - State related to a given query

Each entry contains all applicable attributes for the given event, concatenated with a pipe (|).

CQL audit log entry types are the following CQL commands. Each command is assigned to a particular specified category to log:

CategoryCQL commands













Common audit log entry types are one of the following:

CategoryCQL commands





Configuring audit logging in cassandra.yaml

The cassandra.yaml file can be used to configure and enable audit logging. Configuration and enablement may be the same or different on each node, depending on the cassandra.yaml file settings. Audit logs are generated on each enabled node, so logs on each node will have that node’s queries. All options for audit logging can be set in the cassandra.yaml file under the audit_logging_options:.

The file includes the following options that can be uncommented for use:

  1. # Audit logging - Logs every incoming CQL command request, authentication to a node. See the docs
  2. # on audit_logging for full details about the various configuration options.
  3. audit_logging_options:
  4. enabled: false
  5. logger:
  6. - class_name: BinAuditLogger
  7. # audit_logs_dir:
  8. # included_keyspaces:
  9. # excluded_keyspaces: system, system_schema, system_virtual_schema
  10. # included_categories:
  11. # excluded_categories:
  12. # included_users:
  13. # excluded_users:
  14. # roll_cycle: HOURLY
  15. # block: true
  16. # max_queue_weight: 268435456 # 256 MiB
  17. # max_log_size: 17179869184 # 16 GiB
  18. ## archive command is "/path/to/ %path" where %path is replaced with the file being rolled:
  19. # archive_command:
  20. # max_archive_retries: 10


Audit logging is enabled by setting the enabled option to true in the audit_logging_options setting. If this option is enabled, audit logging will start when Cassandra is started. For example, enabled: true.


The type of audit logger is set with the logger option. Supported values are: BinAuditLogger (default), FileAuditLogger and NoOpAuditLogger. BinAuditLogger logs events to a file in binary format. FileAuditLogger uses the standard logging mechanism, slf4j to log events to the audit/audit.log file. It is a synchronous, file-based audit logger. The roll_cycle will be set in the logback.xml file. NoOpAuditLogger is a no-op implementation of the audit logger that shoudl be specified when audit logging is disabled.

For example:

  1. logger:
  2. - class_name: FileAuditLogger


To write audit logs, an existing directory must be set in audit_logs_dir.

The directory must have appropriate permissions set to allow reading, writing, and executing. Logging will recursively delete the directory contents as needed. Do not place links in this directory to other sections of the filesystem. For example, audit_logs_dir: /cassandra/audit/logs/hourly.

The audit log directory can also be configured using the system property cassandra.logdir.audit, which by default is set to cassandra.logdir + /audit/.

included_keyspaces and excluded_keyspaces

Set the keyspaces to include with the included_keyspaces option and the keyspaces to exclude with the excluded_keyspaces option. By default, system, system_schema and system_virtual_schema are excluded, and all other keyspaces are included.

For example:

  1. included_keyspaces: test, demo
  2. excluded_keyspaces: system, system_schema, system_virtual_schema

included_categories and excluded_categories

The categories of database operations to include are specified with the included_categories option as a comma-separated list. The categories of database operations to exclude are specified with excluded_categories option as a comma-separated list. The supported categories for audit log are: AUTH, DCL, DDL, DML, ERROR, OTHER, PREPARE, and QUERY. By default all supported categories are included, and no category is excluded.

  1. included_categories: AUTH, ERROR, DCL
  2. excluded_categories: DDL, DML, QUERY, PREPARE

included_users and excluded_users

Users to audit log are set with the included_users and excluded_users options. The included_users option specifies a comma-separated list of users to include explicitly. The excluded_users option specifies a comma-separated list of users to exclude explicitly. By default all users are included, and no users are excluded.

  1. included_users:
  2. excluded_users: john, mary


The roll_cycle defines the frequency with which the audit log segments are rolled. Supported values are HOURLY (default), MINUTELY, and DAILY. For example: roll_cycle: DAILY


The block option specifies whether audit logging should block writing or drop log records if the audit logging falls behind. Supported boolean values are true (default) or false. For example: block: false to drop records


The max_queue_weight option sets the maximum weight of in-memory queue for records waiting to be written to the file before blocking or dropping. The option must be set to a positive value. The default value is 268435456, or 256 MiB. For example, to change the default: max_queue_weight: 134217728 # 128 MiB


The max_log_size option sets the maximum size of the rolled files to retain on disk before deleting the oldest file. The option must be set to a positive value. The default is 17179869184, or 16 GiB. For example, to change the default: max_log_size: 34359738368 # 32 GiB


The archive_command option sets the user-defined archive script to execute on rolled log files. For example: archive_command: /usr/local/bin/ %path # %path is the file being rolled


The max_archive_retries option sets the max number of retries of failed archive commands. The default is 10. For example: max_archive_retries: 10

An audit log file could get rolled for other reasons as well such as a log file reaches the configured size threshold.

Audit logging can also be configured using `nodetool when enabling the feature, and will override any values set in the cassandra.yaml file, as discussed in the next section.

Enabling Audit Logging with nodetool

Audit logging is enabled on a per-node basis using the nodetool enableauditlog command. The logging directory must be defined with audit_logs_dir in the cassandra.yaml file or uses the default value cassandra.logdir.audit.

The syntax of the nodetool enableauditlog command has all the same options that can be set in the cassandra.yaml file except audit_logs_dir. In addition, nodetool has options to set which host and port to run the command on, and username and password if the command requires authentication.

  1. nodetool [(-h <host> | --host <host>)] [(-p <port> | --port <port>)]
  2. [(-pp | --print-port)] [(-pw <password> | --password <password>)]
  3. [(-pwf <passwordFilePath> | --password-file <passwordFilePath>)]
  4. [(-u <username> | --username <username>)] enableauditlog
  5. [--excluded-categories <excluded_categories>]
  6. [--excluded-keyspaces <excluded_keyspaces>]
  7. [--excluded-users <excluded_users>]
  8. [--included-categories <included_categories>]
  9. [--included-keyspaces <included_keyspaces>]
  10. [--included-users <included_users>] [--logger <logger>]
  12. --excluded-categories <excluded_categories>
  13. Comma separated list of Audit Log Categories to be excluded for
  14. audit log. If not set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  15. --excluded-keyspaces <excluded_keyspaces>
  16. Comma separated list of keyspaces to be excluded for audit log. If
  17. not set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  18. --excluded-users <excluded_users>
  19. Comma separated list of users to be excluded for audit log. If not
  20. set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  21. -h <host>, --host <host>
  22. Node hostname or ip address
  23. --included-categories <included_categories>
  24. Comma separated list of Audit Log Categories to be included for
  25. audit log. If not set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  26. --included-keyspaces <included_keyspaces>
  27. Comma separated list of keyspaces to be included for audit log. If
  28. not set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  29. --included-users <included_users>
  30. Comma separated list of users to be included for audit log. If not
  31. set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  32. --logger <logger>
  33. Logger name to be used for AuditLogging. Default BinAuditLogger. If
  34. not set the value from cassandra.yaml will be used
  35. -p <port>, --port <port>
  36. Remote jmx agent port number
  37. -pp, --print-port
  38. Operate in 4.0 mode with hosts disambiguated by port number
  39. -pw <password>, --password <password>
  40. Remote jmx agent password
  41. -pwf <passwordFilePath>, --password-file <passwordFilePath>
  42. Path to the JMX password file
  43. -u <username>, --username <username>
  44. Remote jmx agent username

To enable audit logging, run following command on each node in the cluster on which you want to enable logging:

  1. $ nodetool enableauditlog

Disabling audit logging

Use the nodetool disableauditlog command to disable audit logging.

Viewing audit logs

The auditlogviewer tool is used to view (dump) audit logs if the logger was BinAuditLogger.. auditlogviewer converts the binary log files into human-readable format; only the audit log directory must be supplied as a command-line option. If the logger FileAuditLogger was set, the log file are already in human-readable format and auditlogviewer is not needed to read files.

The syntax of auditlogviewer is:

  1. auditlogviewer
  2. Audit log files directory path is a required argument.
  3. usage: auditlogviewer <path1> [<path2>...<pathN>] [options]
  4. --
  5. View the audit log contents in human readable format
  6. --
  7. Options are:
  8. -f,--follow Upon reaching the end of the log continue indefinitely
  9. waiting for more records
  10. -h,--help display this help message
  11. -r,--roll_cycle How often to roll the log file was rolled. May be
  12. necessary for Chronicle to correctly parse file names. (MINUTELY, HOURLY,
  13. DAILY). Default HOURLY.


  1. To demonstrate audit logging, first configure the cassandra.yaml file with the following settings:
  1. audit_logging_options:
  2. enabled: true
  3. logger: BinAuditLogger
  4. audit_logs_dir: "/cassandra/audit/logs/hourly"
  5. # included_keyspaces:
  6. # excluded_keyspaces: system, system_schema, system_virtual_schema
  7. # included_categories:
  8. # excluded_categories:
  9. # included_users:
  10. # excluded_users:
  11. roll_cycle: HOURLY
  12. # block: true
  13. # max_queue_weight: 268435456 # 256 MiB
  14. # max_log_size: 17179869184 # 16 GiB
  15. ## archive command is "/path/to/ %path" where %path is replaced with the file being rolled:
  16. # archive_command:
  17. # max_archive_retries: 10
  1. Create the audit log directory /cassandra/audit/logs/hourly and set the directory permissions to read, write, and execute for all.

  2. Now create a demo keyspace and table and insert some data using cqlsh:

  1. cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE auditlogkeyspace
  2. ... WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
  3. cqlsh> USE auditlogkeyspace;
  4. cqlsh:auditlogkeyspace> CREATE TABLE t (
  5. int,
  6. ...k int,
  7. ...v text,
  8. ...PRIMARY KEY (id)
  9. ... );
  10. cqlsh:auditlogkeyspace> INSERT INTO t (id, k, v) VALUES (0, 0, 'val0');
  11. cqlsh:auditlogkeyspace> INSERT INTO t (id, k, v) VALUES (0, 1, 'val1');

All the supported CQL commands will be logged to the audit log directory.

  1. Change directory to the audit logs directory.
  1. $ cd /cassandra/audit/logs/hourly
  1. List the audit log files and directories.
  1. $ ls -l

You should see results similar to:

  1. total 28
  2. -rw-rw-r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 65536 Aug 2 03:01 directory-listing.cq4t
  3. -rw-rw-r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 83886080 Aug 2 03:01 20190802-02.cq4
  4. -rw-rw-r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 83886080 Aug 2 03:01 20190802-03.cq4

The audit log files will all be listed with a .cq4 file type. The audit directory is of .cq4t type.

  1. Run auditlogviewer tool to view the audit logs.
  1. $ auditlogviewer /cassandra/audit/logs/hourly

This command will return a readable version of the log. Here is a partial sample of the log for the commands in this demo:

  1. WARN 03:12:11,124 Using Pauser.sleepy() as not enough processors, have 2, needs 8+
  2. Type: AuditLog
  3. LogMessage:
  4. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564711427328|type :USE_KEYSPACE|category:OTHER|ks:auditlogkeyspace|operation:USE AuditLogKeyspace;
  5. Type: AuditLog
  6. LogMessage:
  7. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564711427329|type :USE_KEYSPACE|category:OTHER|ks:auditlogkeyspace|operation:USE "auditlogkeyspace"
  8. Type: AuditLog
  9. LogMessage:
  10. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564711446279|type :SELECT|category:QUERY|ks:auditlogkeyspace|scope:t|operation:SELECT * FROM t;
  11. Type: AuditLog
  12. LogMessage:
  13. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564713878834|type :DROP_TABLE|category:DDL|ks:auditlogkeyspace|scope:t|operation:DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
  14. AuditLogKeyspace.t;
  15. Type: AuditLog
  16. LogMessage:
  17. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:42382|timestamp:1564714618360|ty
  18. pe:REQUEST_FAILURE|category:ERROR|operation:CREATE KEYSPACE AuditLogKeyspace
  19. WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};; Cannot add
  20. existing keyspace "auditlogkeyspace"
  21. Type: AuditLog
  22. LogMessage:
  23. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564714690968|type :DROP_KEYSPACE|category:DDL|ks:auditlogkeyspace|operation:DROP KEYSPACE AuditLogKeyspace;
  24. Type: AuditLog
  25. LogMessage:
  26. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:42406|timestamp:1564714708329|ty pe:CREATE_KEYSPACE|category:DDL|ks:auditlogkeyspace|operation:CREATE KEYSPACE
  27. AuditLogKeyspace
  28. WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
  29. Type: AuditLog
  30. LogMessage:
  31. user:anonymous|host:|source:/|port:46264|timestamp:1564714870678|type :USE_KEYSPACE|category:OTHER|ks:auditlogkeyspace|operation:USE auditlogkeyspace;
  32. Password obfuscation examples:
  33. LogMessage: user:cassandra|host:localhost/|source:/|port:65282|timestamp:1622630496708|type:CREATE_ROLE|category:DCL|operation:CREATE ROLE role1 WITH PASSWORD = '*******';
  34. Type: audit
  35. LogMessage: user:cassandra|host:localhost/|source:/|port:65282|timestamp:1622630634552|type:ALTER_ROLE|category:DCL|operation:ATLER ROLE role1 WITH PASSWORD = '*******';
  36. Type: audit
  37. LogMessage: user:cassandra|host:localhost/|source:/|port:65282|timestamp:1622630698686|type:CREATE_ROLE|category:DCL|operation:CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD '*******';
  38. Type: audit
  39. LogMessage: user:cassandra|host:localhost/|source:/|port:65282|timestamp:1622630747344|type:ALTER_ROLE|category:DCL|operation:ALTER USER user1 WITH PASSWORD '*******';

Diagnostic events for user audit logging

Any native transport-enabled client can subscribe to audit log events for diagnosing cluster issues. These events can be consumed by external tools to implement a Cassandra user auditing solution.