
Intro to Containers

Virtualization Problems

Using an EC2 virtual machine with Nitro Hypervisor, 4 GB ram, and 40 GB disk, the OS can consume 60-70% of the disk and much of the available memory. Containers leverage the similarities of multiple guest OS by removing duplicate resources. This allows applications to run in their own isolated environments.

Image Anatomy

A Docker image is composed of multiple layers and not a monolithic disk image. Each line of a Docker image creates a new filesystem layer on top of the previous. Images are created from scratch or a base image. Images contain read only layers, images are layer onto images.

Docker container is the same as a Docker image, except it has an additional READ/WRITE layer of the container.

If you have lots of containers with very similar base structures, they will share the parts that overlap. The other layers are reused between containers.

Container Registry

Registry or hub of container images. Dockerfile can create a container image where it gets stored in the container registry.

Docker hosts can run many containers based on one or more images. A single image can generate Containers on many different Docker hosts.

Container Key Concepts

  • Docker files are used to build Docker images
  • Containers are portable and always run as expected.
    • Anywhere there is a compatible host, it will run exactly as you intended.
  • Containers are lightweight, use the host OS for the heavy lifting.
    • File system layers are shared when possible.
  • Containers only run the application and environment it needs to run.
  • Ports need to be exposed to allow outside access from the host and beyond.
  • Application stacks can be multi container

Elastic Container Service (ECS) Concepts

  • Accepts containers and instructions you provide.
  • ECS allows you to create a cluster.
    • Clusters are where containers run from.
  • Container images will be located on a registry.
    • AWS provides ECR (elastic container registry)
    • Dockerhub can be used as well.
  • Container definition gives ECS just enough info about the single container.
    • A pointer to which image to use and the ports that will be exposed.
  • Task definitions store the resources used by the task.
    • Stores task role, an IAM role that allows the task access to other AWS resources.
  • Task is not by itself highly available.

ECS Service is configured via Service Definition and represents how many copies of a task you want to run for scaling and HA.

ECS Cluster Types

ECS Cluster manages:

  • Scheduling and Orchestration
  • Cluster manager
  • Placement engine

EC2 mode

ECS cluster is created within a VPC. It benefits from the multiple AZs that are within that VPC. You specify an initial size which will drive an auto scaling group.

ECS using EC2 mode is not a serverless solution, you need to worry about capacity for your cluster.

The container instances are not delivered as a managed service, they are managed as normal EC2 instances. You can use spot pricing or prepaid EC2 servers.

Fargate mode

Removes more of the management overhead from ECS, no need to manage EC2.

Fargate shared infrastructure allows all customers to access from the same pool of resources.

Fargate deployment still uses a cluster with a VPC where AZs are specified.

For ECS tasks, they are injected into the VPC. Each task is given an elastic network interface which has an IP address within the VPC. They then run like a VPC resource.

You only pay for the container resources you use.

EC2 vs ECS(EC2) vs Fargate

If you already are using containers, use ECS.

EC2 mode is good for a large workload if you are price conscious. This allows for spot pricing and prepayment.

Fargate is great if you,

  • Have a large workload but are overhead conscious.
  • Have small or burst style workloads.
  • Use batch or periodic workloads.