Revel by default uses Go’s built in html/template package. For information regarding this template engine see here

To add a template engine you must include the module. For example


This specifies that the pongo2 and ace engines are added to themain template parser, the order of the way the modules are loadedis important as well, since that controls what view overrides another.The first view found is always the view used, all others will be suppressed.The two part key allows the modules to be sorted, after sorting the sort key is removed and in the routes table the route is referenced normally.

The configuration file also needs an list of engines to be used on the viewsthis is where template.engines key in the configuration file comes intoplay like

  1. template.engines=pongo2,ace,go

The three template engines pongo2,ace,go will be used when renderingtemplates.

How Revel Picks the Right Template Engine

The template-engine has a method called Handles, which acceptsthe basic template information (path, and content). The engine thencan return true or false if it can parse the file or not. How it makesthis choice is up to the parser. Revel has a builtin function called revel.EngineHandles, which can be used to look for a shebang at the top of the template to see which template engine it belongs to,it also looks for a secondary extension like foo.ace.html which would be identified as an ace template. Finally it could try to parse the codeand if that passes it can register itself for that.

File Path Case Sensitivity

In the past we have maintained an all lower case template path, thisworks in most cases but lead to some confusion. For example if you includea file within your template you must type out the file and file pathin lower case. Now you can specify if the case sensitivity is on or off. The case sensitivity can be turned onby setting an app configuration option per template engine like go.tempate.path=case will turn on case sensitivity on the go template engine (by default it is off).

Directory Scanning

Directories are scanned for templates in the following order:

  • The application app/views/ directory and subdirectories.
  • revel core templates/ directory.
  • Otherwise a 500 error as template not found (but in dev mode shows debug info)
    For example, given a controller/method Hello.World(), Revel will:

  • look for a template file named views/Hello/World.html.

  • and if not found, show views/errors/500.html
  • and if that’s not found, use Revel’s built-in templates/errors/500.html
    Template file names are case insensitive so the following will be treated as the same:

  • views/hello/world.html

  • views/HeLlO/wOrLd.HtMl
    However, on **nix based file systems (and for example with index.html and IndeX.html), duplicate cased file names areto be avoided as it is unpredictable which one will be considered.

Revel provides templates for error pages (see code) andthese display the developer friendly compilation errors in dev mode. Anapplication may override them by creating a template of the equivalent template name, e.g. app/views/errors/404.html.

Render Context

Revel executes the template using the ViewArgs data map[string]interface{}. Aside fromapplication-provided data, Revel provides the following entries:

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