Secret store component specs

The supported secret stores that interface with Dapr

Table captions:

Status: Component certification status

Since: defines from which Dapr Runtime version, the component is in the current status

Component version: defines the version of the component


NameStatusComponent versionSince
Local environment variablesBetav11.0
Local fileBetav11.0
HashiCorp VaultAlphav11.0
Kubernetes secretsGAv11.0

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

NameStatusComponent versionSince
AWS Secrets ManagerAlphav11.0
AWS SSM Parameter StoreAlphav11.1

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

NameStatusComponent versionSince
GCP Secret ManagerAlphav11.0

Microsoft Azure

NameStatusComponent versionSince
Azure Key VaultGAv11.0

Last modified September 20, 2021 : Merge pull request #1800 from greenie-msft/gRPC_proxying_video (36dff3c)