
Catalog 提供了元数据信息,例如数据库、表、分区、视图以及数据库或其他外部系统中存储的函数和信息。

数据处理最关键的方面之一是管理元数据。 元数据可以是临时的,例如临时表、或者通过 TableEnvironment 注册的 UDF。 元数据也可以是持久化的,例如 Hive Metastore 中的元数据。Catalog 提供了一个统一的API,用于管理元数据,并使其可以从 Table API 和 SQL 查询语句中来访问。

Catalog 类型


GenericInMemoryCatalog 是基于内存实现的 Catalog,所有元数据只在 session 的生命周期内可用。


JdbcCatalog 使得用户可以将 Flink 通过 JDBC 协议连接到关系数据库。PostgresCatalog 是当前实现的唯一一种 JDBC Catalog。 参考 JdbcCatalog 文档 获取关于配置 JDBC catalog 的详细信息。


HiveCatalog 有两个用途:作为原生 Flink 元数据的持久化存储,以及作为读写现有 Hive 元数据的接口。 Flink 的 Hive 文档 提供了有关设置 HiveCatalog 以及访问现有 Hive 元数据的详细信息。

警告 Hive Metastore 以小写形式存储所有元数据对象名称。而 GenericInMemoryCatalog 区分大小写。

用户自定义 Catalog

Catalog 是可扩展的,用户可以通过实现 Catalog 接口来开发自定义 Catalog。 想要在 SQL CLI 中使用自定义 Catalog,用户除了需要实现自定义的 Catalog 之外,还需要为这个 Catalog 实现对应的 CatalogFactory 接口。

CatalogFactory 定义了一组属性,用于 SQL CLI 启动时配置 Catalog。 这组属性集将传递给发现服务,在该服务中,服务会尝试将属性关联到 CatalogFactory 并初始化相应的 Catalog 实例。

如何创建 Flink 表并将其注册到 Catalog


用户可以使用 DDL 通过 Table API 或者 SQL Client 在 Catalog 中创建表。

  1. TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...
  2. // Create a HiveCatalog
  3. Catalog catalog = new HiveCatalog("myhive", null, "<path_of_hive_conf>");
  4. // Register the catalog
  5. tableEnv.registerCatalog("myhive", catalog);
  6. // Create a catalog database
  7. tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH (...)");
  8. // Create a catalog table
  9. tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE mytable (name STRING, age INT) WITH (...)");
  10. tableEnv.listTables(); // should return the tables in current catalog and database.
  1. val tableEnv = ...
  2. // Create a HiveCatalog
  3. val catalog = new HiveCatalog("myhive", null, "<path_of_hive_conf>");
  4. // Register the catalog
  5. tableEnv.registerCatalog("myhive", catalog);
  6. // Create a catalog database
  7. tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH (...)");
  8. // Create a catalog table
  9. tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE mytable (name STRING, age INT) WITH (...)");
  10. tableEnv.listTables(); // should return the tables in current catalog and database.
  1. from pyflink.table.catalog import HiveCatalog
  2. # Create a HiveCatalog
  3. catalog = HiveCatalog("myhive", None, "<path_of_hive_conf>")
  4. # Register the catalog
  5. t_env.register_catalog("myhive", catalog)
  6. # Create a catalog database
  7. t_env.execute_sql("CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH (...)")
  8. # Create a catalog table
  9. t_env.execute_sql("CREATE TABLE mytable (name STRING, age INT) WITH (...)")
  10. # should return the tables in current catalog and database.
  11. t_env.list_tables()
  1. // the catalog should have been registered via yaml file
  2. Flink SQL> CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH (...);
  3. Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE mytable (name STRING, age INT) WITH (...);
  4. Flink SQL> SHOW TABLES;
  5. mytable

更多详细信息,请参考Flink SQL CREATE DDL

使用 Java/Scala

用户可以用编程的方式使用Java 或者 Scala 来创建 Catalog 表。

  1. import org.apache.flink.table.api.*;
  2. import org.apache.flink.table.catalog.*;
  3. import org.apache.flink.table.catalog.hive.HiveCatalog;
  4. import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.Kafka;
  5. TableEnvironment tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().build());
  6. // Create a HiveCatalog
  7. Catalog catalog = new HiveCatalog("myhive", null, "<path_of_hive_conf>");
  8. // Register the catalog
  9. tableEnv.registerCatalog("myhive", catalog);
  10. // Create a catalog database
  11. catalog.createDatabase("mydb", new CatalogDatabaseImpl(...));
  12. // Create a catalog table
  13. TableSchema schema = TableSchema.builder()
  14. .field("name", DataTypes.STRING())
  15. .field("age", DataTypes.INT())
  16. .build();
  17. catalog.createTable(
  18. new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  19. new CatalogTableImpl(
  20. schema,
  21. new Kafka()
  22. .version("0.11")
  23. ....
  24. .startFromEarlist()
  25. .toProperties(),
  26. "my comment"
  27. ),
  28. false
  29. );
  30. List<String> tables = catalog.listTables("mydb"); // tables should contain "mytable"
  1. import org.apache.flink.table.api._
  2. import org.apache.flink.table.catalog._
  3. import org.apache.flink.table.catalog.hive.HiveCatalog
  4. import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.Kafka
  5. val tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(
  6. // Create a HiveCatalog
  7. val catalog = new HiveCatalog("myhive", null, "<path_of_hive_conf>")
  8. // Register the catalog
  9. tableEnv.registerCatalog("myhive", catalog)
  10. // Create a catalog database
  11. catalog.createDatabase("mydb", new CatalogDatabaseImpl(...))
  12. // Create a catalog table
  13. val schema = TableSchema.builder()
  14. .field("name", DataTypes.STRING())
  15. .field("age", DataTypes.INT())
  16. .build()
  17. catalog.createTable(
  18. new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  19. new CatalogTableImpl(
  20. schema,
  21. new Kafka()
  22. .version("0.11")
  23. ....
  24. .startFromEarlist()
  25. .toProperties(),
  26. "my comment"
  27. ),
  28. false
  29. )
  30. val tables = catalog.listTables("mydb") // tables should contain "mytable"
  1. from pyflink.table import *
  2. from pyflink.table.catalog import HiveCatalog, CatalogDatabase, ObjectPath, CatalogBaseTable
  3. from pyflink.table.descriptors import Kafka
  4. settings = EnvironmentSettings.new_instance().in_batch_mode().use_blink_planner().build()
  5. t_env = BatchTableEnvironment.create(environment_settings=settings)
  6. # Create a HiveCatalog
  7. catalog = HiveCatalog("myhive", None, "<path_of_hive_conf>")
  8. # Register the catalog
  9. t_env.register_catalog("myhive", catalog)
  10. # Create a catalog database
  11. database = CatalogDatabase.create_instance({"k1": "v1"}, None)
  12. catalog.create_database("mydb", database)
  13. # Create a catalog table
  14. table_schema = TableSchema.builder() \
  15. .field("name", DataTypes.STRING()) \
  16. .field("age", DataTypes.INT()) \
  17. .build()
  18. table_properties = Kafka() \
  19. .version("0.11") \
  20. .start_from_earlist() \
  21. .to_properties()
  22. catalog_table = CatalogBaseTable.create_table(
  23. schema=table_schema, properties=table_properties, comment="my comment")
  24. catalog.create_table(
  25. ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  26. catalog_table,
  27. False)
  28. # tables should contain "mytable"
  29. tables = catalog.list_tables("mydb")

Catalog API

注意:这里只列出了编程方式的 Catalog API,用户可以使用 SQL DDL 实现许多相同的功能。 关于 DDL 的详细信息请参考 SQL CREATE DDL


  1. // create database
  2. catalog.createDatabase("mydb", new CatalogDatabaseImpl(...), false);
  3. // drop database
  4. catalog.dropDatabase("mydb", false);
  5. // alter database
  6. catalog.alterDatabase("mydb", new CatalogDatabaseImpl(...), false);
  7. // get databse
  8. catalog.getDatabase("mydb");
  9. // check if a database exist
  10. catalog.databaseExists("mydb");
  11. // list databases in a catalog
  12. catalog.listDatabases("mycatalog");
  1. from pyflink.table.catalog import CatalogDatabase
  2. # create database
  3. catalog_database = CatalogDatabase.create_instance({"k1": "v1"}, None)
  4. catalog.create_database("mydb", catalog_database, False)
  5. # drop database
  6. catalog.drop_database("mydb", False)
  7. # alter database
  8. catalog.alter_database("mydb", catalog_database, False)
  9. # get database
  10. catalog.get_database("mydb")
  11. # check if a database exist
  12. catalog.database_exists("mydb")
  13. # list databases in a catalog
  14. catalog.list_databases()


  1. // create table
  2. catalog.createTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogTableImpl(...), false);
  3. // drop table
  4. catalog.dropTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), false);
  5. // alter table
  6. catalog.alterTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogTableImpl(...), false);
  7. // rename table
  8. catalog.renameTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), "my_new_table");
  9. // get table
  10. catalog.getTable("mytable");
  11. // check if a table exist or not
  12. catalog.tableExists("mytable");
  13. // list tables in a database
  14. catalog.listTables("mydb");
  1. from pyflink.table import *
  2. from pyflink.table.catalog import CatalogBaseTable, ObjectPath
  3. from pyflink.table.descriptors import Kafka
  4. table_schema = TableSchema.builder() \
  5. .field("name", DataTypes.STRING()) \
  6. .field("age", DataTypes.INT()) \
  7. .build()
  8. table_properties = Kafka() \
  9. .version("0.11") \
  10. .start_from_earlist() \
  11. .to_properties()
  12. catalog_table = CatalogBaseTable.create_table(schema=table_schema, properties=table_properties, comment="my comment")
  13. # create table
  14. catalog.create_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_table, False)
  15. # drop table
  16. catalog.drop_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), False)
  17. # alter table
  18. catalog.alter_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_table, False)
  19. # rename table
  20. catalog.rename_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), "my_new_table")
  21. # get table
  22. catalog.get_table("mytable")
  23. # check if a table exist or not
  24. catalog.table_exists("mytable")
  25. # list tables in a database
  26. catalog.list_tables("mydb")


  1. // create view
  2. catalog.createTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), new CatalogViewImpl(...), false);
  3. // drop view
  4. catalog.dropTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), false);
  5. // alter view
  6. catalog.alterTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogViewImpl(...), false);
  7. // rename view
  8. catalog.renameTable(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), "my_new_view", false);
  9. // get view
  10. catalog.getTable("myview");
  11. // check if a view exist or not
  12. catalog.tableExists("mytable");
  13. // list views in a database
  14. catalog.listViews("mydb");
  1. from pyflink.table import *
  2. from pyflink.table.catalog import CatalogBaseTable, ObjectPath
  3. table_schema = TableSchema.builder() \
  4. .field("name", DataTypes.STRING()) \
  5. .field("age", DataTypes.INT()) \
  6. .build()
  7. catalog_table = CatalogBaseTable.create_view(
  8. original_query="select * from t1",
  9. expanded_query="select * from test-catalog.db1.t1",
  10. schema=table_schema,
  11. properties={},
  12. comment="This is a view"
  13. )
  14. catalog.create_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), catalog_table, False)
  15. # drop view
  16. catalog.drop_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), False)
  17. # alter view
  18. catalog.alter_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_table, False)
  19. # rename view
  20. catalog.rename_table(ObjectPath("mydb", "myview"), "my_new_view", False)
  21. # get view
  22. catalog.get_table("myview")
  23. # check if a view exist or not
  24. catalog.table_exists("mytable")
  25. # list views in a database
  26. catalog.list_views("mydb")


  1. // create view
  2. catalog.createPartition(
  3. new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  4. new CatalogPartitionSpec(...),
  5. new CatalogPartitionImpl(...),
  6. false);
  7. // drop partition
  8. catalog.dropPartition(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogPartitionSpec(...), false);
  9. // alter partition
  10. catalog.alterPartition(
  11. new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  12. new CatalogPartitionSpec(...),
  13. new CatalogPartitionImpl(...),
  14. false);
  15. // get partition
  16. catalog.getPartition(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogPartitionSpec(...));
  17. // check if a partition exist or not
  18. catalog.partitionExists(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogPartitionSpec(...));
  19. // list partitions of a table
  20. catalog.listPartitions(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"));
  21. // list partitions of a table under a give partition spec
  22. catalog.listPartitions(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), new CatalogPartitionSpec(...));
  23. // list partitions of a table by expression filter
  24. catalog.listPartitions(new ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), Arrays.asList(epr1, ...));
  1. from pyflink.table.catalog import ObjectPath, CatalogPartitionSpec, CatalogPartition
  2. catalog_partition = CatalogPartition.create_instance({}, "my partition")
  3. catalog_partition_spec = CatalogPartitionSpec({"third": "2010", "second": "bob"})
  4. catalog.create_partition(
  5. ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  6. catalog_partition_spec,
  7. catalog_partition,
  8. False)
  9. # drop partition
  10. catalog.drop_partition(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_partition_spec, False)
  11. # alter partition
  12. catalog.alter_partition(
  13. ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"),
  14. CatalogPartitionSpec(...),
  15. catalog_partition,
  16. False)
  17. # get partition
  18. catalog.get_partition(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_partition_spec)
  19. # check if a partition exist or not
  20. catalog.partition_exists(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_partition_spec)
  21. # list partitions of a table
  22. catalog.list_partitions(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"))
  23. # list partitions of a table under a give partition spec
  24. catalog.list_partitions(ObjectPath("mydb", "mytable"), catalog_partition_spec)


  1. // create function
  2. catalog.createFunction(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), new CatalogFunctionImpl(...), false);
  3. // drop function
  4. catalog.dropFunction(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), false);
  5. // alter function
  6. catalog.alterFunction(new ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), new CatalogFunctionImpl(...), false);
  7. // get function
  8. catalog.getFunction("myfunc");
  9. // check if a function exist or not
  10. catalog.functionExists("myfunc");
  11. // list functions in a database
  12. catalog.listFunctions("mydb");
  1. from pyflink.table.catalog import ObjectPath, CatalogFunction
  2. catalog_function = CatalogFunction.create_instance(class_name="my.python.udf")
  3. # create function
  4. catalog.create_function(ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), catalog_function, False)
  5. # drop function
  6. catalog.drop_function(ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), False)
  7. # alter function
  8. catalog.alter_function(ObjectPath("mydb", "myfunc"), catalog_function, False)
  9. # get function
  10. catalog.get_function("myfunc")
  11. # check if a function exist or not
  12. catalog.function_exists("myfunc")
  13. # list functions in a database
  14. catalog.list_functions("mydb")

通过 Table API 和 SQL Client 操作 Catalog

注册 Catalog

用户可以访问默认创建的内存 Catalog default_catalog,这个 Catalog 默认拥有一个默认数据库 default_database。 用户也可以注册其他的 Catalog 到现有的 Flink 会话中。

  1. tableEnv.registerCatalog(new CustomCatalog("myCatalog"));
  1. t_env.register_catalog(catalog)

使用 YAML 定义的 Catalog 必须提供 type 属性,以表示指定的 Catalog 类型。 以下几种类型可以直接使用。

CatalogType Value
  1. catalogs:
  2. - name: myCatalog
  3. type: custom_catalog
  4. hive-conf-dir: ...

修改当前的 Catalog 和数据库

Flink 始终在当前的 Catalog 和数据库中寻找表、视图和 UDF。

  1. tableEnv.useCatalog("myCatalog");
  2. tableEnv.useDatabase("myDb");
  1. t_env.use_catalog("myCatalog")
  2. t_env.use_database("myDb")
  1. Flink SQL> USE CATALOG myCatalog;
  2. Flink SQL> USE myDB;

通过提供全限定名 catalog.database.object 来访问不在当前 Catalog 中的元数据信息。

  1. tableEnv.from("not_the_current_catalog.not_the_current_db.my_table");
  1. t_env.from_path("not_the_current_catalog.not_the_current_db.my_table")
  1. Flink SQL> SELECT * FROM not_the_current_catalog.not_the_current_db.my_table;

列出可用的 Catalog

  1. tableEnv.listCatalogs();
  1. t_env.list_catalogs()
  1. Flink SQL> show catalogs;


  1. tableEnv.listDatabases();
  1. t_env.list_databases()
  1. Flink SQL> show databases;


  1. tableEnv.listTables();
  1. t_env.list_tables()
  1. Flink SQL> show tables;