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It’s generally used in one time delivery only without continuous management scenario.

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: apply-once-app
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: hello-world
  8. type: webservice
  9. properties:
  10. image: oamdev/hello-world
  11. traits:
  12. - type: scaler
  13. properties:
  14. replicas: 1
  15. policies:
  16. - name: apply-once
  17. type: apply-once
  18. properties:
  19. enable: true
enable当设置为 true 时,表示只交付部署、不保证终态一致、允许配置漂移。boolfalsefalse
strategySpecify the strategy for configuring the resource level configuration drift behaviour。strategytrue
oamTypes按 OAM 概念,组件(COMPONENT) 或 运维特征(TRAIT) 筛选。[]stringfalse
traitTypes按 trait 类型选择目标资源。[]stringfalse
affectWhen the strategy takes effect,e.g. onUpdate、onStateKeep。stringfalse

为应用配置资源回收策略。 如配置资源不回收。

It’s used in garbage collection scenario. It can be used to configure the collection policy, e.g. don’t delete the legacy resources when updating.

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: first-vela-app
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: express-server
  8. type: webservice
  9. properties:
  10. image: oamdev/hello-world
  11. port: 8000
  12. traits:
  13. - type: ingress-1-20
  14. properties:
  15. domain: testsvc.example.com
  16. http:
  17. "/": 8000
  18. policies:
  19. - name: keep-legacy-resource
  20. type: garbage-collect
  21. properties:
  22. keepLegacyResource: true
  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: garbage-collect-app
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: hello-world-new
  8. type: webservice
  9. properties:
  10. image: oamdev/hello-world
  11. traits:
  12. - type: expose
  13. properties:
  14. port: [8000]
  15. policies:
  16. - name: garbage-collect
  17. type: garbage-collect
  18. properties:
  19. rules:
  20. - selector:
  21. traitTypes:
  22. - expose
  23. strategy: onAppDelete
keepLegacyResource如果为 true,过时的版本化 resource tracker 将不会自动回收。 过时的资源将被保留,直到手动删除 resource tracker。boolfalsefalse
strategy目标资源循环利用的策略。 可用值:never、onAppDelete、onAppUpdate。“onAppUpdate” or “onAppDelete” or “never”falseonAppUpdate
oamTypes按 OAM 概念,组件(COMPONENT) 或 运维特征(TRAIT) 筛选。[]stringfalse
traitTypes按 trait 类型选择目标资源。[]stringfalse

Apply periodical health checking to the application。

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-app-rollout
  5. namespace: default
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: hello-world-server
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: crccheck/hello-world
  12. ports:
  13. - port: 8000
  14. expose: true
  15. type: webservice
  16. policies:
  17. - name: health-policy-demo
  18. type: health
  19. properties:
  20. probeInterval: 5
  21. probeTimeout: 10
probeTimeoutSpecify health checking timeout(seconds), default 10s。intfalse10
probeIntervalSpecify health checking interval(seconds), default 30s。intfalse30

描述部署资源时要覆盖的配置,需要配合工作流的 deploy 步骤一起使用才能生效。

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: deploy-with-override
  5. namespace: examples
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: nginx-with-override
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: nginx
  12. policies:
  13. - name: topology-hangzhou-clusters
  14. type: topology
  15. properties:
  16. clusterLabelSelector:
  17. region: hangzhou
  18. - name: topology-local
  19. type: topology
  20. properties:
  21. clusters: ["local"]
  22. namespace: examples-alternative
  23. - name: override-nginx-legacy-image
  24. type: override
  25. properties:
  26. components:
  27. - name: nginx-with-override
  28. properties:
  29. image: nginx:1.20
  30. - name: override-high-availability
  31. type: override
  32. properties:
  33. components:
  34. - type: webservice
  35. traits:
  36. - type: scaler
  37. properties:
  38. replicas: 3
  39. workflow:
  40. steps:
  41. - type: deploy
  42. name: deploy-local
  43. properties:
  44. policies: ["topology-local"]
  45. - type: deploy
  46. name: deploy-hangzhou
  47. properties:
  48. policies: ["topology-hangzhou-clusters", "override-nginx-legacy-image", "override-high-availability"]
  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: advance-override
  5. namespace: examples
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: nginx-advance-override-legacy
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: nginx:1.20
  12. - name: nginx-advance-override-latest
  13. type: webservice
  14. properties:
  15. image: nginx
  16. policies:
  17. - name: topology-hangzhou-clusters
  18. type: topology
  19. properties:
  20. clusterLabelSelector:
  21. region: hangzhou
  22. - name: topology-local
  23. type: topology
  24. properties:
  25. clusters: ["local"]
  26. namespace: examples-alternative
  27. - name: override-nginx-legacy
  28. type: override
  29. properties:
  30. selector: ["nginx-advance-override-legacy"]
  31. - name: override-nginx-latest
  32. type: override
  33. properties:
  34. selector: ["nginx-advance-override-latest", "nginx-advance-override-stable"]
  35. components:
  36. - name: nginx-advance-override-stable
  37. type: webservice
  38. properties:
  39. image: nginx:stable
  40. workflow:
  41. steps:
  42. - type: deploy
  43. name: deploy-local
  44. properties:
  45. policies: ["topology-local", "override-nginx-legacy"]
  46. - type: deploy
  47. name: deploy-hangzhou
  48. properties:
  49. policies: ["topology-hangzhou-clusters", "override-nginx-latest"]
selector要使用的组件名称列表。 如果未设置,将使用所有组件。[]stringfalse
name要覆盖的组件的名称。 如果未设置,它将匹配具有指定类型的所有组件。 可以与通配符 * 一起使用以进行模糊匹配。。stringfalse
type要覆盖的组件的类型。 如果未设置,将匹配所有组件类型。stringfalse
traits要覆盖的 trait 配置列表。[]traitsfalse
type要做参数覆盖的 trait 类型。stringtrue
disable如果为 true,该 trait 将被删除,默认 false。boolfalsefalse

Configure the resources to be read-only in the application (no update / state-keep)。

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: read-only
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: busybox
  8. type: worker
  9. properties:
  10. image: busybox
  11. cmd:
  12. - sleep
  13. - '1000000'
  14. policies:
  15. - type: read-only
  16. name: read-only
  17. properties:
  18. rules:
  19. - selector:
  20. resourceTypes: ["Deployment"]
rulesSpecify the list of rules to control read only strategy at resource level。[]rulesfalse
oamTypes按 OAM 概念,组件(COMPONENT) 或 运维特征(TRAIT) 筛选。[]stringfalse
traitTypes按 trait 类型选择目标资源。[]stringfalse

Describe the configuration to replicate components when deploying resources, it only works with specified deploy step in workflow。

In KubeVela, we can dispatch resources across the clusters. But projects like OpenYurt have finer-grained division like node pool. This requires to dispatch some similar resources to the same cluster. These resources are called replication. Back to the example of OpenYurt, it can integrate KubeVela and replicate the resources then dispatch them to the different node pool.

Replication is an internal policy. It can be only used with deploy workflow step. When using replication policy. A new field replicaKey will be added to context. User can use definitions that make use of context.replicaKey. For example, apply a replica-webservice ComponentDefinition.

In this ComponentDefinition, we can use context.replicaKey to distinguish the name of Deployment and Service.

NOTE: ComponentDefinition below is trimmed for brevity. See complete YAML in replication.yaml

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: ComponentDefinition
  3. metadata:
  4. annotations:
  5. definition.oam.dev/description: Webservice, but can be replicated
  6. name: replica-webservice
  7. namespace: vela-system
  8. spec:
  9. schematic:
  10. cue:
  11. template: |
  12. output: {
  13. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
  14. kind: "Deployment"
  15. metadata: {
  16. if context.replicaKey != _|_ {
  17. name: context.name + "-" + context.replicaKey
  18. }
  19. if context.replicaKey == _|_ {
  20. name: context.name
  21. }
  22. }
  23. spec: {
  24. selector: matchLabels: {
  25. "app.oam.dev/component": context.name
  26. if context.replicaKey != _|_ {
  27. "app.oam.dev/replicaKey": context.replicaKey
  28. }
  29. }
  30. template: {
  31. metadata: {
  32. labels: {
  33. if parameter.labels != _|_ {
  34. parameter.labels
  35. }
  36. if parameter.addRevisionLabel {
  37. "app.oam.dev/revision": context.revision
  38. }
  39. "app.oam.dev/name": context.appName
  40. "app.oam.dev/component": context.name
  41. if context.replicaKey != _|_ {
  42. "app.oam.dev/replicaKey": context.replicaKey
  43. }
  44. }
  45. if parameter.annotations != _|_ {
  46. annotations: parameter.annotations
  47. }
  48. }
  49. }
  50. }
  51. }
  52. outputs: {
  53. if len(exposePorts) != 0 {
  54. webserviceExpose: {
  55. apiVersion: "v1"
  56. kind: "Service"
  57. metadata: {
  58. if context.replicaKey != _|_ {
  59. name: context.name + "-" + context.replicaKey
  60. }
  61. if context.replicaKey == _|_ {
  62. name: context.name
  63. }
  64. }
  65. spec: {
  66. selector: {
  67. "app.oam.dev/component": context.name
  68. if context.replicaKey != _|_ {
  69. "app.oam.dev/replicaKey": context.replicaKey
  70. }
  71. }
  72. ports: exposePorts
  73. type: parameter.exposeType
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }
  77. }

Then user can apply application below. Replication policy is declared in application.spec.policies. These policies are used in deploy-with-rep workflow step. They work together to influence the deploy step.

  • override: select hello-rep component to deploy.
  • topology: select cluster local to deploy.
  • replication: select hello-rep component to replicate.

As a result, there will be two Deployments and two Services:

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: app-replication-policy
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: hello-rep
  8. type: replica-webservice
  9. properties:
  10. image: crccheck/hello-world
  11. ports:
  12. - port: 80
  13. expose: true
  14. policies:
  15. - name: comp-to-replicate
  16. type: override
  17. properties:
  18. selector: [ "hello-rep" ]
  19. - name: target-default
  20. type: topology
  21. properties:
  22. clusters: [ "local" ]
  23. - name: replication-default
  24. type: replication
  25. properties:
  26. keys: ["beijing","hangzhou"]
  27. selector: ["hello-rep"]
  28. workflow:
  29. steps:
  30. - name: deploy-with-rep
  31. type: deploy
  32. properties:
  33. policies: ["comp-to-replicate","target-default","replication-default"]
  1. kubectl get deploy -n default
  3. hello-rep-beijing 1/1 1 1 5s
  4. hello-rep-hangzhou 1/1 1 1 5s
  5. kubectl get service -n default
  7. hello-rep-hangzhou ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 41s
  8. hello-rep-beijing ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 12s
keysSpicify the keys of replication. Every key coresponds to a replication components。[]stringtrue
selectorSpecify the components which will be replicated。[]stringfalse

Configure the resources to be sharable across applications。

It’s used in shared-resource scenario. It can be used to configure which resources can be shared between applications. The target resource will allow multiple application to read it but only the first one to be able to write it.

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: app1
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: ns1
  8. type: k8s-objects
  9. properties:
  10. objects:
  11. - apiVersion: v1
  12. kind: Namespace
  13. metadata:
  14. name: example
  15. - name: cm1
  16. type: k8s-objects
  17. properties:
  18. objects:
  19. - apiVersion: v1
  20. kind: ConfigMap
  21. metadata:
  22. name: cm1
  23. namespace: example
  24. data:
  25. key: value1
  26. policies:
  27. - name: shared-resource
  28. type: shared-resource
  29. properties:
  30. rules:
  31. - selector:
  32. resourceTypes: ["Namespace"]
  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: app2
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: ns2
  8. type: k8s-objects
  9. properties:
  10. objects:
  11. - apiVersion: v1
  12. kind: Namespace
  13. metadata:
  14. name: example
  15. - name: cm2
  16. type: k8s-objects
  17. properties:
  18. objects:
  19. - apiVersion: v1
  20. kind: ConfigMap
  21. metadata:
  22. name: cm2
  23. namespace: example
  24. data:
  25. key: value2
  26. policies:
  27. - name: shared-resource
  28. type: shared-resource
  29. properties:
  30. rules:
  31. - selector:
  32. resourceTypes: ["Namespace"]
rulesSpecify the list of rules to control shared-resource strategy at resource level。[]rulesfalse
oamTypes按 OAM 概念,组件(COMPONENT) 或 运维特征(TRAIT) 筛选。[]stringfalse
traitTypes按 trait 类型选择目标资源。[]stringfalse

Configure the resources to be able to take over when it belongs to no application。

  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: take-over
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: busybox
  8. type: k8s-objects
  9. properties:
  10. objects:
  11. - apiVersion: apps/v1
  12. kind: Deployment
  13. metadata:
  14. name: busybox-ref
  15. policies:
  16. - type: take-over
  17. name: take-over
  18. properties:
  19. rules:
  20. - selector:
  21. resourceTypes: ["Deployment"]
rulesSpecify the list of rules to control take over strategy at resource level。[]rulesfalse
oamTypes按 OAM 概念,组件(COMPONENT) 或 运维特征(TRAIT) 筛选。[]stringfalse
traitTypes按 trait 类型选择目标资源。[]stringfalse


  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: basic-topology
  5. namespace: examples
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: nginx-basic
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: nginx
  12. policies:
  13. - name: topology-hangzhou-clusters
  14. type: topology
  15. properties:
  16. clusters: ["hangzhou-1", "hangzhou-2"]
  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: label-selector-topology
  5. namespace: examples
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: nginx-label-selector
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: nginx
  12. policies:
  13. - name: topology-hangzhou-clusters
  14. type: topology
  15. properties:
  16. clusterLabelSelector:
  17. region: hangzhou
  1. apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: local-ns-topology
  5. namespace: examples
  6. spec:
  7. components:
  8. - name: nginx-local-ns
  9. type: webservice
  10. properties:
  11. image: nginx
  12. policies:
  13. - name: topology-local
  14. type: topology
  15. properties:
  16. clusters: ["local"]
  17. namespace: examples-alternative
allowEmptyIgnore empty cluster error。boolfalse
clusterSelectorDeprecated: Use clusterLabelSelector instead。map[string]stringfalse
namespace要在选定集群中部署的目标命名空间。 如果未设置,组件将继承原始命名空间。stringfalse

Last updated on 2023年2月9日 by dependabot[bot]