Creating the player scene
With the project settings in place, we can start working on the player-controlled character.
第一个场景, 我们会定义 Player
对象. 单独创建Player场景的好处之一是, 在游戏的其他部分做出来之前, 我们就可以对其进行单独测试.
首先, 我们需要为player对象选择一个根节点. 作为一般规则, 场景的根节点应该反映对象所需的功能——对象 是什么. 单击 “其他节点” 按钮并将 Area2D 节点添加到场景中.
Godot将在场景树中的节点旁边显示警告图标. 你现在可以忽略它. 我们稍后再谈.
使用 Area2D
可以检测到与玩家重叠或进入玩家内的物体. 通过双击节点名称将其名称更改为 Player
. 我们已经设置好了场景的根节点, 现在可以向该角色中添加其他节点来增加功能.
在将任何子级添加到 Player
节点之前, 我们要确保不会通过点击它们而意外地移动它们或调整其大小. 选择节点, 然后点击锁右侧的图标;它的工具提示显示 确保对象的子级不可选择.
保存场景。点击场景 -> 保存,或者在 Windows/Linux 平台上按下 Ctrl+S,在 macOS 上按下 Cmd+S。
对于此项目, 我们将遵循Godot的命名约定.
GDScript : 类(节点)使用大驼峰命名法(PascalCase), 变量和函数使用蛇形命名法(snake_case), 常量使用全大写(ALL_CAPS)(请参阅 GDScript 风格指南).
C#: Classes, export variables and methods use PascalCase, private fields use _camelCase, local variables and parameters use camelCase (See C# 风格指南). Be careful to type the method names precisely when connecting signals.
Click on the Player
node and add an AnimatedSprite2D node as a child. The AnimatedSprite
will handle the appearance and animations for our player. Notice that there is a warning symbol next to the node. An AnimatedSprite2D
requires a SpriteFrames resource, which is a list of the animations it can display. To create one, find the Frames
property in the Inspector and click “[empty]“ -> “New SpriteFrames”. Click again to open the “SpriteFrames” panel:
左边是一个动画列表. 点击 “defalult” 动画, 并将其重命名为 “walk”. 然后点击 “新动画” 按钮, 创建另一个名为 “up” 的动画. 在 “文件系统” 选项卡中找到player图像-——它们应该在你之前解压的 art
文件夹中. 将每个动画的两张图像, playerGrey_up[1/2]
和 playerGrey_walk[1/2]
, 拖到对应动画的面板的 “动画帧” 处:
The player images are a bit too large for the game window, so we need to scale them down. Click on the AnimatedSprite2D
node and set the Scale
property to (0.5, 0.5)
. You can find it in the Inspector under the Node2D
Finally, add a CollisionShape2D as a child of Player
. This will determine the player’s “hitbox”, or the bounds of its collision area. For this character, a CapsuleShape2D
node gives the best fit, so next to “Shape” in the Inspector, click “[empty]“” -> “New CapsuleShape2D”. Using the two size handles, resize the shape to cover the sprite:
完成后, 你的 Player
In the next part, we’ll add a script to the player node to move and animate it. Then, we’ll set up collision detection to know when the player got hit by something.