

ub是百度内广泛使用的老RPC框架,在迁移ub服务时不可避免地需要访问ub-server或被ub-client访问。ub使用的协议种类很多,但都以nshead作为二进制包的头部,这类服务在brpc中统称为”nshead service“。

nshead后大都使用mcpack/compack作为序列化格式,注意这不是“协议”。“协议”除了序列化格式,还涉及到各种特殊字段的定义,一种序列化格式可能会衍生出很多协议。ub没有定义标准协议,所以即使都使用mcpack或compack,产品线的通信协议也是五花八门,无法互通。鉴于此,我们提供了一套接口,让用户能够灵活的处理自己产品线的协议,同时享受brpc提供的builtin services等一系列框架福利。



在brpc r31687之后,用protobuf写的服务可以通过mcpack2pb被ubrpc client访问,步骤如下:



  1. // Converted from echo.idl by brpc/tools/idl2proto
  2. import "idl_options.proto";
  3. option (idl_support) = true;
  4. option cc_generic_services = true;
  5. message EchoRequest {
  6. required string message = 1;
  7. }
  8. message EchoResponse {
  9. required string message = 1;
  10. }
  11. // 对于有多个参数的idl方法,需要定义一个包含所有request或response的消息,作为对应方法的参数。
  12. message MultiRequests {
  13. required EchoRequest req1 = 1;
  14. required EchoRequest req2 = 2;
  15. }
  16. message MultiResponses {
  17. required EchoRequest res1 = 1;
  18. required EchoRequest res2 = 2;
  19. }
  20. service EchoService {
  21. // 对应idl中的void Echo(EchoRequest req, out EchoResponse res);
  22. rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
  23. // 对应idl中的EchoWithMultiArgs(EchoRequest req1, EchoRequest req2, out EchoResponse res1, out EchoResponse res2);
  24. rpc EchoWithMultiArgs(MultiRequests) returns (MultiResponses);
  25. }


  1. struct EchoRequest {
  2. string message;
  3. };
  4. struct EchoResponse {
  5. string message;
  6. };
  7. service EchoService {
  8. void Echo(EchoRequest req, out EchoResponse res);
  9. uint32_t EchoWithMultiArgs(EchoRequest req1, EchoRequest req2, out EchoResponse res1, out EchoResponse res2);
  10. };


BRPC_PATH代表brpc产出的路径(包含bin include等目录),PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_PATH代表protobuf的包含路径。注意–mcpack_out要和–cpp_out一致。

  1. protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-mcpack=$BRPC_PATH/bin/protoc-gen-mcpack --cpp_out=. --mcpack_out=. --proto_path=$BRPC_PATH/include --proto_path=PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_PATH


  1. class EchoServiceImpl : public EchoService {
  2. public:
  3. ...
  4. // 对应idl中的void Echo(EchoRequest req, out EchoResponse res);
  5. virtual void Echo(google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
  6. const EchoRequest* request,
  7. EchoResponse* response,
  8. google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
  9. brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
  10. brpc::Controller* cntl = static_cast<brpc::Controller*>(cntl_base);
  11. // 填充response。
  12. response->set_message(request->message());
  13. // 对应的idl方法没有返回值,不需要像下面方法中那样set_idl_result()。
  14. // 可以看到这个方法和其他protobuf服务没有差别,所以这个服务也可以被ubrpc之外的协议访问。
  15. }
  16. virtual void EchoWithMultiArgs(google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
  17. const MultiRequests* request,
  18. MultiResponses* response,
  19. google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
  20. brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
  21. brpc::Controller* cntl = static_cast<brpc::Controller*>(cntl_base);
  22. // 填充response。response是我们定义的包含所有idl response的消息。
  23. response->mutable_res1()->set_message(request->req1().message());
  24. response->mutable_res2()->set_message(request->req2().message());
  25. // 告诉RPC有多个request和response。
  26. cntl->set_idl_names(brpc::idl_multi_req_multi_res);
  27. // 对应idl方法的返回值。
  28. cntl->set_idl_result(17);
  29. }
  30. };


  1. #include <brpc/ubrpc2pb_protocol.h>
  2. ...
  3. brpc::ServerOptions option;
  4. option.nshead_service = new brpc::policy::UbrpcCompackAdaptor; // mcpack2用UbrpcMcpack2Adaptor





  1. // 代表一个nshead请求或回复。
  2. struct NsheadMessage {
  3. nshead_t head;
  4. butil::IOBuf body;
  5. };
  6. // 实现这个类并赋值给ServerOptions.nshead_service来让brpc处理nshead请求。
  7. class NsheadService : public Describable {
  8. public:
  9. NsheadService();
  10. NsheadService(const NsheadServiceOptions&);
  11. virtual ~NsheadService();
  12. // 实现这个方法来处理nshead请求。注意这个方法可能在调用时controller->Failed()已经为true了。
  13. // 原因可能是Server.Stop()被调用正在退出(错误码是brpc::ELOGOFF)
  14. // 或触发了ServerOptions.max_concurrency(错误码是brpc::ELIMIT)
  15. // 在这种情况下,这个方法应该通过返回一个代表错误的response让客户端知道这些错误。
  16. // Parameters:
  17. // server The server receiving the request.
  18. // controller Contexts of the request.
  19. // request The nshead request received.
  20. // response The nshead response that you should fill in.
  21. // done You must call done->Run() to end the processing, brpc::ClosureGuard is preferred.
  22. virtual void ProcessNsheadRequest(const Server& server,
  23. Controller* controller,
  24. const NsheadMessage& request,
  25. NsheadMessage* response,
  26. NsheadClosure* done) = 0;
  27. };



idl是mcpack/compack的前端,用户只要在idl文件中描述schema,就可以生成一些C++结构体,这些结构体可以打包为mcpack/compack。如果你的服务仍在大量地使用idl生成的结构体,且短期内难以修改,同时想要使用brpc提升性能和开发效率的话,可以实现NsheadService,其接口接受nshead + 二进制包为request,用户填写自己的处理逻辑,最后的response也是nshead+二进制包。流程与protobuf方法保持一致,但过程中不涉及任何protobuf的序列化和反序列化,用户可以自由地理解nshead后的二进制包,包括用idl加载mcpack/compack数据包。





如果你的协议已经使用了nshead + protobuf,或者你想把你的协议适配为protobuf格式,那可以使用另一种模式:实现NsheadPbServiceAdaptor(NsheadService的子类)。


  • Call ParseNsheadMeta() to understand the nshead header, user must tell RPC which pb method to call in the callback.
  • Call ParseRequestFromIOBuf() to convert the body after nshead header to pb request, then call the pb method.
  • When user calls server’s done to end the RPC, SerializeResponseToIOBuf() is called to convert pb response to binary data that will be appended after nshead header and sent back to client.


  1. class NsheadPbServiceAdaptor : public NsheadService {
  2. public:
  3. NsheadPbServiceAdaptor() : NsheadService(
  4. NsheadServiceOptions(false, SendNsheadPbResponseSize)) {}
  5. virtual ~NsheadPbServiceAdaptor() {}
  6. // Fetch meta from `nshead_req' into `meta'.
  7. // Params:
  8. // server: where the RPC runs.
  9. // nshead_req: the nshead request that server received.
  10. // controller: If something goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
  11. // meta: Set meta information into this structure. `full_method_name'
  12. // must be set if controller is not SetFailed()-ed
  13. // FIXME: server is not needed anymore, controller->server() is same
  14. virtual void ParseNsheadMeta(const Server& server,
  15. const NsheadMessage& nshead_req,
  16. Controller* controller,
  17. NsheadMeta* meta) const = 0;
  18. // Transform `nshead_req' to `pb_req'.
  19. // Params:
  20. // meta: was set by ParseNsheadMeta()
  21. // nshead_req: the nshead request that server received.
  22. // controller: you can set attachment into the controller. If something
  23. // goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
  24. // pb_req: the pb request should be set by your implementation.
  25. virtual void ParseRequestFromIOBuf(const NsheadMeta& meta,
  26. const NsheadMessage& nshead_req,
  27. Controller* controller,
  28. google::protobuf::Message* pb_req) const = 0;
  29. // Transform `pb_res' (and controller) to `nshead_res'.
  30. // Params:
  31. // meta: was set by ParseNsheadMeta()
  32. // controller: If something goes wrong, call controller->SetFailed()
  33. // pb_res: the pb response that returned by pb method. [NOTE] `pb_res'
  34. // can be NULL or uninitialized when RPC failed (indicated by
  35. // Controller::Failed()), in which case you may put error
  36. // information into `nshead_res'.
  37. // nshead_res: the nshead response that will be sent back to client.
  38. virtual void SerializeResponseToIOBuf(const NsheadMeta& meta,
  39. Controller* controller,
  40. const google::protobuf::Message* pb_res,
  41. NsheadMessage* nshead_res) const = 0;
  42. };

修改于 2024年10月7日: Oncall report (1b7065e)