hawq state

Shows the status of a running HAWQ system.


  1. hawq state
  2. [-b]
  3. [-l <logfile_directory> | --logdir <logfile_directory>]
  4. [(-v | --verbose) | (-q | --quiet)]
  5. hawq state [-h | --help]


The hawq state utility displays information about a running HAWQ instance. A HAWQ system is comprised of multiple PostgreSQL database instances (segments) spanning multiple machines, and the hawq state utility can provide additional status information, such as:

  • Total segment count.
  • Which segments are down.
  • Master and segment configuration information (hosts, data directories, etc.).
  • The ports used by the system.
  • Whether a standby master is present, and if it is active.
  • Whether Ranger authorization is enabled for HAWQ, and if so, the status of the HAWQ Ranger Plug-in Service.


-b (brief status)

Display a brief summary of the state of the HAWQ system. This is the default mode.

-l, —logdir <logfile_directory>

Specifies the directory to check for logfiles. The default is $GPHOME/hawqAdminLogs.

Log files within the directory are named according to the command being invoked, for example: hawq_config_<log_id>.log, hawq_state_<log_id>.log, etc.

-q, —quiet

Run in quiet mode. Except for warning messages, command output is not displayed on the screen. However, this information is still written to the log file.

-v, —verbose

Displays error messages and outputs detailed status and progress information.

-h, —help (help)

Displays the online help.


Show brief status information of a HAWQ system:

  1. $ hawq state -b

Change the log directory from hawqAdminLogs to TodaysLogs.

  1. $ hawq state -l TodaysLogs
  2. $ ls TodaysLogs
  3. hawq_config_20160707.log hawq_init_20160707.log master.initdb

See Also

hawq start, gplogfilter