MatrixDB Deployment

MatrixDB (equal to Greenplum 7+ Time-Series database) deployment

Currently, MatrixDB uses PostgreSQL 12 kernel, while native Greenplum uses 9.6 kernels, so MatrixDB is used instead of Greenplum implementation, and Greenplum support will be added later.

E-R Model

MatrixDB is logically divided into two parts, Master and Segments, composed of PostgreSQL instances, divided into four categories: Master/Standby/Primary/Mirror.

  • Master is the port directly accessed by the user to take over queries. There is only one MatrixDB deployment, usually deployed using a standalone node.
  • Standby is a physical replica of the Master instance, which takes over when the Master fails and is usually deployed using a standalone node, which is optional.
  • A MatrixDB deployment typically has multiple Segments, each of which consists of a mandatory primary instance and an optional mirror instance.
  • The segment’s primary is responsible for the actual storage and computation, and the mirror does not carry the read and write traffic. It takes over for the primary when the primary is down, usually distributed on different nodes from the primary.
  • MatrixDB installation wizard determines the distribution of primary and mirror of Segment, and there may be different Segment instances on Segments nodes of the cluster.

Deployment conventions

  • Master cluster (master/standby) (gp_role = master) constitutes a PostgreSQL cluster, usually named to contain mdw, e.g., mx-mdw.
  • Each Segment (primary/mirror) (gp_role = segment) constitutes a PostgreSQL cluster, usually named with seg, e.g., mx-seg1, mx-seg2.
  • The user should explicitly name the cluster nodes, e.g., mx-sdw-1, mx-sdw-2, …


The RPM pkgs for MatrixDB & Greenplum are not part of the standard Pigsty deployment and will not be placed in the default pkg.tgz.

The RPM pkgs for MatrixDB & Greenplum and their complete dependencies will be packaged as a separate offline pkg matrix.tgz.

You can add new matrix sources to the Pigsty meta node.

  1. # Download Address(Github):
  2. # Download Address(China CDN):
  3. # Download the script on the meta node, under the pigsty dir, directly using the download matrix to download and unzip
  4. ./download matrix

This command creates a /www/matrix.repo file, which by default you can access at http://pigsty/matrix.repo to get the repo, which points to the http://pigsty/matrix.


The MatrixDB / Greenplum installation will reuse the PGSQL tasks and config with the exclusive config parameters gp_role and pg_instances.

The config file pigsty-mxdb.yml gives a sample deployment of MatrixDB in a four-node sandbox.

  1. Using `configure -m mxdb` will automatically use this config file as a template.
  2. ./configure -m mxdb

This config file node_repo_local_urls adds the new Yum repo, and http://pigsty/matrix.repo ensures that all nodes access Matrix Repo.


Deploy MatrixDB in a four-node sandbox. Note. Otherwise, the default will be to use DBSU mxadmin:mxadmin as the monitoring username and password.

  1. # If you deploy MatrixDB Master on a meta node, add the no_cmdb option; otherwise, install it normally.
  2. ./infra.yml -e no_cmdb=true
  3. # Configure all nodes for MatrixDB installation
  4. ./nodes.yml
  5. # Install MatrixDB on the above node
  6. ./pigsty-matrixdb.yml

Once the installation is complete, you need to complete the next installation through the WEB UI provided by MatrixDB. Open http://mx.pigsty or visit and fill in pigsty-matrixdb.yml with the initial user password output at the end to enter the installation wizard.

Follow the prompts to add the MatrixDB nodes:,,, click Confirm Installation and proceed to the next step.

Monitoring uses mxadmin:mxadmin as the monitoring username password by default. Please fill in mxadmin or your password.

If a different password was specified in the installation wizard, change the pg_monitor_username and pg_monitor_password variables (using another user than dbsu, additional HBAs will usually need to be configured on all instances as well).

Note that the logic for MatrixDB / Greenplum to assign Segments on nodes is currently uncertain. Once initialization is complete, you can modify the definition of Segment instances in pg_instances and redeploy monitoring to reflect the true topology.


Finally, manually execute the following command on the Greenplum/MatrixDB Master node to allow the monitoring component to access the replica and restart it to take effect.

  1. sudo su - mxadmin
  2. psql postgres -c "ALTER SYSTEM SET hot_standby = on;" # Configure hot_standby=on to allow queries from the replica
  3. gpconfig -c hot_standby -v on -m on # Configure hot_standby=on to allow queries from the replica
  4. gpstop -a -r -M immediate # Restart MatrixDB immediately to take effect

All MatrixDB clusters can then be observed from the monitoring system. The MatrixDB Dashboard provides an overview of the overall monitoring of the data warehouse.


You can treat MatrixDB’s Master cluster as a standard PostgreSQL cluster and use pgsql-createdb with pgsql-createuser to create a business database with users.

  1. bin/createuser mx-mdw dbuser_monitor # Create a monitoring user on Master
  2. bin/createdb mx-mdw matrixmgr # Create a dedicated database for monitoring on the Master
  3. bin/createdb mx-mdw meta # Create a new database on the Master

Last modified 2022-06-20: add timescaledb (3c335f4)