Local commands cheatsheet¶

Project resource management¶

Set up a project
divio project setup <slug>
Deploy test server
divio project deploy (applies to test server by default; optionally, specify live)
Update local project code:
divio project update (pulls code, updates and builds local images, runs migrations)
Build local web image (e.g. after updating requirements.in)
docker-compose build web
Push/pull code
use git add/commit/push/pull commands as appropriate
Pull media/database
divio project pull media/divio project pull db (applies to test server by default; optionally,specify live)
Push media/database
divio project push media/divio project push db (applies to test server by default; optionally, specifylive)

Running the local server¶

Start a project
divio project up, docker-compose up or docker-compose run —rm —service-ports web
Stop a project
divio project stop, or exit the command with Control-C.

Working inside the containerised environment¶

Run a specific command inside the web container
docker-compose run —rm web <command>
Run a specific command inside the web container, exposing the ports listed in the Dockerfile
docker-compose run —rm —service-ports web <command>

Docker management¶

List running containers
docker ps
List all containers
docker ps -a
List images
docker image ls
Remove all stopped containers
docker container prune
Remove all unused containers and images
docker system prune

原文: http://docs.divio.com/en/latest/reference/local-commands-cheatsheet.html