
An overview of the founding team and core contributors to Bootstrap.

Bootstrap is maintained by the founding team and a small group of invaluable core contributors, with the massive support and involvement of our community.

@mdo Mark Otto @mdo @fat Jacob Thornton @fat @xhmikosr XhmikosR @xhmikosr @geosot GeoSot @geosot @patrickhlauke Patrick H. Lauke @patrickhlauke @julien-deramond Julien Déramond @julien-deramond @ffoodd Gaël Poupard @ffoodd @rohit2sharma95 Rohit Sharma @rohit2sharma95 @alpadev alpadev @alpadev @martijncuppens Martijn Cuppens @martijncuppens @johann-s Johann-S @johann-s @glebm Gleb Mazovetskiy @glebm

Get involved with Bootstrap development by opening an issue or submitting a pull request. Read our contributing guidelines for information on how we develop.