
Godot资源馆,也称为AssetLib,是用户提交的Godot插件,脚本,工具和其他资源(统称为资源)的存储库。 它们可供所有Godot用户直接从引擎内下载,或从Godot的 官方网站 上下载。

On the surface, the Asset Library might look and function similar to asset stores available for other engines, such as Unity’s Asset Store, or Unreal Engine’s Marketplace, where you can submit both freely-available assets, as well as paid, commercial ones. In addition, often times such assets are distributed under non-free, proprietary licenses, limiting what you can do with them.

资源馆是不同的 - 所有资源都是免费分发的,并且服从多种开源许可证(例如MIT许可证,GPL和Boost软件许可证)。 这使得AssetLib更类似于Linux发行版的软件存储库。


请注意,AssetLib相对年轻 - 它可能有各种不足,错误和可用性问题。 与所有Godot项目一样,AssetLib的代码存储库可以在 GitHub 上找到,您可以在那里提交请求和问题,请不要犹豫地访问它吧!

Types of assets

Be aware that there are, broadly, two different types of assets you can post.

  • Assets labeled as “Templates”, “Projects”, or “Demos” appear under the “Templates” tab in the Godot project manager. These assets are standalone Godot projects that can run by themselves.
  • Other assets show up inside of the Godot editor under the “AssetLib” main screen tab, next to “2D”, “3D”, and “Script”. These assets are meant to be downloaded and placed into an existing Godot project.



Not to the official one, though in the future, there might be other asset libraries which allow it. That said, you are allowed to monetize and sell Godot assets outside the Asset Library.