

Regardless of the engine used to create the game, the process to publish a game to a console platform is as follows:

  • Register a developer account on the console manufacturer’s website, then sign NDAs and publishing contracts. This requires you to have a registered legal entity.
  • Gain access to the publishing platform by passing the acceptance process. This can take up to several months. Note that this step is significantly easier if an established publisher is backing your game. Nintendo is generally known to be more accepting of smaller developers, but this is not guaranteed.
  • Get access to developer tools and order a console specially made for developers (devkit). The cost of those devkits is confidential.
  • Port the engine to the console platform or pay a company to do it.
  • To be published, your game needs to be rated in the regions you’d like to sell it in. For example, in North America, the ESRB handles game ratings. In Europe, this is done by PEGI. Indie developers can generally get a rating for cheaper compared to more established developers.

Due to the complexity of the process, the budget to publish a game by yourself on a single console often exceeds $1,000 (this is a rough figure).



  • 要为游戏机开发游戏,必须获得公司许可。 作为一个开源项目,Godot没有这样的法律人士。
  • 游戏机的SDK是保密的,并由保密协议保护。 即使我们可以访问它们,我们也无法在开源许可下发布特定平台的代码。
  • 游戏机的游戏开发需要专门的硬件,因此普通人无论如何也无法为游戏机创建游戏。



In practice, the process is quite similar to Unity and Unreal Engine, except that you need to contact a third-party developer to handle the porting process. In other words, there is no engine that is legally allowed to distribute console export templates without requiring the user to prove that they are a licensed console developer. Doing so would violate the console manufacturer’s NDA.


Godot的游戏机端口由第三方公司提供(它们自己移植了Godot)。 这些公司还提供各种游戏机的游戏发布。


If your company offers porting and/or publishing services for Godot games, feel free to open an issue or pull request to add your company to the list above.