
pgbench是 PG内置的一款压测工具,效率非常高。内置tpcb测试模型,并且支持自定义压测模型(内置了非常丰富的变量生成函数,操作符,函数,变量。同时支持shell 调用结果作为变量传输。支持多个压测文件,文件权重设置等)。




client_id :

unique number identifying the client session (starts from zero)


或者将client_id作为动态identify的suffix组成,实现不同线程操作不同表的需求。(pgbench暂时还不支持这个功能, 可以参考这里说明 《PostgreSQL 使用 pgbench 测试 sysbench 相关case - pg_oltp_bench》 需要修改pgbench代码parseQuery)

  1. vi test.sql
  2. \set id1 random(1, 10000000)
  3. SELECT pad FROM "sbtest:client_id" WHERE id = :id1;
  4. $ pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 1924 -U postgres postgres -c 3 -j 3 -T 100
  5. 目前会报错,只支持simple模式。 如果要让prepared模式支持,建议改pgbench代码来支持. 例如使用:::varname时,拼接identifid
  6. ERROR: relation "sbtest$1" does not exist
  7. LINE 1: SELECT pad FROM "sbtest$1" WHERE id = $2;
  8. ^
  9. client 0 aborted in state 1: ERROR: prepared statement "P0_1" does not exist
  10. ERROR: relation "sbtest$1" does not exist
  11. LINE 1: SELECT pad FROM "sbtest$1" WHERE id = $2;
  12. ^
  13. client 1 aborted in state 1: ERROR: prepared statement "P0_1" does not exist
  14. ERROR: relation "sbtest$1" does not exist
  15. LINE 1: SELECT pad FROM "sbtest$1" WHERE id = $2;
  16. ^
  17. client 2 aborted in state 1: ERROR: prepared statement "P0_1" does not exist



  1. create table t(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);


  1. vi test.sql
  2. \set id random(1,100000000)/64+:client_id
  3. insert into t values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info , crt_time=excluded.crt_time;


  1. \set id random(1,100000000)/64+:client_id
  2. random(1,100000000) 返回11亿之间的随机int
  3. /64除以64得到trunc int
  4. +:client_id 加每个线程的number
  5. 得到的值,赋予给id 从而不同的线程绝对不会有重复的id出现
  1. postgres=# select * from t limit 10;
  2. id | info | crt_time
  3. ---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------
  4. 259017 | 1d55b352a6d0505bd9f5f7d4c445233b | 2019-08-28 22:27:38.123068
  5. 1472003 | 493446240b69fd241c135a238d70eab4 | 2019-08-28 22:27:35.934951
  6. 1001450 | 74d8334822be81483bffe7da3b5f0253 | 2019-08-28 22:27:26.06475
  7. 985969 | f9790129e9f4fe2da6f0d887abc5bb1c | 2019-08-28 22:27:37.722908
  8. 1140661 | d8214e5c1994549b612b7e4194c63bcb | 2019-08-28 22:27:37.205729
  9. 1252023 | 6d8fbeb3d039749e6594b8913955cde1 | 2019-08-28 22:27:29.841494
  10. 727159 | 68fa51af79d7c01502a79b8873aeb8fa | 2019-08-28 22:27:31.892077
  11. 687989 | 00b95072f38ffc73fb9e5b0ace009b5d | 2019-08-28 22:27:15.524358
  12. 1029162 | 113a44124e08be8105690a24b456863e | 2019-08-28 22:27:23.566686
  13. 1204224 | c6ea8e3c66790ccf3dd22b9feab2f4a6 | 2019-08-28 22:27:29.696627
  14. (10 rows)


  1. pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 64 -j 64 -T 120
  2. transaction type: ./test.sql
  3. scaling factor: 1
  4. query mode: prepared
  5. number of clients: 64
  6. number of threads: 64
  7. duration: 120 s
  8. number of transactions actually processed: 25803874
  9. latency average = 0.297 ms
  10. latency stddev = 0.251 ms
  11. tps = 215005.904762 (including connections establishing)
  12. tps = 215027.544261 (excluding connections establishing)
  13. statement latencies in milliseconds:
  14. 0.001 \set id random(1,100000000)/64+:client_id
  15. 0.296 insert into t ...........................


  1. vi test.sql
  2. insert into t values (:client_id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info , crt_time=excluded.crt_time;
  3. pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120
  4. transaction type: ./test.sql
  5. scaling factor: 1
  6. query mode: prepared
  7. number of clients: 32
  8. number of threads: 32
  9. duration: 120 s
  10. number of transactions actually processed: 30045516
  11. latency average = 0.127 ms
  12. latency stddev = 0.073 ms
  13. tps = 250377.400798 (including connections establishing)
  14. tps = 250393.055448 (excluding connections establishing)
  15. statement latencies in milliseconds:
  16. 0.127 insert into t values (:client_id, ...........


  1. vi test.sql
  2. \set id random(0,31)
  3. insert into t values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info , crt_time=excluded.crt_time;
  4. pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 120
  5. transaction type: ./test.sql
  6. scaling factor: 1
  7. query mode: prepared
  8. number of clients: 32
  9. number of threads: 32
  10. duration: 120 s
  11. number of transactions actually processed: 21619627
  12. latency average = 0.177 ms
  13. latency stddev = 0.138 ms
  14. tps = 180162.287114 (including connections establishing)
  15. tps = 180174.521514 (excluding connections establishing)
  16. statement latencies in milliseconds:
  17. 0.000 \set id random(0,31)
  18. 0.177 insert into t values (:id, ............




《PostgreSQL 使用 pgbench 测试 sysbench 相关case - pg_oltp_bench》

《PostgreSQL 10.0 preview 性能增强 - 2PC事务恢复阶段性能提升》

《PostgreSQL native partition 分区表性能优化之 - 动态SQL+服务端绑定变量》

《PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之 - DBMS_SQL(存储过程动态SQL中使用绑定变量-DB端prepare statement)》
