System Action


  1. GET /rest/v1/system


System Action is used for information about the Proc system built in Doris.

Path parameters


Query parameters

  • path

    Optional parameter, specify the path of proc

Request body



Take /dbs/10003/10054/partitions/10053/10055 as an example:

  1. {
  2. "msg": "success",
  3. "code": 0,
  4. "data": {
  5. "href_columns": ["TabletId", "MetaUrl", "CompactionStatus"],
  6. "column_names": ["TabletId", "ReplicaId", "BackendId", "SchemaHash", "Version", "VersionHash", "LstSuccessVersion", "LstSuccessVersionHash", "LstFailedVersion", "LstFailedVersionHash", "LstFailedTime", "DataSize", "RowCount", "State", "LstConsistencyCheckTime", "CheckVersion", "CheckVersionHash", "VersionCount", "PathHash", "MetaUrl", "CompactionStatus"],
  7. "rows": [{
  8. "SchemaHash": "1294206575",
  9. "LstFailedTime": "\\N",
  10. "LstFailedVersion": "-1",
  11. "MetaUrl": "URL",
  12. "__hrefPaths": ["", "", ""],
  13. "CheckVersionHash": "-1",
  14. "ReplicaId": "10057",
  15. "VersionHash": "4611804212003004639",
  16. "LstConsistencyCheckTime": "\\N",
  17. "LstSuccessVersionHash": "4611804212003004639",
  18. "CheckVersion": "-1",
  19. "Version": "6",
  20. "VersionCount": "2",
  21. "State": "NORMAL",
  22. "BackendId": "10032",
  23. "DataSize": "776",
  24. "LstFailedVersionHash": "0",
  25. "LstSuccessVersion": "6",
  26. "CompactionStatus": "URL",
  27. "TabletId": "10056",
  28. "PathHash": "-3259732870068082628",
  29. "RowCount": "21"
  30. }]
  31. },
  32. "count": 1
  33. }

The column_names in the data part is the header information, and href_columns indicates which columns in the table are hyperlink columns. Each element in the rows array represents a row. Among them, __hrefPaths is not the table data, but the link URL of the hyperlink column, which corresponds to the column in href_columns one by one.