Mailing List

Subscribe Mailing List

About Mailing List

Mailing list is where we discuss in public and keep everything tracked, When using or contributing to bRPC, if you encounter any problem, or you have any suggestions or new ideas, you can use the Apache mailing-list to participate in the community building.

If you have a specific bug to report or feature request, we’d suggest you opening an issue on our GitHub repo, which is a more efficient way to report the details.

Subscribe Mailing Lists

1. Send Subscription Mail

Open your own email, create a new email, and send an email to (subject and content are arbitrary).

2. Receive confirmation emails from

After the first step, you will receive a confirmation email from, which is shown below (If you fail to receive it for a long time, please confirm that the mail has been intercepted, or has been automatically grouped into “Subscribed Mail”, “Spam Mail”, “Promotional Mail” folders).

3. Reply to confirmation mail

For the mail received in the previous step, Reply to this email directly or Create a new recipient e-mail for the reply address in the previous step.

Every subject is acceptable.

4. Receiving Welcome Emails

After completing the third step, you will receive a welcome email entitled WELCOME to So far, the work of subscribing to mailing lists has been completed, and community dynamics will be notified by mail.

5. Initiate e-mail discussion (optional)

After successfully subscribing to the mailing list, if you want to initiate a discussion, send an email directly to Anyone who subscribes to the mailing list receives the mail.

Last modified October 7, 2024: Oncall report (1b7065e)