K8s Installers and Distributions

Tested installers and distributions

The table below is not comprehensive. Antrea should work with most K8s installers and distributions. The table refers to specific version combinations which are known to work and have been tested, but support is not limited to that list. Each Antrea version supports multiple K8s minor versions, and installers / distributions based on any one of these K8s versions should work with that Antrea version.

Antrea VersionInstaller / DistributionCloud InfraNode InfoNode SizeConformance ResultsComments
v1.0.0Kubeadm v1.21.0AWS EC2Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (5.4.0-1045-aws) amd64, docker://20.10.6t3.medium
---Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (10.0.17763.1817), docker://19.3.14t3.medium
---Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (5.4.0-1045-aws) arm64, docker://20.10.6t3.medium
-Cluster API Provider vSphere (CAPV), K8s 1.19.1VMC on AWS, vSphere 7.0.1Ubuntu 18.04, containerd2 vCPUs, 8GB RAMAntrea CI
-K3s v1.19.8+k3s1OSUOSLUbuntu 20.04.1 LTS (5.4.0-66-generic) arm64, containerd://1.4.3-k3s32 vCPUs, 4GB RAMAntrea CI, cluster installed with k3sup 0.9.13
-Kops v1.20, K8s v1.20.5AWS EC2Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (5.4.0-1041-aws) amd64, containerd://1.4.4t3.mediumresults tarball
-EKS, K8s v1.17.12AWSAmazonLinux2, dockert3.mediumAntrea CI
-GKE, K8s v1.19.8-gke.1600GCPUbuntu 18.04, dockere2-standard-4Antrea CI
-AKS, K8s v1.18.14AzureUbuntu 18.04, mobyStandard_DS2_v2Antrea CI
-AKS, K8s v1.19.9AzureUbuntu 18.04, containerdStandard_DS2_v2Antrea CI
-Kind v0.9.0, K8s v1.19.1N/AUbuntu 20.10, containerd://1.4.0N/ARequirements for using Antrea on Kind
-Minikube v1.25.0N/AUbuntu 20.04.2 LTS (5.10.76-linuxkit) arm64, docker://20.10.128GB RAM
v1.10.0Rancher v2.7.0, K8s v1.24.10vSphereUbuntu 22.04.1 LTS (5.15.0-57-generic) amd64, docker://20.10.214 vCPUs, 4GB RAM
v1.11.0Kubeadm v1.20.2N/AopenEuler 22.03 LTS, docker://18.09.010GB RAM
v1.11.0Kubeadm v1.25.5N/AopenEuler 22.03 LTS, containerd://1.6.1810GB RAM

Installer-specific instructions


When running kubeadm init to create a cluster, you need to provide a range of IP addresses for the Pod network using --pod-network-cidr. By default, a /24 subnet will be allocated out of the CIDR to every Node which joins the cluster, so make sure you use a large enough CIDR to accommodate the number of Nodes you want. Once the cluster has been created, this CIDR cannot be changed.


Follow these steps to deploy Antrea (as a custom CNI) on Rancher cluster:

  • Edit the cluster YAML and set the network-plugin option to none.

  • Add an addon for Antrea, in the following manner:

    1. addons_include:
    2. - <link of the antrea.yml file>


When creating a cluster, run K3s with the following options:

  • --flannel-backend=none, which lets you run the CNI of your choice
  • --disable-network-policy, to disable the K3s NetworkPolicy controller


When creating a cluster, run Kops with --networking cni, to enable CNI for the cluster without deploying a specific network plugin.


To deploy Antrea on Kind, please follow these steps.


To deploy Antrea on minikube, please follow these steps.

Updating the list

You can open a Pull Request to:

  • Add a new K8s installer or distribution to the table above.
  • Add a new combination of versions that you have tested successfully to the table above.

Please make sure that you run conformance tests with sonobuoy and consider uploading the test results to a publicly accessible location. You can run sonobuoy with:

  1. sonobuoy run --mode certified-conformance