Using Cloud Filestore

Using Cloud Filestore with Kubeflow

This guide describes how to set up and use Cloud Filestore with Kubeflow onGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP).

About Cloud Filestore

Cloud File Store is a fully managed NFS offering.Cloud Filestore is very useful for creating a shared filesystem that can be mounted into pods such as Jupyter.

Before you start

This guide assumes you have already set up Kubeflow on GCP. If you haven’t doneso, follow the guide to deploying Kubeflow on GCP.

The instructions below assume that the ${KFAPP} environment variable containsthe name (not the full path) of the directory containing your Kubeflowconfigurations. See theKubeflow deployment guide for details of thisdirectory.

Create a Cloud Filestore instance

Follow these instructions to create a Cloud Filestore instance; if you already have a Cloud Filestore instance you want touse you can skip this section.

Copy the Cloud Filestore deployment manager configs to the gcp_config directory:

  1. cd /<path-to-kubeflow-deployment>/${KFAPP}
  2. cp .cache/${VERSION}/deployment/gke/deployment_manager_configs/gcfs.yaml \
  3. ./gcp_config/

Edit gcfs.yaml to match your desired configuration:

  • Set zone
  • Set name
  • Set the value of parent to include your project e.g.
  1. projects/${PROJECT}/locations/${ZONE}

Using yq:

  1. cd /<path-to-kubeflow-deployment>/${KFAPP}
  2. .
  3. yq -r ".resources[0].properties.instanceId=\"${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}\"" gcp_config/gcfs.yaml > gcp_config/
  4. mv gcp_config/ gcp_config/gcfs.yaml

Apply the changes:

  1. cd /<path-to-kubeflow-deployment>/${KFAPP}/gcp_config
  2. gcloud --project=${PROJECT} deployment-manager deployments create ${KFAPP-NAME}-nfs --config=gcfs.yaml

If you get an error legacy networks are not supported follow the instructionsin the troubleshooting guide.

Create a PV and PVC to mount the filestore.

Create a PVC for Cloud Filestore instance.

Run the following command to get the ip address of the cloud file store instance

  1. gcloud --project=${PROJECT} filestore instances list

The output will be something like the following and give you the IP address of your instance.

  2. mykubeflow-nfs us-east1-d STANDARD 1024 kubeflow READY 2019-05-15T01:23:53

Now follow the instructions Accessing Fileshares from Google Kubernetes to create a PV and PVC.

Using the PVC

With Jupyter

In the UI to create a jupyter notebook you can specify the PVC as an extra data volume.