You can build and push docker/oci images without the need to execute a docker daemon (and requiring privileged containers) thanks to tools like kanikoBuilding and pushing docker/oci images - 图1 and buildahBuilding and pushing docker/oci images - 图2

Using Kaniko

Basic image build

A basic task for building images using kaniko is this. Add --no-push if you don’t want to push the image. This doesn’t take care of registry authentication. See below for an example with registry authentication.

  1. tasks:
  2. # kaniko image doesn't have the git command installed
  3. - name: checkout code
  4. runtime:
  5. containers:
  6. - image: alpine/git
  7. steps:
  8. - clone:
  9. - save_to_workspace:
  10. contents:
  11. - source_dir: .
  12. dest_dir: .
  13. paths:
  14. - '**'
  15. - name: build docker image
  16. runtime:
  17. containers:
  18. - image:
  19. shell: /busybox/sh
  20. steps:
  21. - restore_workspace:
  22. dest_dir: .
  23. #- run: /kaniko/executor --no-push
  24. - run: /kaniko/executor --destination registry/image
  25. depends:
  26. - checkout code

With authentication

For more information refer to the kaniko doc. Kaniko document some ways to authenticate to gcr and aws registries and its images already include a credential helper for amazon ecr.

At the end you should create a docker config.json config file with the required auth data:

  1. tasks:
  2. # kaniko image doesn't have the git command installed
  3. - name: checkout code
  4. runtime:
  5. containers:
  6. - image: alpine/git
  7. steps:
  8. - clone:
  9. - save_to_workspace:
  10. contents:
  11. - source_dir: .
  12. dest_dir: .
  13. paths:
  14. - '**'
  15. - name: build docker image
  16. runtime:
  17. containers:
  18. - image:
  19. environment:
  21. from_variable: dockerauth
  22. shell: /busybox/sh
  23. steps:
  24. - restore_workspace:
  25. dest_dir: .
  26. - run:
  27. name: generate docker config
  28. command: |
  29. cat << EOF > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
  30. {
  31. "auths": {
  32. "": { "auth" : "$DOCKERAUTH" }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. EOF
  36. - run: /kaniko/executor --destination registry/image
  37. depends:
  38. - checkout code

Using Buildah