
Below are instructions for installing the CLI, installed EdgeDB itself, and managing installing.

Install the CLI

To get started with EdgeDB, the first step is install the edgedb CLI.

Linux or macOS

  1. $
  1. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Windows Powershell

  1. PS>
  1. iwr -useb | iex

Follow the prompts on screen to complete the installation. The script will download the edgedb command built for your OS and add a path to it to your shell environment. To test the installation, run edgedb --version from the command line.

  1. $
  1. edgedb --version
  1. EdgeDB CLI 1.x+abcdefg

If you encounter a command not found error, you may need to open a new terminal window before the edgedb command is available.

To install the CLI with a package manager, refer to the “Additional methods” section of the Install page for instructions.

Installing EdgeDB

Once the CLI is installed, you can spin up local instances. The latest version of EdgeDB will be automatically installed whenever you create a new instance.

  1. $
  1. edgedb instance create my_instance
  1. Downloading package...
  2. 00:00:00 [====================] 34.03MiB/34.03MiB 45.41MiB/s | ETA: 0s
  3. Successfully installed 1.x+abcdefg
  4. Initializing EdgeDB instance...
  5. Instance my_instance is up and running.
  6. To connect to the instance run:
  7. edgedb -I my_instance

You don’t need to worry about manually managing EdgeDB installations; just create instances as you need them; EdgeDB will automatically install the latest minor version if you don’t already have it installed.

Once you have the CLI installed, we recommend checking out the Quickstart guide.

Nightly installations

You can also install a nightly build of EdgeDB with the nightly flag.

  1. $
  1. edgedb instance create my_instance --nightly
  1. Downloading package...
  2. 00:00:00 [====================] 34.03MiB/34.03MiB 45.41MiB/s | ETA: 0s
  3. Successfully installed 2.0-dev.6521+1886f44
  4. Initializing EdgeDB instance...
  5. Instance my_instance is up and running.

This installs the nightly build of the upcoming major version (currently 2.0).

View all installed versions

To view all versions of EdgeDB that exist and their installation status:

  1. $
  1. edgedb server list-versions
  1. ┌─────────┬──────────────────────┬───────────┐
  2. Channel Version Installed
  3. stable 1.0+9236fa8
  4. stable 1.1+ab7d5a1
  5. stable 1.2+0f7e719
  6. stable 1.3+804c096
  7. nightly 2.0-dev.6355+e7dd871
  8. └─────────┴──────────────────────┴───────────┘


To uninstall a particular version, pass the Version tag from the table above into the following command.

  1. $
  1. edgedb server uninstall --version 1.1+ab7d5a1
  1. Successfully uninstalled 1 versions.

Or uninstall several versions at once with the following helper flags.

  1. --all Uninstall all versions
  2. --nightly Uninstall nightly versions
  3. --unused Uninstall unused versions

View the edgedb server CLI reference for a comprehensive reference to installation management.