Enable kubectl to manage Calico APIs

Big picture

[ Feature status: GA in Calico v3.20+ ]

Install the Calico API server on an existing cluster to enable management of Calico APIs using kubectl.


The API server provides a REST API for Calico, and allows management of projectcalico.org/v3 APIs using kubectl without the need for calicoctl.

Enable kubectl to manage Calico APIs - 图1note

Starting in Calico v3.20.0, new operator-based installations of Calico include the API server component by default, so the instructions in this document are not required.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you have a cluster with Calico installed using the Kubernetes API data store. If not, you can migrate from etcd.

  • Upgrade to Calico v3.20+ using the appropriate upgrade instructions.

  • For non-operator installations, you will need a machine with openssl installed.


calicoctl vs kubectl

In previous releases, calicoctl has been required to manage Calico API resources in the projectcalico.org/v3 API group. The calicoctl CLI tool provides important validation and defaulting on these APIs. The Calico API server performs that defaulting and validation server-side, exposing the same API semantics without a dependency on calicoctl.

calicoctl is still required for the following subcommands:

How to

Install the API server

Select the method below based on your installation method.

  • Operator install
  • Manifest install
  1. Create an instance of an operator.tigera.io/APIServer with the following contents.

    1. apiVersion: operator.tigera.io/v1
    2. kind: APIServer
    3. metadata:
    4. name: default
    5. spec: {}
  2. Confirm it appears as Available with the following command.

    1. kubectl get tigerastatus apiserver

    You should see the following output:

    2. apiserver True False False 1m10s
  3. Create the following manifest, which will install the API server as a deployment in the calico-apiserver namespace.

    1. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.27.4/manifests/apiserver.yaml

    You will notice that the API server remains in a ContainerCreating state, as it is waiting for credentials to be provided for authenticating the main Kubernetes API server.

  4. Generate a private key and CA bundle using the following openssl command. This certificate will be used by the main API server to authenticate with the Calico API server.

    Enable kubectl to manage Calico APIs - 图2note

    Please note in the following command -addext argument requires openssl 1.1.1 or above. You can check your version of openssl using openssl version.

    1. openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout apiserver.key -out apiserver.crt -days 365 -subj "/" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:calico-api.calico-apiserver.svc"
  5. Provide the key and certificate to the Calico API server as a Kubernetes secret.

    1. kubectl create secret -n calico-apiserver generic calico-apiserver-certs --from-file=apiserver.key --from-file=apiserver.crt
  6. Configure the main API server with the CA bundle.

    1. kubectl patch apiservice v3.projectcalico.org -p \
    2. "{\"spec\": {\"caBundle\": \"$(kubectl get secret -n calico-apiserver calico-apiserver-certs -o go-template='{{ index .data "apiserver.crt" }}')\"}}"

After following the above steps, you should see the API server pod become ready, and Calico API resources become available. You can check whether the APIs are available with the following command:

  1. kubectl api-resources | grep '\sprojectcalico.org'

You should see the following output:

  1. bgpconfigurations bgpconfig,bgpconfigs projectcalico.org false BGPConfiguration
  2. bgppeers projectcalico.org false BGPPeer
  3. clusterinformations clusterinfo projectcalico.org false ClusterInformation
  4. felixconfigurations felixconfig,felixconfigs projectcalico.org false FelixConfiguration
  5. globalnetworkpolicies gnp,cgnp,calicoglobalnetworkpolicies projectcalico.org false GlobalNetworkPolicy
  6. globalnetworksets projectcalico.org false GlobalNetworkSet
  7. hostendpoints hep,heps projectcalico.org false HostEndpoint
  8. ippools projectcalico.org false IPPool
  9. kubecontrollersconfigurations projectcalico.org false KubeControllersConfiguration
  10. networkpolicies cnp,caliconetworkpolicy,caliconetworkpolicies projectcalico.org true NetworkPolicy
  11. networksets netsets projectcalico.org true NetworkSet
  12. profiles projectcalico.org false Profile

Enable kubectl to manage Calico APIs - 图3note

kubectl may continue to prefer the crd.projectcalico.org API group due to the way it caches APIs locally. You can force kubectl to update by removing its cache directory for your cluster. By default, the cache is located in $(HOME)/.kube/cache.

Use kubectl for projectcalico.org APIs

Once the API server has been installed, you can use kubectl to interact with the Calico APIs. For example, you can view and edit IP pools.

  1. kubectl get ippools

You should see output that looks like this:

  2. default-ipv4-ippool 2021-03-19T16:47:12Z

Uninstall the Calico API server

To uninstall the API server, use the following instructions depending on your install method.

  • Operator install
  • Manifest install
  1. kubectl delete apiserver default
  1. kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.27.4/manifests/apiserver.yaml

Once removed, you will need to use calicoctl to manage projectcalico.org/v3 APIs.

Next steps

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