
共享充电宝、共享单车、共享雨伞,共享女朋友^|^,共享汽车,。。。 共享经济最近几年发展确实非常迅猛。













数据量预估:100+ , 极少更新


数据量预估:百万级以内 , 极少更新


数据量预估:百万级 , 每个设备 每隔N分钟上报一次心跳


数据量预估:百万级/天 ,插入、并且每个订单至少更新一次(创建订单、支付订单、退单等),订单有最终状态。











月、年统计 每天离线生成。(建议这么做,因为业务上月指标没必要实时看。)





PostgreSQL 10:HTAP数据库,支持10TB级OLTP和OLAP混合需求。TP性能强劲,功能丰富。支持多核并行计算,HASH JOIN等一系列强大的功能,AP性能亦适中。

HybridDB for PostgreSQL:PB级,纯分析型数据库,支持多机并行计算。AP性能强劲,但是TP性能非常弱。


《空间|时间|对象 圈人 + 透视 - 暨PostgreSQL 10与Greenplum的对比和选择》


四、PostgreSQL 10 方案1


  1. create table a ( -- 员工层级信息
  2. id int primary key, -- 编号 ID
  3. nick name, -- 名字
  4. pid int -- 上级 ID
  5. );
  6. create table c ( -- 类目
  7. id int primary key, -- 类目ID
  8. comment text -- 类目名称
  9. );
  10. create table b ( -- 终端门店
  11. id int primary key, -- 编号
  12. nick text, -- 名称
  13. cid int, -- 类目
  14. aid int -- 门店经理ID
  15. );
  16. create table d ( -- 设备
  17. id int primary key, -- 设备编号
  18. bid int, -- 门店编号
  19. alive_ts timestamp -- 设备心跳时间
  20. );
  21. create table log ( -- 订单日志
  22. did int, -- 设备ID
  23. state int2, -- 订单最终状态
  24. crt_time timestamp, -- 订单创建时间
  25. mod_time timestamp -- 订单修改时间
  26. ) partition by range (crt_time);
  27. create table log_201701 partition of log for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-02-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  28. create table log_201702 partition of log for values from ('2017-02-01') to ('2017-03-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  29. create table log_201703 partition of log for values from ('2017-03-01') to ('2017-04-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  30. create table log_201704 partition of log for values from ('2017-04-01') to ('2017-05-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  31. create table log_201705 partition of log for values from ('2017-05-01') to ('2017-06-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  32. create table log_201706 partition of log for values from ('2017-06-01') to ('2017-07-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  33. create table log_201707 partition of log for values from ('2017-07-01') to ('2017-08-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  34. create table log_201708 partition of log for values from ('2017-08-01') to ('2017-09-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  35. create table log_201709 partition of log for values from ('2017-09-01') to ('2017-10-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  36. create table log_201710 partition of log for values from ('2017-10-01') to ('2017-11-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  37. create table log_201711 partition of log for values from ('2017-11-01') to ('2017-12-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  38. create table log_201712 partition of log for values from ('2017-12-01') to ('2018-01-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  39. create table log_201801 partition of log for values from ('2018-01-01') to ('2018-02-01') with (parallel_workers =32);
  40. create index idx_log_201701_1 on log_201701 using btree (crt_time) ;
  41. create index idx_log_201702_1 on log_201702 using btree (crt_time) ;
  42. create index idx_log_201703_1 on log_201703 using btree (crt_time) ;
  43. create index idx_log_201704_1 on log_201704 using btree (crt_time) ;
  44. create index idx_log_201705_1 on log_201705 using btree (crt_time) ;
  45. create index idx_log_201706_1 on log_201706 using btree (crt_time) ;
  46. create index idx_log_201707_1 on log_201707 using btree (crt_time) ;
  47. create index idx_log_201708_1 on log_201708 using btree (crt_time) ;
  48. create index idx_log_201709_1 on log_201709 using btree (crt_time) ;
  49. create index idx_log_201710_1 on log_201710 using btree (crt_time) ;
  50. create index idx_log_201711_1 on log_201711 using btree (crt_time) ;
  51. create index idx_log_201712_1 on log_201712 using btree (crt_time) ;
  52. create index idx_log_201801_1 on log_201801 using btree (crt_time) ;


1、初始化员工层级 (0为老板,1-30为销售总监,31-3000为门店经理。)

  1. do language plpgsql $$
  2. declare
  3. begin
  4. truncate a;
  5. insert into a select generate_series(0,3000);
  6. update a set pid=0 where id between 1 and 30;
  7. for i in 1..30 loop
  8. update a set pid=i where id between 31+100*(i-1) and 31+100*i-1;
  9. end loop;
  10. end;
  11. $$;


  1. insert into c select generate_series(1,100);


  1. insert into b select generate_series(1,500000), '', ceil(random()*100), 30+ceil(random()*(3000-30));


  1. insert into d select generate_series(1,1000000), ceil(random()*500000);


  1. do language plpgsql $$
  2. declare
  3. s date := '2017-01-01';
  4. e date := '2017-12-31';
  5. begin
  6. for x in 0..(e-s) loop
  7. insert into log
  8. select ceil(random()*1000000), case when random()<0.1 then 0 else 1 end, s + x + (i||' second')::interval
  9. from generate_series(0,86399) t(i),
  10. generate_series(1,12); -- 12100万一天除以86400得到的,主要是方便写入测试数据。
  11. end loop;
  12. end;
  13. $$;
  14. postgres=# select count(*) from log;
  15. count
  16. -----------
  17. 378432001
  18. (1 row)





  1. create index idx_log_201701_1 on log_201701 using brin (crt_time) ;
  2. create index idx_log_201702_1 on log_201702 using brin (crt_time) ;
  3. create index idx_log_201703_1 on log_201703 using brin (crt_time) ;
  4. create index idx_log_201704_1 on log_201704 using brin (crt_time) ;
  5. create index idx_log_201705_1 on log_201705 using brin (crt_time) ;
  6. create index idx_log_201706_1 on log_201706 using brin (crt_time) ;
  7. create index idx_log_201707_1 on log_201707 using brin (crt_time) ;
  8. create index idx_log_201708_1 on log_201708 using brin (crt_time) ;
  9. create index idx_log_201709_1 on log_201709 using brin (crt_time) ;
  10. create index idx_log_201710_1 on log_201710 using brin (crt_time) ;
  11. create index idx_log_201711_1 on log_201711 using brin (crt_time) ;
  12. create index idx_log_201712_1 on log_201712 using brin (crt_time) ;
  13. create index idx_log_201801_1 on log_201801 using brin (crt_time) ;


1、创建immutable函数,获取当前时间,前天,前年时间。(使用immutable函数,优化器将过滤不必查询的分区。),如果要支持并行,设置为parallel safe.

  1. create or replace function cdate() returns date as $$
  2. select current_date;
  3. $$ language sql strict immutable PARALLEL safe;
  4. create or replace function cts(interval default '0') returns timestamp as $$
  5. select (now() - $1)::timestamp;
  6. $$ language sql strict immutable PARALLEL safe;




















  1. select t1.cnt, t1.succ_cnt, t2.cnt, t2.succ_cnt from
  2. (
  3. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. ) t1,
  5. (
  6. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log where crt_time between cdate()-1 and cts(interval '1 day')
  7. ) t2;
  8. cnt | succ_cnt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. --------+----------+--------+----------
  10. 796621 | 716974 | 796620 | 716930
  11. (1 row)
  12. Time: 76.697 ms

2、类目 TOP,32个并发,446毫秒。

  1. select c.id, count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from c
  2. join b on (c.id=b.cid)
  3. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  4. join log on (d.id=log.did)
  5. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  6. group by c.id
  7. order by cnt desc limit 10;
  8. id | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. ----+------+----------
  10. 39 | 8369 | 7543
  11. 70 | 8346 | 7517
  12. 64 | 8281 | 7488
  13. 13 | 8249 | 7412
  14. 29 | 8222 | 7427
  15. 3 | 8217 | 7370
  16. 90 | 8200 | 7387
  17. 79 | 8199 | 7346
  18. 71 | 8175 | 7348
  19. 75 | 8169 | 7373
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 446.977 ms


这里用到了with recursive递归语法,根据当前登录用户的ID,树形查询所有下属。

  1. with recursive tmp as (
  2. select * from a where id=31 -- 输入我的USER ID
  3. union all
  4. select a.* from a join tmp on (a.pid=tmp.id)
  5. )
  6. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from tmp
  7. join b on (tmp.id=b.aid)
  8. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  9. join log on (d.id=log.did)
  10. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  11. ;
  12. cnt | succ_cnt
  13. -----+----------
  14. 296 | 268
  15. (1 row)
  16. Time: 463.970 ms


这里用到了with recursive递归语法,根据当前登录用户的ID,树形查询所有下属。


  1. with recursive tmp as (
  2. select id::text from a where id=0 -- 输入我的USER ID
  3. union all
  4. select tmp.id||'.'||a.id as id from a join tmp on (a.pid=substring(tmp.id, '([\d]+)$')::int)
  5. )
  6. select substring(tmp.id, '^[\d]*\.?([\d]+)'), count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from tmp
  7. join b on (substring(tmp.id, '([\d]+)$')::int=b.aid)
  8. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  9. join log on (d.id=log.did)
  10. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  11. group by 1
  12. order by cnt desc limit 10
  13. ;
  14. substring | cnt | succ_cnt
  15. -----------+-------+----------
  16. 15 | 27341 | 24615
  17. 19 | 27242 | 24500
  18. 17 | 27190 | 24481
  19. 26 | 27184 | 24481
  20. 9 | 27179 | 24466
  21. 3 | 27157 | 24323
  22. 6 | 27149 | 24481
  23. 1 | 27149 | 24402
  24. 21 | 27141 | 24473
  25. 12 | 27140 | 24439
  26. (10 rows)
  27. Time: 2661.556 ms (00:02.662)


这里用到了with recursive递归语法,根据当前登录用户的ID,树形查询所有下属。

  1. with recursive tmp as (
  2. select * from a where id=30 -- 输入我的USER ID
  3. union all
  4. select a.* from a join tmp on (a.pid=tmp.id)
  5. )
  6. select tmp.id, count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from tmp
  7. join b on (tmp.id=b.aid)
  8. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  9. join log on (d.id=log.did)
  10. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  11. group by tmp.id
  12. order by cnt desc limit 10
  13. ;
  14. id | cnt | succ_cnt
  15. ------+-----+----------
  16. 2996 | 385 | 353
  17. 2969 | 339 | 301
  18. 2935 | 335 | 312
  19. 2936 | 332 | 304
  20. 2988 | 326 | 290
  21. 2986 | 321 | 295
  22. 2960 | 319 | 293
  23. 2964 | 313 | 276
  24. 2994 | 309 | 268
  25. 2975 | 308 | 276
  26. (10 rows)
  27. Time: 641.719 ms

五、PostgreSQL 10 方案设计2 - 极限优化



主要的消耗在JOIN层面,虽然已经并行哈希JOIN了,接下来的优化方法很奇妙,可以在订单写入时,自动补齐确实的上游信息(订单所对应设备的 销售的员工ID(ltree),类目、门店等)。



补齐时,销售员工必须是包含所有层级关系的,因此我们选择了PostgreSQL ltree树类型来存储这个关系。



  1. create extension ltree;


  1. create type ntyp as (lt ltree, cid int, bid int);


  1. alter table log add column addinfo ntyp;


  2. select id, (
  3. with recursive tmp as (
  4. select id::text as path from a where id=t.id
  5. union all
  6. select a.pid||'.'||tmp.path as path from a join tmp on (a.id=substring(tmp.path, '^([\d]+)')::int)
  7. )
  8. select * from tmp order by length(path) desc nulls last limit 1
  9. ) from a as t;


  1. create unique index mv1_uk1 on mv1 (id);


  1. refresh materialized view CONCURRENTLY mv1;


  2. select a.id as aid, c.id as cid, b.id as bid, d.id as did from
  3. a join b on (a.id=b.aid)
  4. join c on (c.id=b.cid)
  5. join d on (d.bid=b.id)
  6. ;


  1. create unique index mv2_uk1 on mv2(did);


  1. refresh materialized view CONCURRENTLY mv2;


  1. create or replace function gen_res (vdid int) returns ntyp as $$
  2. select (mv1.path, mv2.cid, mv2.bid)::ntyp from
  3. mv1 join mv2 on (mv1.id=mv2.aid) where mv2.did=vdid;
  4. $$ language sql strict;

7、对订单表创建触发器,自动补齐关系(设备->门店->类目 和 销售->层级关系)

  1. create or replace function tg() returns trigger as $$
  2. declare
  3. begin
  4. NEW.addinfo := gen_res(NEW.did);
  5. return NEW;
  6. end;
  7. $$ language plpgsql strict;
  8. create trigger tg before insert on log_201701 for each row execute procedure tg();
  9. create trigger tg before insert on log_201702 for each row execute procedure tg();
  10. create trigger tg before insert on log_201703 for each row execute procedure tg();
  11. create trigger tg before insert on log_201704 for each row execute procedure tg();
  12. create trigger tg before insert on log_201705 for each row execute procedure tg();
  13. create trigger tg before insert on log_201706 for each row execute procedure tg();
  14. create trigger tg before insert on log_201707 for each row execute procedure tg();
  15. create trigger tg before insert on log_201708 for each row execute procedure tg();
  16. create trigger tg before insert on log_201709 for each row execute procedure tg();
  17. create trigger tg before insert on log_201710 for each row execute procedure tg();
  18. create trigger tg before insert on log_201711 for each row execute procedure tg();
  19. create trigger tg before insert on log_201712 for each row execute procedure tg();
  20. create trigger tg before insert on log_201801 for each row execute procedure tg();


  1. postgres=# insert into log values (1,1,now());
  2. INSERT 0 1
  3. postgres=# select * from log_201709 where did=1;
  4. did | state | crt_time | mod_time | addinfo
  5. -----+-------+----------------------------+----------+-----------------------
  6. 1 | 1 | 2017-09-23 16:58:47.736402 | | (0.17.1702,60,417943)


  1. update log set addinfo=gen_res(did) where addinfo is null;



  1. select t1.cnt, t1.succ_cnt, t2.cnt, t2.succ_cnt from
  2. (
  3. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. ) t1,
  5. (
  6. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log where crt_time between cdate()-1 and cts(interval '1 day')
  7. ) t2;
  8. cnt | succ_cnt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. --------+----------+--------+----------
  10. 836965 | 753286 | 836964 | 753178
  11. (1 row)
  12. Time: 74.205 ms

2、类目 TOP,41毫秒。

  1. postgres=# select (log.addinfo).cid, count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  2. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  3. group by (log.addinfo).cid
  4. order by cnt desc limit 10;
  5. cid | cnt | succ_cnt
  6. -----+------+----------
  7. 70 | 8796 | 7919
  8. 39 | 8793 | 7930
  9. 64 | 8700 | 7863
  10. 13 | 8659 | 7777
  11. 29 | 8621 | 7787
  12. 71 | 8613 | 7739
  13. 79 | 8613 | 7719
  14. 3 | 8597 | 7714
  15. 75 | 8590 | 7747
  16. 90 | 8579 | 7725
  17. (10 rows)
  18. Time: 41.221 ms


  1. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  2. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  3. and (log.addinfo).lt ~ '*.1.*' -- USER ID = 1 的总销量(包括所有下属)
  4. ;
  5. cnt | succ_cnt
  6. -------+----------
  7. 28502 | 25627
  8. (1 row)
  9. Time: 41.065 ms


BOSS 视角查看,111毫秒。

  1. select substring(((log.addinfo).lt)::text, '\.?(0\.?[\d]*)'), -- USER ID = 0 的直接下属,请使用输入的用户ID替换
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. and (log.addinfo).lt ~ '*.0.*' -- USER ID = 0,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. substring | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----------+-------+----------
  10. 0.19 | 28656 | 25756
  11. 0.15 | 28655 | 25792
  12. 0.26 | 28560 | 25721
  13. 0.1 | 28548 | 25668
  14. 0.9 | 28545 | 25701
  15. 0.6 | 28506 | 25706
  16. 0.12 | 28488 | 25646
  17. 0.17 | 28485 | 25652
  18. 0.21 | 28469 | 25665
  19. 0.3 | 28459 | 25486
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 111.221 ms


  1. select substring(((log.addinfo).lt)::text, '\.?(1\.?[\d]*)'), -- USER ID = 1 的直接下属,请使用输入的用户ID替换
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. and (log.addinfo).lt ~ '*.1.*' -- USER ID = 1,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. substring | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----------+-----+----------
  10. 1.120 | 368 | 320
  11. 1.59 | 367 | 331
  12. 1.54 | 357 | 316
  13. 1.93 | 344 | 313
  14. 1.80 | 342 | 306
  15. 1.37 | 338 | 305
  16. 1.64 | 334 | 298
  17. 1.90 | 329 | 299
  18. 1.66 | 327 | 296
  19. 1.109 | 326 | 293
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 41.276 ms


BOSS 视角(全体末端销售TOP),231毫秒。

  1. select (log.addinfo).lt, -- 所有下属(递归)
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. and (log.addinfo).lt ~ '*.0.*' -- USER ID = 0,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. lt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----------+-----+----------
  10. 0.30.2996 | 405 | 371
  11. 0.28.2796 | 402 | 350
  12. 0.21.2093 | 393 | 347
  13. 0.3.234 | 391 | 356
  14. 0.14.1332 | 381 | 347
  15. 0.13.1283 | 381 | 344
  16. 0.19.1860 | 380 | 347
  17. 0.16.1553 | 380 | 341
  18. 0.28.2784 | 377 | 346
  19. 0.7.672 | 377 | 347
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 230.630 ms


  1. select (log.addinfo).lt, -- 所有下属(递归)
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts()
  4. and (log.addinfo).lt ~ '*.1.*' -- USER ID = 1,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. lt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. ---------+-----+----------
  10. 0.1.59 | 367 | 331
  11. 0.1.120 | 367 | 320
  12. 0.1.54 | 355 | 315
  13. 0.1.93 | 344 | 313
  14. 0.1.80 | 341 | 305
  15. 0.1.37 | 338 | 305
  16. 0.1.64 | 334 | 298
  17. 0.1.90 | 328 | 298
  18. 0.1.66 | 327 | 296
  19. 0.1.109 | 325 | 293
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 41.558 ms





六、PostgreSQL 10 小结











Greenplum 方案1

注意前面已经提到了Greenplum的TP能力很弱,如果设备心跳实时更新、订单实时写入、实时更新,可能会扛不住压力。(目前greenplum update, delete都是锁全表的,很大的锁。)




  1. create table a ( -- 员工层级信息
  2. id int primary key, -- 编号 ID
  3. nick name, -- 名字
  4. pid int -- 上级 ID
  5. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(id);
  6. create table c ( -- 类目
  7. id int primary key, -- 类目ID
  8. comment text -- 类目名称
  9. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(id);
  10. create table b ( -- 终端门店
  11. id int primary key, -- 编号
  12. nick text, -- 名称
  13. cid int, -- 类目
  14. aid int -- 门店经理ID
  15. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(id);
  16. create table d ( -- 设备
  17. id int primary key, -- 设备编号
  18. bid int, -- 门店编号
  19. alive_ts timestamp -- 设备心跳时间
  20. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(id);
  21. create table log1 ( -- 订单日志,创建订单
  22. did int, -- 设备ID
  23. state int2, -- 订单最终状态
  24. crt_time timestamp, -- 订单创建时间
  25. mod_time timestamp -- 订单修改时间
  26. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(did)
  27. PARTITION BY range (crt_time)
  28. (start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive end (date '2018-01-01') exclusive every (interval '1 month'));
  29. create table log2 ( -- 订单日志,最终状态
  30. did int, -- 设备ID
  31. state int2, -- 订单最终状态
  32. crt_time timestamp, -- 订单创建时间
  33. mod_time timestamp -- 订单修改时间
  34. ) DISTRIBUTED BY(did)
  35. PARTITION BY range (crt_time)
  36. (start (date '2017-01-01') inclusive end (date '2018-01-01') exclusive every (interval '1 month'));
  37. -- 创建规则,更新改成插入
  38. create rule r1 as on update to log1 do instead insert into log2 values (NEW.*);



  1. date +%F%T;psql -c "copy d to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy d from stdin"; date +%F%T;
  2. 2017-09-2319:42:22
  3. COPY 1000000
  4. 2017-09-2319:42:23




  1. date +%F%T; psql -c "copy (select did,state,crt_time,mod_time from log) to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy log1 from stdin"; date +%F%T;
  2. 2017-09-2320:04:44
  3. COPY 378432001
  4. 2017-09-2320:12:03


  1. psql -c "copy a to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy a from stdin"
  2. psql -c "copy b to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy b from stdin"
  3. psql -c "copy c to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy c from stdin"
  4. # psql -c "copy d to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy d from stdin"
  5. # psql -c "copy (select * from log) to stdout"|psql -h -p 15432 -U digoal postgres -c "copy log1 from stdin"



  1. select t1.cnt, t1.succ_cnt, t2.cnt, t2.succ_cnt from
  2. (
  3. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1 where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  4. ) t1,
  5. (
  6. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1 where crt_time between cdate()-1 and cts(interval '1 day')
  7. ) t2;
  8. cnt | succ_cnt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. --------+----------+--------+----------
  10. 876301 | 788787 | 876300 | 788564
  11. (1 row)
  12. Time: 609.801 ms

2、类目 TOP,219毫秒。

  1. select c.id, count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from c
  2. join b on (c.id=b.cid)
  3. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  4. join log1 on (d.id=log1.did)
  5. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  6. group by c.id
  7. order by cnt desc limit 10;
  8. id | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. ----+------+----------
  10. 70 | 9220 | 8311
  11. 39 | 9197 | 8303
  12. 64 | 9096 | 8220
  13. 79 | 9034 | 8095
  14. 13 | 9033 | 8114
  15. 29 | 9033 | 8151
  16. 75 | 9033 | 8148
  17. 3 | 9005 | 8084
  18. 71 | 9002 | 8098
  19. 90 | 8974 | 8079
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 218.695 ms



  1. create or replace function find_low(int) returns int[] as $$
  2. declare
  3. res int[] := array[$1];
  4. tmp int[] := res;
  5. begin
  6. loop
  7. select array_agg(id) into tmp from a where pid = any (tmp);
  8. res := array_cat(res,tmp);
  9. if tmp is null then
  10. exit;
  11. end if;
  12. end loop;
  13. return res;
  14. end;
  15. $$ language plpgsql strict;
  1. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from
  2. (select unnest(find_low(31)) as id) as tmp
  3. join b on (tmp.id=b.aid)
  4. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  5. join log1 on (d.id=log1.did)
  6. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  7. ;
  8. cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----+----------
  10. 342 | 312
  11. (1 row)
  12. Time: 208.585 ms


Greenplum 暂不支持递归语法,需要自定义UDF实现。


Greenplum 暂不支持递归语法,需要自定义UDF实现。

Greenplum 方案2

与PostgreSQL 方案2一样,将“设备对应门店、类目、销售、销售以及他的所有上级”的数据物化。



  1. alter table log1 add column aid int;
  2. alter table log1 add column path text;
  3. alter table log1 add column cid int;
  4. alter table log1 add column bid int;
  5. alter table log2 add column aid int;
  6. alter table log2 add column path text;
  7. alter table log2 add column cid int;
  8. alter table log2 add column bid int;


  1. drop rule r1 on log1;
  2. create rule r1 as on update to log1 where (NEW.aid is null) do instead insert into log2 values (NEW.*);


1、物化视图1:设备 -> 门店 -> 类目 -> 销售


  1. create table mv1 (did int, bid int, cid int, aid int) distributed by (did);
  2. create index idx_mv1_did on mv1(did);


  1. insert into mv1
  2. select d.id as did, b.id as bid, c.id as cid, a.id as aid from d join b on (d.bid=b.id) join c on (b.cid=c.id) join a on (a.id=b.aid);


  1. begin;
  2. update mv1 set bid=t1.bid , cid=t1.cid , aid=t1.aid
  3. from
  4. (
  5. select d.id as did, b.id as bid, c.id as cid, a.id as aid from d join b on (d.bid=b.id) join c on (b.cid=c.id) join a on (a.id=b.aid)
  6. ) t1
  7. where mv1.did=t1.did and (t1.bid<>mv1.bid or t1.cid<>mv1.cid or t1.aid<>mv1.aid);
  8. insert into mv1
  9. select t1.* from
  10. (
  11. select d.id as did, b.id as bid, c.id as cid, a.id as aid from d join b on (d.bid=b.id) join c on (b.cid=c.id) join a on (a.id=b.aid)
  12. ) t1
  13. left join mv1 on (t1.did=mv1.did) where mv1.* is null;
  14. end;
  15. vacuum mv1;

2、物化视图2:销售 -> 销售以及他的所有上级

创建返回 销售以及他的所有上级 的函数

  1. create or replace function find_high(int) returns text as $$
  2. declare
  3. res text := $1;
  4. tmp text := res;
  5. begin
  6. loop
  7. select pid into tmp from a where id = tmp::int;
  8. if tmp is null then
  9. exit;
  10. end if;
  11. res := tmp||'.'||res;
  12. end loop;
  13. return res;
  14. end;
  15. $$ language plpgsql strict;


  1. postgres=# select find_high(id) from generate_series(100,110) t(id);
  2. find_high
  3. -----------
  4. 0.1.100
  5. 0.1.101
  6. 0.1.102
  7. 0.1.103
  8. 0.1.104
  9. 0.1.105
  10. 0.1.106
  11. 0.1.107
  12. 0.1.108
  13. 0.1.109
  14. 0.1.110
  15. (11 rows)
  16. Time: 1472.435 ms
  17. 同样的操作,在PostgreSQL里面只需要0.5毫秒:
  18. postgres=# select find_high(id) from generate_series(100,110) t(id);
  19. find_high
  20. -----------
  21. 0.1.100
  22. 0.1.101
  23. 0.1.102
  24. 0.1.103
  25. 0.1.104
  26. 0.1.105
  27. 0.1.106
  28. 0.1.107
  29. 0.1.108
  30. 0.1.109
  31. 0.1.110
  32. (11 rows)
  33. Time: 0.524 ms


  1. postgres=# select find_high(1);
  2. find_high
  3. -----------
  4. 0.1
  5. (1 row)
  6. postgres=# select find_high(0);
  7. find_high
  8. -----------
  9. 0
  10. (1 row)
  11. postgres=# select find_high(100);
  12. find_high
  13. -----------
  14. 0.1.100
  15. (1 row)


  1. create table mv2 (aid int, path text) distributed by (aid);
  2. create index idx_mv2_did on mv2(aid);


  1. -- GP不支持这样的操作,本来就简单了:insert into mv2 select id, find_high(id) from a;
  2. postgres=# select id, find_high(id) from a;
  3. ERROR: function cannot execute on segment because it accesses relation "postgres.a" (functions.c:155) (seg1 slice1 tb2a07543.sqa.tbc:25433 pid=106586) (cdbdisp.c:1328)
  4. DETAIL:
  5. SQL statement "select pid from a where id = $1 "
  6. PL/pgSQL function "find_high" line 7 at SQL statement


  1. create or replace function refresh_mv2() returns void as $$
  2. declare
  3. aid int[];
  4. begin
  5. select array_agg(id) into aid from a;
  6. delete from mv2;
  7. insert into mv2 select id, find_high(id) from unnest(aid) t(id);
  8. end;
  9. $$ language plpgsql strict;


  1. select refresh_mv2();




  1. update log1 set aid=t1.aid, path=t1.path, cid=t1.cid, bid=t1.bid
  2. from
  3. (
  4. select did, bid, cid, mv1.aid, mv2.path from mv1 join mv2 on (mv1.aid=mv2.aid)
  5. ) t1
  6. where log1.did=t1.did and log1.aid is null;
  7. UPDATE 378432001
  8. update log2 set aid=t1.aid, path=t1.path, cid=t1.cid, bid=t1.bid
  9. from
  10. (
  11. select did, bid, cid, mv1.aid, mv2.path from mv1 join mv2 on (mv1.aid=mv2.aid)
  12. ) t1
  13. where log2.did=t1.did and log2.aid is null;
  14. UPDATE 378432001



  1. select t1.cnt, t1.succ_cnt, t2.cnt, t2.succ_cnt from
  2. (
  3. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1 where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  4. ) t1,
  5. (
  6. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1 where crt_time between cdate()-1 and cts(interval '1 day')
  7. ) t2;
  8. cnt | succ_cnt | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. --------+----------+--------+----------
  10. 480228 | 432151 | 480228 | 432205
  11. (1 row)
  12. Time: 205.436 ms

2、类目 TOP,254毫秒。

  1. select c.id, count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from c
  2. join b on (c.id=b.cid)
  3. join d on (b.id=d.bid)
  4. join log1 on (d.id=log1.did)
  5. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  6. group by c.id
  7. order by cnt desc limit 10;
  8. id | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. ----+------+----------
  10. 64 | 5052 | 4555
  11. 29 | 4986 | 4483
  12. 34 | 4982 | 4509
  13. 70 | 4968 | 4466
  14. 71 | 4964 | 4491
  15. 5 | 4953 | 4474
  16. 79 | 4937 | 4454
  17. 63 | 4936 | 4420
  18. 66 | 4934 | 4436
  19. 18 | 4922 | 4417
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 254.007 ms


  1. select count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1
  2. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  3. and (path like '1.%' or path like '%.1' or path like '%.1.%') -- USER ID = 1 的总销量(包括所有下属)
  4. ;
  5. cnt | succ_cnt
  6. -------+----------
  7. 16605 | 14964
  8. (1 row)
  9. Time: 110.396 ms


BOSS 视角查看,180毫秒。

  1. set escape_string_warning TO off;
  2. select substring(path, '\.?(0\.?[0-9]*)'), -- USER ID = 0 的直接下属,请使用输入的用户ID替换
  3. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1
  4. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  5. and (path like '0.%' or path like '%.0' or path like '%.0.%') -- USER ID = 0,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  6. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  7. order by cnt desc limit 10
  8. ;
  9. substring | cnt | succ_cnt
  10. -----------+-------+----------
  11. 0.3 | 17014 | 15214
  12. 0.15 | 17006 | 15285
  13. 0.11 | 16958 | 15285
  14. 0.22 | 16901 | 15231
  15. 0.19 | 16887 | 15217
  16. 0.21 | 16861 | 15160
  17. 0.6 | 16841 | 15075
  18. 0.9 | 16831 | 15123
  19. 0.26 | 16787 | 15060
  20. 0.14 | 16777 | 15048
  21. (10 rows)
  22. Time: 179.950 ms


  1. select substring(path, '\.?(1\.?[0-9]*)'), -- USER ID = 1 的直接下属,请使用输入的用户ID替换
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  4. and (path like '1.%' or path like '%.1' or path like '%.1.%') -- USER ID = 1,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. substring | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----------+-----+----------
  10. 1.120 | 222 | 202
  11. 1.54 | 218 | 193
  12. 1.92 | 217 | 192
  13. 1.51 | 209 | 187
  14. 1.93 | 206 | 181
  15. 1.53 | 203 | 182
  16. 1.59 | 203 | 187
  17. 1.37 | 202 | 188
  18. 1.82 | 197 | 177
  19. 1.66 | 196 | 180
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 176.298 ms


BOSS 视角(全体末端销售TOP),155毫秒。

  1. select path, -- 所有下属(递归)
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  4. and (path like '0.%' or path like '%.0' or path like '%.0.%') -- USER ID = 0,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. path | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. -----------+-----+----------
  10. 0.5.482 | 261 | 229
  11. 0.28.2796 | 248 | 229
  12. 0.24.2348 | 242 | 225
  13. 0.13.1318 | 240 | 213
  14. 0.21.2093 | 237 | 211
  15. 0.26.2557 | 235 | 210
  16. 0.4.346 | 233 | 205
  17. 0.30.2935 | 231 | 214
  18. 0.14.1332 | 229 | 205
  19. 0.26.2620 | 229 | 204
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 155.268 ms


  1. select path, -- 所有下属(递归)
  2. count(*) cnt, sum(state) succ_cnt from log1
  3. where crt_time between cdate() and cts(interval '0')
  4. and (path like '1.%' or path like '%.1' or path like '%.1.%') -- USER ID = 1,请使用输入的用户ID替换。
  5. group by 1 -- 第一个字段为分组
  6. order by cnt desc limit 10
  7. ;
  8. path | cnt | succ_cnt
  9. ---------+-----+----------
  10. 0.1.120 | 222 | 202
  11. 0.1.92 | 218 | 193
  12. 0.1.54 | 218 | 193
  13. 0.1.51 | 209 | 187
  14. 0.1.93 | 207 | 182
  15. 0.1.59 | 204 | 187
  16. 0.1.53 | 203 | 182
  17. 0.1.37 | 202 | 188
  18. 0.1.82 | 198 | 178
  19. 0.1.66 | 196 | 180
  20. (10 rows)
  21. Time: 150.883 ms

八、Greenplum 小结


《分布式DB(Greenplum)中数据倾斜的原因和解法 - 阿里云HybridDB for PostgreSQL最佳实践》


3、Greenplum的方案二。重点是物化视图、补齐(实际上不在订单中补齐也没关系,只要生成一张 (设备号->门店->类目和员工层级关系) 的表即可,查询起来就会方便很多。




对于本例,建议还是使用PostgreSQL 10(特别是将来量要往100 TB这个量级发展的时候,迁移到POLARDB for PostgreSQL会特别方便,完全兼容。)。性能方面,TP和AP都满足需求。功能方面也完全满足需求,而且有很多可以利用的特性来提升用户体验:

如果要使用Greenplum(HybridDB for PostgreSQL)的方案,那么建议依旧使用类似PostgreSQL 10方案2的设计方法(订单补齐使用规则实现、或者批量更新实现)。



3、JOIN方法,有hash, merge, nestloop等多种JOIN方法,可以处理任意复杂的JOIN。



6、复合类型,补齐 “设备->门店->类目和员工层级”的信息。





10、以及本方案中没有用到的诸多特性(例如SQL流计算,oss_ext对象存储外部表 等)。

接下来阿里云会推出POLARDB for PostgreSQL,100TB 级,共享存储,一写多读架构。对标AWSAurora与Oracle RAC。

11、本例三种方案(同等硬件资源, 32C)的实时透视QUERY性能对比:

PostgreSQL 10 方案1全量透视77 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案1类目 TOP446 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案1我的总销量(包括所有下属)464 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案1我的直接下属,TOP2.6 秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案1我的所有下属(递归),TOP642 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案2全量透视74 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案2类目 TOP41 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案2我的总销量(包括所有下属)41 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案2我的直接下属,TOP41 毫秒
PostgreSQL 10 方案2我的所有下属(递归),TOP41 毫秒
Greenplum 方案1全量透视610 毫秒
Greenplum 方案1类目 TOP219 毫秒
Greenplum 方案1我的总销量(包括所有下属)208 毫秒
Greenplum 方案1我的直接下属,TOP不支持递归、未测试
Greenplum 方案1我的所有下属(递归),TOP不支持递归、未测试
Greenplum 方案2全量透视205 毫秒
Greenplum 方案2类目 TOP254 毫秒
Greenplum 方案2我的总销量(包括所有下属)110 毫秒
Greenplum 方案2我的直接下属,TOP176 毫秒
Greenplum 方案2我的所有下属(递归),TOP151 毫秒


《空间|时间|对象 圈人 + 透视 - 暨PostgreSQL 10与Greenplum的对比和选择》

