
  • Prefer map over

  • Prefer detect over find. The use of find
    is ambiguous with regard to ActiveRecord’s find method - detect makes
    clear that you’re working with a Ruby collection, not an AR object.

  • Prefer reduce over inject.

  • Prefer size over either length or count
    for performance reasons.[link]

  • Prefer literal array and hash creation
    notation unless you need to pass parameters to their constructors.

    1. # bad
    2. arr =
    3. hash =
    4. # good
    5. arr = []
    6. hash = {}
    7. # good because constructor requires parameters
    8. x = { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
  • Favor Array#join over Array#* for clarity.

    1. # bad
    2. %w(one two three) * ', '
    3. # => 'one, two, three'
    4. # good
    5. %w(one two three).join(', ')
    6. # => 'one, two, three'
  • Use symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

    1. # bad
    2. hash = { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    3. # good
    4. hash = { :one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3 }
  • Relatedly, use plain symbols instead of string
    symbols when possible.[link]

    1. # bad
    2. :"symbol"
    3. # good
    4. :symbol
  • Use Hash#key? instead of
    Hash#has_key? and Hash#value? instead of Hash#has_value?. According
    to Matz, the longer forms are considered deprecated.

    1. # bad
    2. hash.has_key?(:test)
    3. hash.has_value?(value)
    4. # good
    5. hash.key?(:test)
    6. hash.value?(value)
  • Use multi-line hashes when it makes the code
    more readable, and use trailing commas to ensure that parameter changes
    don’t cause extraneous diff lines when the logic has not otherwise changed.

    1. hash = {
    2. :protocol => 'https',
    3. :only_path => false,
    4. :controller => :users,
    5. :action => :set_password,
    6. :redirect => @redirect_url,
    7. :secret => @secret,
    8. }
  • Use a trailing comma in an Array that
    spans more than 1 line[link]

    1. # good
    2. array = [1, 2, 3]
    3. # good
    4. array = [
    5. "car",
    6. "bear",
    7. "plane",
    8. "zoo",
    9. ]