In this post we will create a paging module, which allows us to access and modify the 4-level page table. We will explore recursive page table mapping and use some Rust features to make it safe. Finally we will create functions to translate virtual addresses and to map and unmap pages.

You can find the source code and this post itself on GitHub. Please file an issue there if you have any problems or improvement suggestions. There is also a comment section at the end of this page. Note that this post requires a current Rust nightly.


Paging is a memory management scheme that separates virtual and physical memory. The address space is split into equal sized pages and page tables specify which virtual page points to which physical frame. For an extensive paging introduction take a look at the paging chapter (PDF) of the Three Easy Pieces OS book.

The x86 architecture uses a 4-level page table in 64-bit mode. A virtual address has the following structure:

structure of a virtual address on x86

The bits 48–63 are so-called sign extension bits and must be copies of bit 47. The following 36 bits define the page table indexes (9 bits per table) and the last 12 bits specify the offset in the 4KiB page.

Each table has 2^9 = 512 entries and each entry is 8 byte. Thus a page table fits exactly in one page (4 KiB).

To translate an address, the CPU reads the P4 address from the CR3 register. Then it uses the indexes to walk the tables:

translation of virtual to physical addresses in 64 bit mode

The P4 entry points to a P3 table, where the next 9 bits of the address are used to select an entry. The P3 entry then points to a P2 table and the P2 entry points to a P1 table. The P1 entry, which is specified through bits 12–20, finally points to the physical frame.

A Basic Paging Module

Let’s create a basic paging module in memory/paging/

  1. use memory::PAGE_SIZE; // needed later
  2. const ENTRY_COUNT: usize = 512;
  3. pub type PhysicalAddress = usize;
  4. pub type VirtualAddress = usize;
  5. pub struct Page {
  6. number: usize,
  7. }

We import the PAGE_SIZE and define a constant for the number of entries per table. To make future function signatures more expressive, we can use the type aliases PhysicalAddress and VirtualAddress. The Page struct is similar to the Frame struct in the previous post, but represents a virtual page instead of a physical frame.

Page Table Entries

To model page table entries, we create a new entry submodule:

  1. use memory::Frame; // needed later
  2. pub struct Entry(u64);
  3. impl Entry {
  4. pub fn is_unused(&self) -> bool {
  5. self.0 == 0
  6. }
  7. pub fn set_unused(&mut self) {
  8. self.0 = 0;
  9. }
  10. }

We define that an unused entry is completely 0. That allows us to distinguish unused entries from other non-present entries in the future. For example, we could define one of the available bits as the swapped_out bit for pages that are swapped to disk.

Next we will model the contained physical address and the various flags. Remember, entries have the following format:

Bit(s) Name Meaning
0 present the page is currently in memory
1 writable it’s allowed to write to this page
2 user accessible if not set, only kernel mode code can access this page
3 write through caching writes go directly to memory
4 disable cache no cache is used for this page
5 accessed the CPU sets this bit when this page is used
6 dirty the CPU sets this bit when a write to this page occurs
7 huge page/null must be 0 in P1 and P4, creates a 1GiB page in P3, creates a 2MiB page in P2
8 global page isn’t flushed from caches on address space switch (PGE bit of CR4 register must be set)
9-11 available can be used freely by the OS
12-51 physical address the page aligned 52bit physical address of the frame or the next page table
52-62 available can be used freely by the OS
63 no execute forbid executing code on this page (the NXE bit in the EFER register must be set)

To model the various flags, we will use the bitflags crate. To add it as a dependency, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

  1. [dependencies]
  2. ...
  3. bitflags = "0.9.1"

To import the macro, we need to use #[macro_use] above the extern crate definition:

  1. // in src/
  2. #[macro_use]
  3. extern crate bitflags;

Now we can model the various flags:

  1. bitflags! {
  2. pub struct EntryFlags: u64 {
  3. const PRESENT = 1 << 0;
  4. const WRITABLE = 1 << 1;
  5. const USER_ACCESSIBLE = 1 << 2;
  6. const WRITE_THROUGH = 1 << 3;
  7. const NO_CACHE = 1 << 4;
  8. const ACCESSED = 1 << 5;
  9. const DIRTY = 1 << 6;
  10. const HUGE_PAGE = 1 << 7;
  11. const GLOBAL = 1 << 8;
  12. const NO_EXECUTE = 1 << 63;
  13. }
  14. }

To extract the flags from the entry we create an Entry::flags method that uses from_bits_truncate:

  1. pub fn flags(&self) -> EntryFlags {
  2. EntryFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0)
  3. }

This allows us to check for flags through the contains() function. For example, flags().contains(PRESENT | WRITABLE) returns true if the entry contains both flags.

To extract the physical address, we add a pointed_frame method:

  1. pub fn pointed_frame(&self) -> Option<Frame> {
  2. if self.flags().contains(PRESENT) {
  3. Some(Frame::containing_address(
  4. self.0 as usize & 0x000fffff_fffff000
  5. ))
  6. } else {
  7. None
  8. }
  9. }

If the entry is present, we mask bits 12–51 and return the corresponding frame. If the entry is not present, it does not point to a valid frame so we return None.

To modify entries, we add a set method that updates the flags and the pointed frame:

  1. pub fn set(&mut self, frame: Frame, flags: EntryFlags) {
  2. assert!(frame.start_address() & !0x000fffff_fffff000 == 0);
  3. self.0 = (frame.start_address() as u64) | flags.bits();
  4. }

The start address of a frame should be page aligned and smaller than 2^52 (since x86 uses 52bit physical addresses). Since an invalid address could mess up the entry, we add an assertion. To actually set the entry, we just need to or the start address and the flag bits.

The missing Frame::start_address method is pretty simple:

  1. use self::paging::PhysicalAddress;
  2. fn start_address(&self) -> PhysicalAddress {
  3. self.number * PAGE_SIZE
  4. }

We add it to the impl Frame block in memory/

Page Tables

To model page tables, we create a basic Table struct in a new table submodule:

  1. use memory::paging::entry::*;
  2. use memory::paging::ENTRY_COUNT;
  3. pub struct Table {
  4. entries: [Entry; ENTRY_COUNT],
  5. }

It’s just an array of 512 page table entries.

To make the Table indexable itself, we can implement the Index and IndexMut traits:

  1. use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
  2. impl Index<usize> for Table {
  3. type Output = Entry;
  4. fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Entry {
  5. &self.entries[index]
  6. }
  7. }
  8. impl IndexMut<usize> for Table {
  9. fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Entry {
  10. &mut self.entries[index]
  11. }
  12. }

Now it’s possible to get the 42th entry through some_table[42]. Of course we could replace usize with u32 or even u16 here but it would cause more numerical conversions (x as u16).

Let’s add a method that sets all entries to unused. We will need it when we create new page tables in the future. The method looks like this:

  1. pub fn zero(&mut self) {
  2. for entry in self.entries.iter_mut() {
  3. entry.set_unused();
  4. }
  5. }

Now we can read page tables and retrieve the mapping information. We can also update them through the IndexMut trait and the Entry::set method. But how do we get references to the various page tables?

We could read the CR3 register to get the physical address of the P4 table and read its entries to get the P3 addresses. The P3 entries then point to the P2 tables and so on. But this method only works for identity-mapped pages. In the future we will create new page tables, which aren’t in the identity-mapped area anymore. Since we can’t access them through their physical address, we need a way to map them to virtual addresses.

Mapping Page Tables

So how do we map the page tables itself? We don’t have that problem for the current P4, P3, and P2 table since they are part of the identity-mapped area, but we need a way to access future tables, too.

One solution is to identity map all page tables. That way we would not need to differentiate virtual and physical addresses and could easily access the tables. But it clutters the virtual address space and increases fragmentation. And it makes creating page tables much more complicated since we need a physical frame whose corresponding page isn’t already used for something else.

An alternative solution is to map the page tables only temporary. To read/write a page table, we would map it to some free virtual address until we’re done. We could use a small pool of such virtual addresses and reuse them for various tables. This method occupies only few virtual addresses and thus is a good solution for 32-bit systems, which have small address spaces. But it makes things much more complicated since we need to temporary map up to 4 tables to access a single page. And the temporary mapping requires modification of other page tables, which need to be mapped, too.

We will solve the problem in another way using a trick called recursive mapping.

Recursive Mapping

The trick is to map the P4 table recursively: The last entry doesn’t point to a P3 table, but to the P4 table itself. We can use this entry to remove a translation level so that we land on a page table instead. For example, we can “loop” once to access a P1 table:

access P1 table through recursive paging

By selecting the 511th P4 entry, which points points to the P4 table itself, the P4 table is used as the P3 table. Similarly, the P3 table is used as a P2 table and the P2 table is treated like a P1 table. Thus the P1 table becomes the target page and can be accessed through the offset.

It’s also possible to access P2 tables by looping twice. And if we select the 511th entry three times, we can access and modify P3 tables:

access P3 table through recursive paging

So we just need to specify the desired P3 table in the address through the P1 index. By choosing the 511th entry multiple times, we stay on the P4 table until the address’s P1 index becomes the actual P4 index.

To access the P4 table itself, we loop once more and thus never leave the frame:

access P4 table through recursive paging

So we can access and modify page tables of all levels by just setting one P4 entry once. Most work is done by the CPU, we just the recursive entry to remove one or more translation levels. It may seem a bit strange at first, but it’s a clean and simple solution once you wrapped your head around it.

By using recursive mapping, each page table is accessible through an unique virtual address. The math checks out, too: If all page tables are used, there is 1 P4 table, 511 P3 tables (the last entry is used for the recursive mapping), 511*512 P2 tables, and 511*512*512 P1 tables. So there are 134217728 page tables altogether. Each page table occupies 4KiB, so we need 134217728 * 4KiB = 512GiB to store them. That’s exactly the amount of memory that can be accessed through one P4 entry since 4KiB per page * 512 P1 entries * 512 P2 entries * 512 P3 entries = 512GiB.

Of course recursive mapping has some disadvantages, too. It occupies a P4 entry and thus 512GiB of the virtual address space. But since we’re in long mode and have a 48-bit address space, there are still 225.5TiB left. The bigger problem is that only the active table can be modified by default. To access another table, the recursive entry needs to be replaced temporary. We will tackle this problem in the next post when we switch to a new page table.


To map the P4 table recursively, we just need to point the 511th entry to the table itself. Of course we could do it in Rust, but it would require some fiddling with unsafe pointers. It’s easier to just add some lines to our boot assembly:

  1. mov eax, p4_table
  2. or eax, 0b11 ; present + writable
  3. mov [p4_table + 511 * 8], eax

I put it right after the set_up_page_tables label, but you can add it wherever you like.

Now we can use special virtual addresses to access the page tables. The P4 table is available at 0xfffffffffffff000. Let’s add a P4 constant to the table submodule:

  1. pub const P4: *mut Table = 0xffffffff_fffff000 as *mut _;

Let’s switch to the octal system, since it makes more sense for the other special addresses. The P4 address from above is equivalent to 0o177777_777_777_777_777_0000 in octal. You can see that is has index 777 in all tables and offset 0000. The 177777 bits on the left are the sign extension bits, which are copies of the 47th bit. They are required because x86 only uses 48bit virtual addresses.

The other tables can be accessed through the following addresses:

Table Address Indexes
P4 0o177777_777_777_777_777_0000
P3 0o177777_777_777_777_XXX_0000 XXX is the P4 index
P2 0o177777_777_777_XXX_YYY_0000 like above, and YYY is the P3 index
P1 0o177777_777_XXX_YYY_ZZZ_0000 like above, and ZZZ is the P2 index

If we look closely, we can see that the P3 address is equal to (P4 << 9) | XXX_0000. And the P2 address is calculated through (P3 << 9) | YYY_0000. So to get the next address, we need to shift it 9 bits to the left and add the table index. As a formula:

  1. next_table_address = (table_address << 9) | (index << 12)

The next_table Methods

Let’s add the above formula as a Table method:

  1. fn next_table_address(&self, index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
  2. let entry_flags = self[index].flags();
  3. if entry_flags.contains(PRESENT) && !entry_flags.contains(HUGE_PAGE) {
  4. let table_address = self as *const _ as usize;
  5. Some((table_address << 9) | (index << 12))
  6. } else {
  7. None
  8. }
  9. }

The next table address is only valid if the corresponding entry is present and does not create a huge page. Then we can do some pointer casting to get the table address and use the formula to calculate the next address.

If the index is out of bounds, the function will panic since Rust checks array bounds. The panic is desired here since a wrong index should not be possible and indicates a bug.

To convert the address into references, we add two functions:

  1. pub fn next_table(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Table> {
  2. self.next_table_address(index)
  3. .map(|address| unsafe { &*(address as *const _) })
  4. }
  5. pub fn next_table_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut Table> {
  6. self.next_table_address(index)
  7. .map(|address| unsafe { &mut *(address as *mut _) })
  8. }

We convert the address into raw pointers through as casts and then convert them into Rust references through &mut *. The latter is an unsafe operation since Rust can’t guarantee that the raw pointer is valid.

Note that self stays borrowed as long as the returned reference is valid. This is because of Rust’s lifetime elision rules. Basically, these rules say that the lifetime of an output reference is the same as the lifetime of the input reference by default. So the above function signatures are expanded to:

  1. pub fn next_table<'a>(&'a self, index: usize) -> Option<&'a Table> {...}
  2. pub fn next_table_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, index: usize)
  3. -> Option<&'a mut Table>
  4. {...}

Note the additional lifetime parameters, which are identical for input and output references. That’s exactly what we want. It ensures that we can’t modify tables as long as we have references to lower tables. For example, it would be very bad if we could unmap a P3 table if we still write to one of its P2 tables.


Now we can start at the P4 constant and use the next_table functions to access the lower tables. And we don’t even need unsafe blocks to do it! Right now, your alarm bells should be ringing. Thanks to Rust, everything we’ve done before in this post was completely safe. But we just introduced two unsafe blocks to convince Rust that there are valid tables at the specified addresses. Can we really be sure?

First, these addresses are only valid if the P4 table is mapped recursively. Since the paging module will be the only module that modifies page tables, we can introduce an invariant for the module:

The 511th entry of the active P4 table must always be mapped to the active P4 table itself.

So if we switch to another P4 table at some time, it needs to be identity mapped before it becomes active. As long as we obey this invariant, we can safely use the special addresses. But even with this invariant, there is a big problem with the two methods:

What happens if we call them on a P1 table?

Well, they would calculate the address of the next table (which does not exist) and treat it as a page table. Either they construct an invalid address (if XXX < 400)[^fn-invalid-address] or access the mapped page itself. That way, we could easily corrupt memory or cause CPU exceptions by accident. So these two functions are not safe in Rust terms. Thus we need to make them unsafe functions unless we find some clever solution.

Some Clever Solution

We can use Rust’s type system to statically guarantee that the next_table methods can only be called on P4, P3, and P2 tables, but not on a P1 table. The idea is to add a Level parameter to the Table type and implement the next_table methods only for level 4, 3, and 2.

To model the levels we use a trait and empty enums:

  1. pub trait TableLevel {}
  2. pub enum Level4 {}
  3. pub enum Level3 {}
  4. pub enum Level2 {}
  5. pub enum Level1 {}
  6. impl TableLevel for Level4 {}
  7. impl TableLevel for Level3 {}
  8. impl TableLevel for Level2 {}
  9. impl TableLevel for Level1 {}

An empty enum has size zero and disappears completely after compiling. Unlike an empty struct, it’s not possible to instantiate an empty enum. Since we will use TableLevel and the table levels in exported types, they need to be public.

To differentiate the P1 table from the other tables, we introduce a HierarchicalLevel trait, which is a subtrait of TableLevel. But we implement it only for the levels 4, 3, and 2:

  1. pub trait HierarchicalLevel: TableLevel {}
  2. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level4 {}
  3. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level3 {}
  4. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level2 {}

Now we add the level parameter to the Table type:

  1. use core::marker::PhantomData;
  2. pub struct Table<L: TableLevel> {
  3. entries: [Entry; ENTRY_COUNT],
  4. level: PhantomData<L>,
  5. }

We need to add a PhantomData field because unused type parameters are not allowed in Rust.

Since we changed the Table type, we need to update every use of it:

  1. pub const P4: *mut Table<Level4> = 0xffffffff_fffff000 as *mut _;
  2. ...
  3. impl<L> Table<L> where L: TableLevel
  4. {
  5. pub fn zero(&mut self) {...}
  6. }
  7. impl<L> Table<L> where L: HierarchicalLevel
  8. {
  9. pub fn next_table(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Table<???>> {...}
  10. pub fn next_table_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut Table<???>>
  11. {...}
  12. fn next_table_address(&self, index: usize) -> Option<usize> {...}
  13. }
  14. impl<L> Index<usize> for Table<L> where L: TableLevel {...}
  15. impl<L> IndexMut<usize> for Table<L> where L: TableLevel {...}

Now the next_table methods are only available for P4, P3, and P2 tables. But they have the incomplete return type Table<???> now. What should we fill in for the ????

For a P4 table we would like to return a Table<Level3>, for a P3 table a Table<Level2>, and for a P2 table a Table<Level1>. So we want to return a table of the next level.

We can define the next level by adding an associated type to the HierarchicalLevel trait:

  1. trait HierarchicalLevel: TableLevel {
  2. type NextLevel: TableLevel;
  3. }
  4. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level4 {
  5. type NextLevel = Level3;
  6. }
  7. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level3 {
  8. type NextLevel = Level2;
  9. }
  10. impl HierarchicalLevel for Level2 {
  11. type NextLevel = Level1;
  12. }

Now we can replace the Table<???> types with Table<L::NextLevel> types and our code works as intended. You can try it with a simple test function:

  1. fn test() {
  2. let p4 = unsafe { &*P4 };
  3. p4.next_table(42)
  4. .and_then(|p3| p3.next_table(1337))
  5. .and_then(|p2| p2.next_table(0xdeadbeaf))
  6. .and_then(|p1| p1.next_table(0xcafebabe))
  7. }

Most of the indexes are completely out of bounds, so it would panic if it’s called. But we don’t need to call it since it already fails at compile time:

  1. error: no method named `next_table` found for type
  2. `&memory::paging::table::Table<memory::paging::table::Level1>`
  3. in the current scope

Remember that this is bare metal kernel code. We just used type system magic to make low-level page table manipulations safer. Rust is just awesome!

Translating Addresses

Now let’s do something useful with our new module. We will create a function that translates a virtual address to the corresponding physical address. We add it to the paging/ module:

  1. pub fn translate(virtual_address: VirtualAddress)
  2. -> Option<PhysicalAddress>
  3. {
  4. let offset = virtual_address % PAGE_SIZE;
  5. translate_page(Page::containing_address(virtual_address))
  6. .map(|frame| frame.number * PAGE_SIZE + offset)
  7. }

It uses two functions we haven’t defined yet: translate_page and Page::containing_address. Let’s start with the latter:

  1. pub fn containing_address(address: VirtualAddress) -> Page {
  2. assert!(address < 0x0000_8000_0000_0000 ||
  3. address >= 0xffff_8000_0000_0000,
  4. "invalid address: 0x{:x}", address);
  5. Page { number: address / PAGE_SIZE }
  6. }

The assertion is needed because there can be invalid addresses. Addresses on x86 are just 48-bit long and the other bits are just sign extension, i.e. a copy of the most significant bit. For example:

  1. invalid address: 0x0000_8000_0000_0000
  2. valid address: 0xffff_8000_0000_0000
  3. └── bit 47

So the address space is split into two halves: the higher half containing addresses with sign extension and the lower half containing addresses without. Everything in between is invalid.

Since we added containing_address, we add the inverse method as well (maybe we need it later):

  1. fn start_address(&self) -> usize {
  2. self.number * PAGE_SIZE
  3. }

The other missing function, translate_page, looks like this:

  1. use memory::Frame;
  2. fn translate_page(page: Page) -> Option<Frame> {
  3. use self::entry::HUGE_PAGE;
  4. let p3 = unsafe { &*table::P4 }.next_table(page.p4_index());
  5. let huge_page = || {
  6. // TODO
  7. };
  8. p3.and_then(|p3| p3.next_table(page.p3_index()))
  9. .and_then(|p2| p2.next_table(page.p2_index()))
  10. .and_then(|p1| p1[page.p1_index()].pointed_frame())
  11. .or_else(huge_page)
  12. }

We use an unsafe block to convert the raw P4 pointer to a reference. Then we use the Option::and_then function to go through the four table levels. If some entry along the way is None, we check if the page is a huge page through the (unimplemented) huge_page closure.

The Page::p*_index functions return the different table indexes. They look like this:

  1. fn p4_index(&self) -> usize {
  2. (self.number >> 27) & 0o777
  3. }
  4. fn p3_index(&self) -> usize {
  5. (self.number >> 18) & 0o777
  6. }
  7. fn p2_index(&self) -> usize {
  8. (self.number >> 9) & 0o777
  9. }
  10. fn p1_index(&self) -> usize {
  11. (self.number >> 0) & 0o777
  12. }


We use an unsafe block to convert the raw P4 pointer into a shared reference. It’s safe because we don’t create any &mut references to the table right now and don’t switch the P4 table either. But as soon as we do something like that, we have to revisit this method.

Huge Pages

The huge_page closure calculates the corresponding frame if huge pages are used. Its content looks like this:

  1. p3.and_then(|p3| {
  2. let p3_entry = &p3[page.p3_index()];
  3. // 1GiB page?
  4. if let Some(start_frame) = p3_entry.pointed_frame() {
  5. if p3_entry.flags().contains(HUGE_PAGE) {
  6. // address must be 1GiB aligned
  7. assert!(start_frame.number % (ENTRY_COUNT * ENTRY_COUNT) == 0);
  8. return Some(Frame {
  9. number: start_frame.number + page.p2_index() *
  10. ENTRY_COUNT + page.p1_index(),
  11. });
  12. }
  13. }
  14. if let Some(p2) = p3.next_table(page.p3_index()) {
  15. let p2_entry = &p2[page.p2_index()];
  16. // 2MiB page?
  17. if let Some(start_frame) = p2_entry.pointed_frame() {
  18. if p2_entry.flags().contains(HUGE_PAGE) {
  19. // address must be 2MiB aligned
  20. assert!(start_frame.number % ENTRY_COUNT == 0);
  21. return Some(Frame {
  22. number: start_frame.number + page.p1_index()
  23. });
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. None
  28. })

This function is much longer and more complex than the translate_page function itself. To avoid this complexity in the future, we will only work with standard 4KiB pages from now on.

Mapping Pages

Let’s add a function that modifies the page tables to map a Page to a Frame:

  1. pub use self::entry::*;
  2. use memory::FrameAllocator;
  3. pub fn map_to<A>(page: Page, frame: Frame, flags: EntryFlags,
  4. allocator: &mut A)
  5. where A: FrameAllocator
  6. {
  7. let p4 = unsafe { &mut *P4 };
  8. let mut p3 = p4.next_table_create(page.p4_index(), allocator);
  9. let mut p2 = p3.next_table_create(page.p3_index(), allocator);
  10. let mut p1 = p2.next_table_create(page.p2_index(), allocator);
  11. assert!(p1[page.p1_index()].is_unused());
  12. p1[page.p1_index()].set(frame, flags | PRESENT);
  13. }

We add an re-export for all entry types since they are required to call the function. We assert that the page is unmapped and always set the present flag (since it wouldn’t make sense to map a page without setting it).

The Table::next_table_create method doesn’t exist yet. It should return the next table if it exists, or create a new one. For the implementation we need the FrameAllocator from the previous post and the Table::zero method:

  1. use memory::FrameAllocator;
  2. pub fn next_table_create<A>(&mut self,
  3. index: usize,
  4. allocator: &mut A)
  5. -> &mut Table<L::NextLevel>
  6. where A: FrameAllocator
  7. {
  8. if self.next_table(index).is_none() {
  9. assert!(!self.entries[index].flags().contains(HUGE_PAGE),
  10. "mapping code does not support huge pages");
  11. let frame = allocator.allocate_frame().expect("no frames available");
  12. self.entries[index].set(frame, PRESENT | WRITABLE);
  13. self.next_table_mut(index).unwrap().zero();
  14. }
  15. self.next_table_mut(index).unwrap()
  16. }

We can use unwrap() here since the next table definitely exists.


We used an unsafe block in map_to to convert the raw P4 pointer to a &mut reference. That’s bad. It’s now possible that the &mut reference is not exclusive, which breaks Rust’s guarantees. It’s only a matter time before we run into a data race. For example, imagine that one thread maps an entry to frame_A and another thread (on the same core) tries to map the same entry to frame_B.

The problem is that there’s no clear owner for the page tables. So let’s define page table ownership!

Page Table Ownership

We define the following:

A page table owns all of its subtables.

We already obey this rule: To get a reference to a table, we need to borrow it from its parent table through the next_table method. But who owns the P4 table?

The recursively mapped P4 table is owned by a ActivePageTable struct.

We just defined some random owner for the P4 table. But it will solve our problems. And it will also provide the interface to other modules.

So let’s create the struct:

  1. use self::table::{Table, Level4};
  2. use core::ptr::Unique;
  3. pub struct ActivePageTable {
  4. p4: Unique<Table<Level4>>,
  5. }

We can’t store the Table<Level4> directly because it needs to be at a special memory location (like the VGA text buffer). We could use a raw pointer or &mut instead of Unique, but Unique indicates ownership better.

Because the ActivePageTable owns the unique recursive mapped P4 table, there must be only one ActivePageTable instance. Thus we make the constructor function unsafe:

  1. impl ActivePageTable {
  2. pub unsafe fn new() -> ActivePageTable {
  3. ActivePageTable {
  4. p4: Unique::new_unchecked(table::P4),
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }

We add some methods to get P4 references:

  1. fn p4(&self) -> &Table<Level4> {
  2. unsafe { self.p4.as_ref() }
  3. }
  4. fn p4_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Table<Level4> {
  5. unsafe { self.p4.as_mut() }
  6. }

Since we will only create valid P4 pointers, the unsafe blocks are safe. However, we don’t make these functions public since they can be used to make page tables invalid. Only the higher level functions (such as translate or map_to) should be usable from other modules.

Now we can make the map_to and translate functions safe by making them methods of ActivePageTable:

  1. impl ActivePageTable {
  2. pub unsafe fn new() -> ActivePageTable {...}
  3. fn p4(&self) -> &Table<Level4> {...}
  4. fn p4_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Table<Level4> {...}
  5. pub fn translate(&self, virtual_address: VirtualAddress)
  6. -> Option<PhysicalAddress>
  7. {
  8. ...
  9. self.translate_page(...).map(...)
  10. }
  11. fn translate_page(&self, page: Page) -> Option<Frame> {
  12. let p3 = self.p4().next_table(...);
  13. ...
  14. }
  15. pub fn map_to<A>(&mut self,
  16. page: Page,
  17. frame: Frame,
  18. flags: EntryFlags,
  19. allocator: &mut A)
  20. where A: FrameAllocator
  21. {
  22. let mut p3 = self.p4_mut().next_table_create(...);
  23. ...
  24. }
  25. }

Now the p4() and p4_mut() methods should be the only methods containing an unsafe block in the paging/ file.

More Mapping Functions

For convenience, we add a map method that just picks a free frame for us:

  1. pub fn map<A>(&mut self, page: Page, flags: EntryFlags, allocator: &mut A)
  2. where A: FrameAllocator
  3. {
  4. let frame = allocator.allocate_frame().expect("out of memory");
  5. self.map_to(page, frame, flags, allocator)
  6. }

We also add a identity_map function to make it easier to remap the kernel in the next post:

  1. pub fn identity_map<A>(&mut self,
  2. frame: Frame,
  3. flags: EntryFlags,
  4. allocator: &mut A)
  5. where A: FrameAllocator
  6. {
  7. let page = Page::containing_address(frame.start_address());
  8. self.map_to(page, frame, flags, allocator)
  9. }

Unmapping Pages

To unmap a page, we set the corresponding P1 entry to unused:

  1. fn unmap<A>(&mut self, page: Page, allocator: &mut A)
  2. where A: FrameAllocator
  3. {
  4. assert!(self.translate(page.start_address()).is_some());
  5. let p1 = self.p4_mut()
  6. .next_table_mut(page.p4_index())
  7. .and_then(|p3| p3.next_table_mut(page.p3_index()))
  8. .and_then(|p2| p2.next_table_mut(page.p2_index()))
  9. .expect("mapping code does not support huge pages");
  10. let frame = p1[page.p1_index()].pointed_frame().unwrap();
  11. p1[page.p1_index()].set_unused();
  12. // TODO free p(1,2,3) table if empty
  13. allocator.deallocate_frame(frame);
  14. }

The assertion ensures that the page is mapped. Thus the corresponding P1 table and frame must exist for a standard 4KiB page. We set the entry to unused and free the associated frame in the supplied frame allocator.

We can also free the P1, P2, or even P3 table when the last entry is freed. But checking the whole table on every unmap would be very expensive. So we leave the TODO in place until we find a good solution. I’m open for suggestions :).

Spoiler: There is an ugly bug in this function, which we will find in the next section.

Testing and Bugfixing

To test it, we add a test_paging function in memory/paging/

  1. pub fn test_paging<A>(allocator: &mut A)
  2. where A: FrameAllocator
  3. {
  4. let mut page_table = unsafe { ActivePageTable::new() };
  5. // test it
  6. }

We borrow the frame allocator since we will need it for the mapping functions. To be able to call that function from main, we need to re-export it in memory/

  1. // in memory/
  2. pub use self::paging::test_paging;
  3. //
  4. let mut frame_allocator = ...;
  5. memory::test_paging(&mut frame_allocator);


Let’s test the map_to function:

  1. let addr = 42 * 512 * 512 * 4096; // 42th P3 entry
  2. let page = Page::containing_address(addr);
  3. let frame = allocator.allocate_frame().expect("no more frames");
  4. println!("None = {:?}, map to {:?}",
  5. page_table.translate(addr),
  6. frame);
  7. page_table.map_to(page, frame, EntryFlags::empty(), allocator);
  8. println!("Some = {:?}", page_table.translate(addr));
  9. println!("next free frame: {:?}", allocator.allocate_frame());

We just map some random page to a free frame. To be able to borrow the page table as &mut, we need to make it mutable.

You should see output similar to this:

  1. None = None, map to Frame { number: 0 }
  2. Some = Some(0)
  3. next free frame: Some(Frame { number: 3 })

It’s frame 0 because it’s the first frame returned by the frame allocator. Since we map the 42th P3 entry, the mapping code needs to create a P2 and a P1 table. So the next free frame returned by the allocator is frame 3.


To test the unmap function, we unmap the test page so that it translates to None again:

  1. page_table.unmap(Page::containing_address(addr), allocator);
  2. println!("None = {:?}", page_table.translate(addr));

It causes a panic since we call the unimplemented deallocate_frame method in unmap. If we comment this call out, it works without problems. But there is some bug in this function nevertheless.

Let’s read something from the mapped page (of course before we unmap it again):

  1. println!("{:#x}", unsafe {
  2. *(Page::containing_address(addr).start_address() as *const u64)
  3. });

Since we don’t zero the mapped pages, the output is random. For me, it’s 0xf000ff53f000ff53.

If unmap worked correctly, reading it again after unmapping should cause a page fault. But it doesn’t. Instead, it just prints the same number again. When we remove the first read, we get the desired page fault (i.e. QEMU reboots again and again). So this seems to be some cache issue.

An x86 processor has many different caches because always accessing the main memory would be very slow. Most of these caches are completely transparent. That means everything works exactly the same as without them, it’s just much faster. But there is one cache, that needs to be updated manually: the translation lookaside buffer.

The translation lookaside buffer, or TLB, caches the translation of virtual to physical addresses. It’s filled automatically when a page is accessed. But it’s not updated transparently when the mapping of a page changes. This is the reason that we still can access the page even through we unmapped it in the page table.

So to fix our unmap function, we need to remove the cached translation from the TLB. We can use the x86_64 crate to do this easily. To add it, we append the following to our Cargo.toml:

  1. [dependencies]
  2. ...
  3. x86_64 = "0.1.2"

Now we can use it to fix unmap:

  1. ...
  2. p1[page.p1_index()].set_unused();
  3. use x86_64::instructions::tlb;
  4. use x86_64::VirtualAddress;
  5. tlb::flush(VirtualAddress(page.start_address()));
  6. // TODO free p(1,2,3) table if empty
  7. //allocator.deallocate_frame(frame);
  8. }

Now the desired page fault occurs even when we access the page before.


This post has become pretty long. So let’s summarize what we’ve done:

  • we created a paging module and modeled page tables plus entries
  • we mapped the P4 page recursively and created next_table methods
  • we used empty enums and associated types to make the next_table functions safe
  • we wrote a function to translate virtual to physical addresses
  • we created safe functions to map and unmap pages
  • and we fixed stack overflow and TLB related bugs

What’s next?

In the next post we will extend this module and add a function to modify inactive page tables. Through that function, we will create a new page table hierarchy that maps the kernel correctly using 4KiB pages. Then we will switch to the new table to get a safer kernel environment.

Afterwards, we will use this paging module to build a heap allocator. This will allow us to use allocation and collection types such as Box and Vec.

Image sources: [^virtual_physical_translation_source]


[^fn-invalid-address]: If the XXX part of the address is smaller than 0o400, it’s binary representation doesn’t start with 1. But the sign extension bits, which should be a copy of that bit, are 1 instead of 0. Thus the address is not valid.

[^virtual_physical_translation_source]: Image sources: Modified versions of an image from Wikipedia. The modified files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.