
Scheduler is a feature introduced in v1.2.0 .

Scheduler is a cron-like implementation integrated inside ProxySQL with millisecond granularity. It is possible to be configured only through the Admin interface: configuration from config file is not supported yet and not in the roadmap.


Scheduler allows ProxySQL to run custom scripts at regular interval for multiple purposes. The main motivation is the ability to reconfigure ProxySQL in case of external events that such custom scripts can detect.


The current implementation is supported by two tables:

  1. Admin> SHOW TABLES LIKE '%scheduler%';
  2. +-------------------+
  3. | tables |
  4. +-------------------+
  5. | scheduler |
  6. | runtime_scheduler |
  7. +-------------------+
  8. 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

To enter into details:

  • table scheduler is where the scheduler can be configured
  • table runtime_scheduler is the runtime representation (read only) of the scheduler
    Table scheduler has the following structure:
  1. Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE scheduler\G
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. table: scheduler
  4. Create Table: CREATE TABLE scheduler (
  6. active INT CHECK (active IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  7. interval_ms INTEGER CHECK (interval_ms>=100 AND interval_ms<=100000000) NOT NULL,
  8. filename VARCHAR NOT NULL,
  9. arg1 VARCHAR,
  10. arg2 VARCHAR,
  11. arg3 VARCHAR,
  12. arg4 VARCHAR,
  13. arg5 VARCHAR,
  14. comment VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '')
  15. 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In details:

  • id : unique identifier of the scheduler job
  • active : if set to 1, the job is active. Otherwise is not
  • interval_ms : how often (in millisecond) the job will be started. Minimum interval_ms is 100 milliseconds
  • filename : full path of the executable to be executed
  • arg1 to arg5 : arguments (maximum 5) that can be passed to the job
  • comment : an free form text field to annotate the purpose of the job
    For reference only, table runtime_scheduler has the same identical structure:
  1. Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE runtime_scheduler\G
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3. table: runtime_scheduler
  4. Create Table: CREATE TABLE runtime_scheduler (
  6. active INT CHECK (active IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  7. interval_ms INTEGER CHECK (interval_ms>=100 AND interval_ms<=100000000) NOT NULL,
  8. filename VARCHAR NOT NULL,
  9. arg1 VARCHAR,
  10. arg2 VARCHAR,
  11. arg3 VARCHAR,
  12. arg4 VARCHAR,
  13. arg5 VARCHAR,
  14. comment VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '')
  15. 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As for the rest of configuration tables in ProxySQL, after editing the data in this table, configuration needs to be loaded at runtime to be effective, and saved to disk to be persistent.For this reason ProxySQL has new commands to support Scheduler:

  • LOAD SCHEDULER TO RUNTIME and LOAD SCHEDULER FROM MEMORY : load the configuration from main.scheduler to runtime, and becomes effective;
  • LOAD SCHEDULER TO MEMORY and LOAD SCHEDULER FROM DISK : load the configuration from disk.scheduler to main.scheduler;
  • SAVE SCHEDULER FROM RUNTIME and SAVE SCHEDULER TO MEMORY : save the configuration from runtime to main.scheduler;
  • SAVE SCHEDULER FROM MEMORY and SAVE SCHEDULER TO DISK : save the configuration from main.scheduler to disk.scheduler, and becomes persistent across restart.
    The scheduler is implemented calling fork() and then execve(). If execve() fails the error is reported into error log.
