Way to get IoTDB binary files

IoTDB provides you three installation methods, you can refer to the following suggestions, choose one of them:

  • Installation from source code. If you need to modify the code yourself, you can use this method.
  • Installation from binary files. Download the binary files from the official website. This is the recommended method, in which you will get a binary released package which is out-of-the-box.
  • Using Docker:The path to the dockerfile is https://github.com/apache/iotdb/blob/master/docker/Dockerfile


To use IoTDB, you need to have:

  1. Java >= 1.8 (Please make sure the environment path has been set)
  2. Maven >= 3.6 (Optional)
  3. Set the max open files num as 65535 to avoid “too many open files” problem.

Note: If you don’t have maven installed, you should replace ‘mvn’ in the following commands with ‘mvnw.sh’ or ‘mvnw.cmd’.

Installation from binary files

You can download the binary file from: Download pageDownload and Setup - 图1 (opens new window)

Installation from source code

You can get the released source code from https://iotdb.apache.org/Download/, or from the git repository https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master You can download the source code from:

  1. git clone https://github.com/apache/iotdb.git

After that, go to the root path of IoTDB. If you want to build the version that we have released, you need to create and check out a new branch by command git checkout -b my_{project.version} v{project.version}. E.g., you want to build the version 0.12.4, you can execute this command to make it:

  1. > git checkout -b my_0.12.4 v0.12.4

Then you can execute this command to build the version that you want:

  1. > mvn clean package -DskipTests

Then the binary version (including both server and client) can be found at distribution/target/apache-iotdb-{project.version}-bin.zip

NOTE: Directories “thrift/target/generated-sources/thrift” and “antlr/target/generated-sources/antlr4” need to be added to sources roots to avoid compilation errors in IDE.

If you would like to build the IoTDB server, you can run the following command under the root path of iotdb:

  1. > mvn clean package -pl server -am -DskipTests

After build, the IoTDB server will be at the folder “server/target/iotdb-server-{project.version}”.

If you would like to build a module, you can execute command mvn clean package -pl {module.name} -am -DskipTests under the root path of IoTDB. If you need the jar with dependencies, you can add parameter -P get-jar-with-dependencies after the command. E.g., If you need the jar of jdbc with dependencies, you can execute this command:

  1. > mvn clean package -pl jdbc -am -DskipTests -P get-jar-with-dependencies

Then you can find it under the path {module.name}/target.

Installation by Docker (Dockerfile)

Apache IoTDB’ Docker image is released on https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/iotdbDownload and Setup - 图2 (opens new window),

  1. Get IoTDB docker image

    • Recommended: Using docker pull apache/iotdb:latest can get the latest docker image.
    • Users can also build a docker image themselves. Now a Dockerfile has been written at docker/src/main/Dockerfile.

      • Way 1: $ docker build -t iotdb:base git://github.com/apache/iotdb#master:docker
      • Way 2:
      1. $ git clone https://github.com/apache/iotdb
      2. $ cd iotdb
      3. $ cd docker
      4. $ docker build -t iotdb:base .

Once the docker image has been built locally (the tag is iotdb:base in this example), you are almost done!

  1. Create docker volume for data files and logs:
  1. $ docker volume create mydata
  2. $ docker volume create mylogs
  1. Run a docker container:
  1. $ docker run -p 6667:6667 -v mydata:/iotdb/data -v mylogs:/iotdb/logs -d iotdb:base /iotdb/bin/start-server.sh

If success, you can run docker ps, and get something like the following:

  2. 2a68b6944cb5 iotdb:base "/iotdb/bin/start-se…" 4 minutes ago Up 5 minutes>6667/tcp laughing_meitner

You can use the above command to get the container ID:

  1. $ docker container ls

suppose the ID is <C_ID>.

And get the docker IP by the following, suppose the IP is <C_IP>.:

  1. $ docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' <C_ID>

Now IoTDB server has started succesfully.

  1. If you just want to have a try by using iotdb-cli, you can:
  1. $ docker exec -it <C_ID> /bin/bash
  2. $ (now you have enter the container): /iotdb/sbin/start-cli.sh -h localhost -p 6667 -u root -pw root

Or, if you have a iotdb-cli locally, execute the following command:

  1. $ /%IOTDB_HOME%/sbin/start-cli.sh -h localhost -p 6667 -u root -pw root
  1. If you want to write codes to insert data and query data, please add the following dependence:
  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>org.apache.iotdb</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>iotdb-jdbc</artifactId>
  4. <version>0.13.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
  5. </dependency>

Some examples about how to use IoTDB with IoTDB-JDBC can be found at: https://github.com/apache/iotdb/tree/master/example/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/iotdb