Spawn manager task
Next, spawn a task that processes messages from the channel. First, a client connection is established to Redis. Then, received commands are issued via the Redis connection.
use mini_redis::client;
// The `move` keyword is used to **move** ownership of `rx` into the task.
let manager = tokio::spawn(async move {
// Establish a connection to the server
let mut client = client::connect("").await.unwrap();
// Start receiving messages
while let Some(cmd) = rx.recv().await {
use Command::*;
match cmd {
Get { key } => {
Set { key, val } => {
client.set(&key, val).await;
Now, update the two tasks to send commands over the channel instead of issuing them directly on the Redis connection.
// The `Sender` handles are moved into the tasks. As there are two
// tasks, we need a second `Sender`.
let tx2 = tx.clone();
// Spawn two tasks, one gets a key, the other sets a key
let t1 = tokio::spawn(async move {
let cmd = Command::Get {
key: "hello".to_string(),
let t2 = tokio::spawn(async move {
let cmd = Command::Set {
key: "foo".to_string(),
val: "bar".into(),
At the bottom of the main
function, we .await
the join handles to ensure the commands fully complete before the process exits.