
OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple

OpenFaaS Logo

OpenFaaS® makes it easy for developers to deploy event-driven functions and microservices to Kubernetes without repetitive, boiler-plate coding. Package your code or an existing binary in a Docker image to get a highly scalable endpoint with auto-scaling and metrics.

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  • Open source functions framework - run it on any cloud without fear of lock-in
  • Write functions in any language and package them in Docker/OCI-format containers
  • Easy to use - built-in UI, powerful CLI and one-click installation
  • Scale as you go - handle spikes in traffic, and scale down when idle
  • Active community - contribute and belong


See also: Tech stack & layers & Preparing for production

Online training

  • Our Official eBook: Serverless For Everyone Else

    In Serverless For Everyone Else, you’ll gain a working knowledge of the value and use-cases of serverless functions. You’ll then build your own with Node.js and learn how to secure and monitor them. Learn directly from the OpenFaaS Founder.

    eBook cover

    Get the eBook and training video on Gumroad

  • Training course from the LinuxFoundation: Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes

    This training course “Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes” written by the project founder and commissioned by the LinuxFoundation provides an overview of what you need to know to build functions and operate OpenFaaS on public cloud.

    Training course: Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes

  • Self-paced workshop written by the community on GitHub

    You may also like to try the self-paced workshop on GitHub written by the OpenFaaS community

    Browse the workshop

Support & getting help

Become a Sponsor

How is OpenFaaS funded?

OpenFaaS is free and open-source. As an end-user, supporter or commercial company, you can become a sponsor and get unique benefits, whilst also supporting the project and community.

You can access exclusive updates, discounts, news and tutorials through the The Treasure Trove Portal with over 80 updates from the OpenFaaS Founder going back to 2019.



Pictured: API gateway portal - designed for ease of use

Deploy OpenFaaS to Kubernetes, OpenShift, or faasd deployment guides

Video presentations


OpenFaaS has a thriving community of Open Source contributors and users.

Have you written a blog about OpenFaaS? Send a Pull Request to the community page below.

If you’d like to join OpenFaaS community Slack channel to chat with contributors or get some help - then fill out the Google Forms page

Users of OpenFaaS

Several dozen end-user companies have given permission for their logo to be used on, you can find specific information about use-cases in the file and on the OpenFaaS blog.

If you are using OpenFaaS for internal or production use, please feel free to send a pull request to the file, to email or to comment on this issue.


OpenFaaS is written in Golang and contributions are welcomed from end-users and the community. It could mean providing feedback through testing features, proposing enhancements, or getting involved with the maintenance of almost to 40 projects.

If you would like to contribute to the documentation site or find out more check out the docs repo.

Grafana dashboards

Example of a Grafana dashboards linked to OpenFaaS showing auto-scaling live in action: here

Introduction - 图6

An alternative community dashboard is available here


The core of OpenFaaS is an independent open-source project originally created by Alex Ellis in 2016. It is now being built and shaped by a growing community of contributors and end-users.

OpenFaaS is hosted by OpenFaaS Ltd (registration: 11076587), a company which also offers commercial services, homepage sponsorships, and support. OpenFaaS ® is a registered trademark in England and Wales.