PublicEnhencementService (PS) architecture design

PublicEnhancementService (PS): Public enhancement service, a module that provides functions such as unified configuration management, context service, physical library, data source management, microservice management, and historical task query for other microservice modules.

Overview - 图1

Introduction to the second-level module:

It is the linkis material management system, which is mainly used to store various file data of users, including user scripts, resource files, third-party Jar packages, etc., and can also store class libraries that need to be used when the engine runs.

Core ClassCore Function
UploadServiceProvide resource upload service
DownloadServiceProvide resource download service
ResourceManagerProvides a unified management entry for uploading and downloading resources
VersionManagerProvides resource version marking and version management functions
ProjectManagerProvides project-level resource management and control capabilities

Configuration provides a “user-engine-application” three-level configuration management solution, which provides users with the function of configuring custom engine parameters under various access applications.

Core ClassCore Function
CategoryServiceProvides management services for application and engine catalogs
ConfigurationServiceProvides a unified management service for user configuration

ContextService is used to solve the problem of data and information sharing across multiple systems in a data application development process.

Core ClassCore Function
ContextCacheServiceProvides a cache service for context information
ContextClientProvides the ability for other microservices to interact with the CSServer group
ContextHAManagerProvide high-availability capabilities for ContextService
ListenerManagerThe ability to provide a message bus
ContextSearchProvides query entry
ContextServiceImplements the overall execution logic of the context service

Datasource provides the ability to connect to different data sources for other microservices.

Core ClassCore Function
datasource-serverProvide the ability to connect to different data sources

InstanceLabel provides registration and labeling functions for other microservices connected to linkis.

Core ClassCore Function
InsLabelServiceProvides microservice registration and label management functions

Jobhistory provides users with linkis historical task query, progress, log display related functions, and provides a unified historical task view for administrators.

Core ClassCore Function
JobHistoryQueryServiceProvide historical task query service

Variable provides users with functions related to the storage and use of custom variables.

Core ClassCore Function
VariableServiceProvides functions related to the storage and use of custom variables

UDF provides users with the function of custom functions, which can be introduced by users when writing code.

Core ClassCore Function
UDFServiceProvide user-defined function service