Step 5: Troubleshooting Problems

Troubleshooting Problems

Setting up a project is also about having the right tools to debug problems.

Installing more Dependencies

Remember that the project was created with very few dependencies. No template engine. No debug tools. No logging system. The idea is that you can add more dependencies whenever you need them. Why would you depend on a template engine if you develop an HTTP API or a CLI tool?

How can we add more dependencies? Via Composer. Besides “regular” Composer packages, we will work with two “special” kinds of packages:

  • Symfony Components: Packages that implement core features and low level abstractions that most applications need (routing, console, HTTP client, mailer, cache, …);
  • Symfony Bundles: Packages that add high-level features or provide integrations with third-party libraries (bundles are mostly contributed by the community).

To begin with, let’s add the Symfony Profiler, a time saver when you need to find the root cause of a problem:

  1. $ symfony composer req profiler --dev

profiler is an alias for the symfony/profiler-pack package.

Aliases are not a Composer feature, but a concept provided by Symfony to make your life easier. Aliases are shortcuts for popular Composer packages. Want an ORM for your application? Require orm. Want to develop an API? Require api. These aliases are automatically resolved to one or more regular Composer packages. They are opinionated choices made by the Symfony core team.

Another neat feature is that you can always omit the symfony vendor. Require cache instead of symfony/cache.


Do you remember that we mentioned a Composer plugin named symfony/flex before? Aliases are one of its features.

Understanding Symfony Environments

Did you notice the --dev flag on the composer req command? As the Symfony Profiler is only useful during development, we want to avoid it being installed in production.

Symfony supports the notion of environments. By default, it has built-in support for three, but you can add as many as you like: dev, prod, and test. All environments share the same code, but they represent different configurations.

For instance, all debugging tools are enabled in the dev environment. In the prod one, the application is optimized for performance.

Switching from one environment to another can be done by changing the APP_ENV environment variable.

When you deployed to SymfonyCloud, the environment (stored in APP_ENV) was automatically switched to prod.

Managing Environment Configurations

APP_ENV can be set by using “real” environment variables in your terminal:

  1. $ export APP_ENV=dev

Using real environment variables is the preferred way to set values like APP_ENV on production servers. But on development machines, having to define many environment variables can be cumbersome. Instead, define them in a .env file.

A sensible .env file was generated automatically for you when the project was created:


  1. ###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
  2. APP_ENV=dev
  3. APP_SECRET=c2927f273163f7225a358e3a1bbbed8a
  5. #TRUSTED_HOSTS='^localhost|example\.com$'
  6. ###< symfony/framework-bundle ###


Any package can add more environment variables to this file thanks to their recipe used by Symfony Flex.

The .env file is committed to the repository and describes the default values from production. You can override these values by creating a .env.local file. This file should not be committed and that’s why the .gitignore file is already ignoring it.

Never store secret or sensitive values in these files. We will see how to manage secrets in another step.

Logging all the Things

Out of the box, logging and debugging capabilities are limited on new projects. Let’s add more tools to help us investigate issues in development, but also in production:

  1. $ symfony composer req logger

For debugging tools, let’s only install them in development:

  1. $ symfony composer req debug --dev

Discovering the Symfony Debugging Tools

If you refresh the homepage, you should now see a toolbar at the bottom of the screen:

Step 5: Troubleshooting Problems - 图1

The first thing you might notice is the 404 in red. Remember that this page is a placeholder as we have not defined a homepage yet. Even if the default page that welcomes you is beautiful, it is still an error page. So the correct HTTP status code is 404, not 200. Thanks to the web debug toolbar, you have the information right away.

If you click on the small exclamation point, you get the “real” exception message as part of the logs in the Symfony profiler. If you want to see the stack trace, click on the “Exception” link on the left menu.

Whenever there is an issue with your code, you will see an exception page like the following that gives you everything you need to understand the issue and where it comes from:

Step 5: Troubleshooting Problems - 图2

Take some time to explore the information inside the Symfony profiler by clicking around.

Logs are also quite useful in debugging sessions. Symfony has a convenient command to tail all the logs (from the web server, PHP, and your application):

  1. $ symfony server:log

Let’s do a small experiment. Open public/index.php and break the PHP code there (add foobar in the middle of the code for instance). Refresh the page in the browser and observe the log stream:

  1. Dec 21 10:04:59 |DEBUG| PHP PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) in public/index.php on line 5 path="/usr/bin/php7.42" php="7.42.0"
  2. Dec 21 10:04:59 |ERROR| SERVER GET (500) / ip=""

The output is beautifully colored to get your attention on errors.

Another great debug helper is the Symfony dump() function. It is always available and allows you to dump complex variables in a nice and interactive format.

Temporarily change public/index.php to dump the Request object:


  1. --- a/public/index.php
  2. +++ b/public/index.php
  3. @@ -18,5 +18,8 @@ if ($_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) {
  4. $kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
  5. $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
  6. $response = $kernel->handle($request);
  7. +
  8. +dump($request);
  9. +
  10. $response->send();
  11. $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

When refreshing the page, notice the new “target” icon in the toolbar; it lets you inspect the dump. Click on it to access a full page where navigating is made simpler:

Step 5: Troubleshooting Problems - 图3

Revert the changes before committing the other changes done in this step:

  1. $ git checkout public/index.php

Configuring your IDE

In the development environment, when an exception is thrown, Symfony displays a page with the exception message and its stack trace. When displaying a file path, it adds a link that opens the file at the right line in your favorite IDE. To benefit from this feature, you need to configure your IDE. Symfony supports many IDEs out of the box; I’m using Visual Studio Code for this project:


  1. --- a/php.ini
  2. +++ b/php.ini
  3. @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ max_execution_time=30
  4. session.use_strict_mode=On
  5. realpath_cache_ttl=3600
  6. zend.detect_unicode=Off
  7. +xdebug.file_link_format=vscode://file/%f:%l

Linked files are not limited to exceptions. For instance, the controller in the web debug toolbar becomes clickable after configuring the IDE.

Debugging Production

Debugging production servers is always trickier. You don’t have access to the Symfony profiler for instance. Logs are less verbose. But tailing the logs is possible:

  1. $ symfony logs

You can even connect via SSH on the web container:

  1. $ symfony ssh

Don’t worry, you cannot break anything easily. Most of the filesystem is read-only. You won’t be able to do a hot fix in production. But you will learn a much better way later in the book.

Going Further

This work, including the code samples, is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.