一 semi-join介绍



  1. SELECT ... From Outer_tables WHERE expr in (SELECT ... From Inner_tables ...) And ...
  1. SELECT ... From Outer_tables WHERE expr exist (SELECT ... From Inner_tables ...) And ...


  • semi-join子查询必须EXSIT和IN语句组成的布尔表达式,并且在外层查询的WHERE或者ON子句中出现。
  • 外层查询也可以有其他的搜索条件,只不过和IN子查询的搜索条件必须使用AND连接起来。
  • semi-join子查询必须是一个单一的查询,不能是由若干查询由UNION连接起来的形式。
  • semi-join子查询不能包含GROUP BY或者HAVING语句或者聚集函数。

二 semi-join的策略


DuplicateWeedout strategy

使用tmp_table, 按照join order, 选择记录qep_tab table的rowid作为唯一key进行去重,为了更好的理解,举一个例子:

  1. SELECT Country.Name
  2. FROM Country
  3. WHERE Code IN
  4. (SELECT CountryCode
  5. FROM City
  6. WHERE Population > 1M)



  1. 找到duplicate weedout的qep_tab range
  1. /*找到sj的一个tab, 即第一个non-constant table*/
  2. QEP_TAB *const first_sj_tab = qep_array + first_table;
  3. /*这里由于last duplicate weedout table是outer join中的一个inner tables,
  4. 这里遍历找到last_sj_tab*/
  5. if (last_sj_tab->first_inner() != NO_PLAN_IDX &&
  6. first_sj_tab->first_inner() != last_sj_tab->first_inner()) {
  7. QEP_TAB *tab2 = &qep_array[last_sj_tab->first_inner()];
  8. while (tab2->first_upper() != NO_PLAN_IDX &&
  9. tab2->first_upper() != first_sj_tab->first_inner())
  10. tab2 = qep_array + tab2->first_upper();
  11. if (qep_array[tab2->first_inner()].last_inner() > last_sj_tab->idx())
  12. last_sj_tab =
  13. &qep_array[qep_array[tab2->first_inner()].last_inner()];
  14. }
  1. 记录需要记录rowid的qep_tab和jt_rowid_offset(duplicate_weedout_tmp_table的column长度)

    1. for (QEP_TAB *tab_in_range = qep_array + first_table;
    2. tab_in_range <= last_sj_tab; tab_in_range++) {
    3. if (sj_table_is_included(join, join->best_ref[tab_in_range->idx()])) {
    4. ...
    5. jt_rowid_offset += tab_in_range->table()->file->ref_length;
    6. ...
    7. tab_in_range->keep_current_rowid = true;
    8. }
    9. }
  2. 当发现需要记录jt_rowid_offset > 0时:

    • 如果jt_rowid_offset + null_bytes为长度 > 512,就创建名为的Field_longlong做为tmp_table的hash_field来去重
    • 如果jt_rowid_offset + null_bytes为长度 <= 512,就创建名为rowids的Field_varstring作为weedout_key的tmp_table来去重
  3. 执行是在do_sj_dups_weedout函数中会将需要记录rowid的qep_tab->table的h->ref(rowid存在这里)写入tmp_table中的visible_field_ptr()[0]中,在ha_write_row的时候会根据record是否与上一条record重复来决定是否写入,外层调用会对返回值判断来查看是否是需要写入的记录,从而达到去重的目的

执行计划 start temporary 和 end temporary表示duplicateweedout的qep_tab range区间 9.png

Firstmatch Strategy



  1. 找到sj range的跳转的qep_tab和记录比较qep_tab

    1. plan_idx jump_to = tab->idx() - 1;
    2. for (QEP_TAB *tab_in_range = tab; tab_in_range <= last_sj_tab;
    3. tab_in_range++) {
    4. if (!join->best_ref[tab_in_range->idx()]->emb_sj_nest) {
    5. jump_to = tab_in_range->idx();
    6. } else {
    7. if (tab_in_range == last_sj_tab ||
    8. !join->best_ref[tab_in_range->idx() + 1]->emb_sj_nest) {
    9. /*记录match后跳转的qep_tap*/
    10. tab_in_range->firstmatch_return = jump_to;
    11. /*记录比较的位置*/
    12. tab_in_range->match_tab = last_sj_tab->idx();
    13. }
    14. }
    15. }
  2. 执行期间匹配到满足的记录就直接跳到last outer table(ot2)

    1. if(table condition satisfied) {
    2. do join with next tables;
    3. jump out to the jump_to;
    4. } else {
    5. discard row combination;
    6. continue current table scan;
    7. }

    last semijoin table的qep_tab记录firstmatch标记

Loosescan Strategy

inner table 基于index进行分组, 分组后与outer table join, 进行condition的匹配,如果匹配到了的记录,提取outer table的记录,inner table 选取下一个分组继续进行计算。

  1. SELECT ...
  2. FROM ot1, ...
  3. WHERE outer_expr IN
  4. (SELECT it1.key
  5. FROM it1,
  6. it2
  7. WHERE cond(it1, it2))



  1. 选择loosescan_parts作为内表的index
  2. 计算 loosescan parts的长度 loosescan_key_len
  3. alloc loosescan_buf挂在执行loosescan的qep_tab上
  4. 执行过程中如果发现有匹配的记录,则key_copy copy key_info到loosescan_buf上,后续用key_cmp对loosescan_buf进行比较来做分组的过滤

与firstmatch相同在last semijoin table的qep_tab记录looseScan标记
6.png ###

Materialize scan/Materialize lookup Strategy

将inner tables物化成temp table,通过扫描物化表或者对物化表查找的方式来避免重复record


  1. setup_semijoin_materialized_table创建一个tmp table放在qep_tab的sjm_exec->table
  2. 在prepare_scan的join_materialize_semijoin(materialize钩子函数)物化semijoin nested table

    1. /*semijoin 第一个内层物化table所在的qep_tab*/
    2. QEP_TAB *const first = tab->join()->qep_tab + sjm->inner_table_index;
    3. /*semijoin 最后一个内层物化table所在的qep_tab*/
    4. QEP_TAB *const last = first + (sjm->table_count - 1);
    5. last->next_select = end_sj_materialize;
    6. last->set_sj_mat_exec(sjm); // TODO: This violates comment for sj_mat_exec!
    7. if (tab->table()->hash_field) tab->table()->file->ha_index_init(0, 0);
    8. int rc;
    9. /*物化过程*/
    10. if ((rc = sub_select(tab->join(), first, false)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
    11. if ((rc = sub_select(tab->join(), first, true)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(rc);
    12. if (tab->table()->hash_field) tab->table()->file->ha_index_or_rnd_end();
  3. end_sj_materialize 将物化结果写入sjm->table中


  • Materialization-Scan:

    1. temporary table–> outer tabl
  • Materialization-lookup

    1. outer table–>temporary table


三 如何使用semi-join的策略

  • optimizer_switch

    optimizer_switch 可以对semi-join使用的策略进行,其配置参数有:
    semijoin : on/off

    1. materialization : on/off

    firstmatch : on/off
    loosescan : on/off
    duplicateweedout : on/off

  • Optimizer Hints

    Optimizer Hints 可以支持在SQL中hint方式指定semi-join使用的策略, 如:
    指定TPCH Q20 使用duplicateweedout策略:

    1. SELECT /*+ JOIN_PREFIX(nation) */ s_name,
    2. s_address
    3. FROM supplier,
    4. nation
    5. WHERE s_suppkey IN
    6. (SELECT /*+ SEMIJOIN(DUPSWEEDOUT) */ ps_suppkey
    7. FROM partsupp
    8. WHERE ps_partkey IN
    9. (SELECT p_partkey
    10. FROM part
    11. WHERE p_name LIKE 'peru%' )
    12. AND ps_availqty >
    13. (SELECT 0.5 * sum(l_quantity)
    14. FROM lineitem
    15. WHERE l_partkey = ps_partkey
    16. AND l_suppkey = ps_suppkey
    17. AND l_shipdate >= '1993-01-01'
    18. AND l_shipdate < date_add('1993-01-01' ,interval '1' YEAR) ) )
    19. AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey
    20. AND n_name = 'PERU'
    21. ORDER BY s_name;

四 并行执行中的semi-join


  1. select
  2. s_name,
  3. s_address
  4. from
  5. supplier, nation
  6. where
  7. s_suppkey in (
  8. select
  9. ps_suppkey
  10. from
  11. partsupp
  12. where
  13. ps_partkey in (
  14. select
  15. p_partkey
  16. from
  17. part
  18. where
  19. p_name like '[COLOR]%'
  20. )
  21. and ps_availqty > (
  22. select
  23. 0.5 * sum(l_quantity)
  24. from
  25. lineitem
  26. where
  27. l_partkey = ps_partkey
  28. and l_suppkey = ps_suppkey
  29. and l_shipdate >= date('[DATE]’)
  30. and l_shipdate < date('[DATE]’) + interval 1 year
  31. )
  32. )
  33. and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
  34. and n_name = '[NATION]'
  35. order by
  36. s_name;

以如下自定义SQL为例, 该SQL并行使用了semi-join下推的并行方式,在max_parallel_degree=32的情况下,并行使用32个worker执行,执行时间从2.59s减少到0.34s:

  1. mysql> SELECT c1,d1 FROM t1 WHERE c1 IN ( SELECT t2.c1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.c1 = 'f' OR t2.c2 < 'y' ) and t1.c1 and d1 > '1900-1-1' like "R1%" ORDER BY t1.c1 DESC, t1.d1 DESC;
  2. Empty set, 1024 warnings (0.34 sec)
  3. mysql> set max_parallel_degree=0;
  4. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  5. mysql> SELECT c1,d1 FROM t1 WHERE c1 IN ( SELECT t2.c1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.c1 = 'f' OR t2.c2 < 'y' ) and t1.c1 and d1 > '1900-1-1' like "R1%" ORDER BY t1.c1 DESC, t1.d1 DESC;
  6. Empty set, 65535 warnings (2.69 sec)
  7. mysql> explain SELECT c1,d1 FROM t1 WHERE c1 IN ( SELECT t2.c1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.c1 = 'f' OR t2.c2 < 'y' ) and t1.c1 and d1 > '1900-1-1' like "R1%" ORDER BY t1.c1 DESC, t1.d1 DESC;
  8. +----+--------------+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+------------+---------+----------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------+
  9. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  10. +----+--------------+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+------------+---------+----------+--------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------+
  11. | 1 | SIMPLE | <gather1> | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 33464 | 100.00 | Merge sort |
  12. | 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 62802 | 30.00 | Parallel scan (32 workers); Using where; Using filesort |
  13. | 1 | SIMPLE | <subquery2> | NULL | eq_ref | <auto_key> | <auto_key> | 103 | sj.t1.c1 | 1 | 100.00 | NULL |
  14. | 2 | MATERIALIZED | t2 | p0,p1 | ALL | c1,c2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 100401 | 33.33 | Using where |
  15. +----+--------------+-------------+------------+--------+---------------+------------+------